Anytek A1

yeah I'll leave the egg design to others to look after I think ;)

it's quite a task to take something from concept to production, it's a very long road if it's not something you've done before, would really need to know more about the product you had in mind to be able to give you more useful feedback, as a company we've done it for all sorts of products, have been doing ODM business for quite a few years, every project has its challenges, time and money are generally the two biggest hurdles though
I hope the SJ1000 is not the last egg design we ever see.
The world needs more egg shaped devices in these troubled times.

Should've bought this eggy dashcam...



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Ah I'm in egg heaven.

I'm still debating whether to develop my idea to the production stage. The competition is murderous in the consumer electronics arena and I don't know who to trust when revealing the idea.
Ah I'm in egg heaven.

I'm still debating whether to develop my idea to the production stage. The competition is murderous in the consumer electronics arena and I don't know who to trust when revealing the idea.

I can tell you one thing, the marketing and sales channel is what sells the product, don't think just because someone manufacturers it means they could sell it elsewhere and be successful, making something is the simple part of the whole deal, selling it is the challenge

if you have a game changing idea then you need to patent it worldwide before you talk to anyone really, have to say most ideas don't warrant that kind of investment, can't patent an idea though, you need to do drawings, description etc to be able to register patents, we have some patents and it's a long drawn out expensive process

some things you can make and get in and out before you'd even have a patent, things linger too long and someone else will come up with something similar and just make it and not bother about the processes to protect their idea

not wanting to discourage you at all but there is a lot to it
The egg shape is more aerodynamic, which is important for a cam mounted behind a windshield.
Ah I'm in egg heaven.

I'm still debating whether to develop my idea to the production stage. The competition is murderous in the consumer electronics arena and I don't know who to trust when revealing the idea.

It's not for the faint of heart and not something that is cheap.

If you are going to produce in China (realistically if you want to get an okay price that's your only option) you are going to need to either live there or have an employee there.

You are then going to have to tread incredibly carefully and be incredibly patient looking for a manufacturer who:
1) Has the expertise you need
2) Can and will do it on your budget (do not bother unless you have at least 80,000USD or 50,000USD if you can do pcba, firmware, mould design yourself.
3) Won't rip you off
4) Won't take your money and leave you (see point 3)

If you do find one, you are then going to have to:
1) Stay up late. get up early, forget those lie-ins you need to be up at between 10-11am Chinese time (so you are looking at around 12 hours in front of you, but you'll need to stay up until at least 4-5 their time when everything will be sent to you)
2) Chase like crazy - most of your day will be spent making sure everything is going as it should be, you'll need and want to double check most information.
3) When something goes wrong, you will need a solution and fast - in China when things go wrong people tend to stop answering your phone calls and helping you so you will need to be on it.
4) Never take anything at face value - demand samples, and more than one, and test and test.

I could go on and on, but I won't. It's not easy and as you said the competition is murderous. However, if you really want to do it, the best suggestion I can give you is to THINK and PLAN. I know it sounds stupid but when it came to producing our camera ( we had thought about it loads, however, we got the manufacturer we wanted to and on really good terms and we accepted in order not to lose them. However, we had not planned about actually producing the camera and as such the first 6 weeks were hell because we were getting everything sorted and actually doing this. Also, test the market and read, I cannot stress that enough, the better thing might be - to find a design/camera you like and then tweak it massively. If that goes well, go and do your own thing. Also, have support. This is NOT a one man job, you take this on by yourself and you'll burn before you launch. I'm sure @jokiin will back me up on that but this also becomes about your personal welfare as you'll become obsessed with your product you'll neglect yourself.

Anyway I'll stop there. If you do go ahead with it, hit us up or @jokiin as we can at least help you and point you in the right direction. Jokiin has more experience than me, but i'm here to help. I know you may think it weird trusting two manufacturers which I understand, we don't bite, and we won't steal your idea, but if you want to play it even safer, ask us more questions and we can answer.

Thanks for the advice guys.

Before I leave this planet, I have to innovate something into existence (preferably egg shaped) or I won't leave peacefully.

I've worked on electronic products for employers all my life pouring heart & soul into it. But never something for myself. Over the years, one comes to realise that nobody ever gets rich working for someone else.

This drive to innovate however goes way beyond money. I can't describe the feeling inside when I walk past a store or read an article on a product that I had a part in bringing into existence. The feeling I have inside is like the moment of Creation itself. It must feel like how God (if he exists) felt when he created the Universe. There's something mystical & magical about it to me.

I've always had great respect for innovators & inventors. Not just the Nicola Teslas, the Steve Wozniaks, the Elon Musks or the Bill Gates (despite his thieving ways). But any "small time" inventor out there who conjures something out of nothing. They are the real sorcerers that walk this earth without which not one of us workers would have a job.

I've also noticed over the years that they are extremely rare. Talk to 10 engineers and though some may have great knowledge/skill and others the means & connections and still others the drive to create a product - not one in 10 of them will have all 3. Its like playing the one armed bandit at a casino where rarely do you ever see Bar Bar Bar in a line. Best you will ever see is Bar Bar Cherry.

I am fortunate to have the skills necessary to create a product from scratch. All aspects of it from schematics, pcb, firmware, software, cad entirely on my own. I also have good artistic skill which is necessary for product aesthetics. I can build things up to the physical prototype level with 3D printing. Beyond that however, I can't see the road ahead! Being a one man army when it comes to developing a product is a lonely battle I have to say.

I find it insane the sheer number of skills and circumstances that have to align for a person to create a successful product. Its a wonder anyone ever succeeds.

I want to add before I end this message that reading Joo-Vuu's blog on his struggles creating his camera is hugely inspiring. I've read just a couple of it and its had a huge impact. I think its a great idea that he's put it on his website as part of the allure of buying a product (to me at least) is to know the struggles of the magician behind it and how he conjured it into existence.

Anyway sorry for the rambling. Its past my bed time.
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I've also noticed over the years that they are extremely rare. Talk to 10 engineers and though some may have great knowledge/skill and others the means & connections and still others the drive to create a product - not one in 10 of them will have all 3. Its like playing the one armed bandit at a casino where rarely do you ever see Bar Bar Bar in a line. Best you will ever see is Bar Bar Cherry.

I am fortunate to have the skills necessary to create a product from scratch. All aspects of it from schematics, pcb, firmware, software, cad entirely on my own. I also have good artistic skill which is necessary for product aesthetics. I can build things up to the physical prototype level with 3D printing. Beyond that however, I can't see the road ahead! Being a one man army when it comes to developing a product is a lonely battle I have to say.

I find it insane the sheer number of skills and circumstances that have to align for a person to create a successful product. Its a wonder anyone ever succeeds.

just confirms what you already know, you need to work with other people, one man show can't pull it off and expect to live to tell the tale