b1w after 45 mins constantly says sd card low speed?

The same happens to me and according to store009 and SawMaster, the problem is with the SD (SanDisk extreme pro 64GB) .... But the most curious thing is that the same SD works without problems recording continuous video from the camera at 3840 x 2160 (4K UHD) 30p ... It's funny, right?
not funny at all, different devices have different memory handling requirements
not funny at all, different devices have different memory handling requirements
The writing speed requirements are much higher in the case of the camera than the BW1 needs. It could be that the camera had a very large write buffer, but in that case the access LED to the SD would continue on after finishing the recording and that does not happen. Apart from this, the benchmarks I have made indicate correct read / write speeds and recording space in perfect condition .... it is curious right? In short, my card only fails with the B1W. They must be incompatible .... :) The problem with this is that after doing a reasonable amount of verification with the SD, which indicates that its operation is correct, the problem remains with the SD. It seems that nobody doubts the infallibility of the B1W. It is the perfect machine ....

Los requisitos de velocidad de escritura son mucho más altos en el caso de la cámara que los que necesita la BW1. Podría ser que la cámara tuviera un búfer de escritura muy grande, pero en ese caso el LED de acceso a la SD continuaría después de terminar la grabación y eso no sucede. Aparte de esto, los puntos de referencia que he hecho indican velocidades correctas de lectura / escritura y espacio de grabación en perfecto estado ... es curioso ¿verdad? En resumen, mi tarjeta solo falla con el B1W. Deben ser incompatibles ... :) El problema con esto es que después de hacer una verificación razonable con la SD, lo que indica que su funcionamiento es correcto, el problema continúa con la SD. Parece que nadie duda de la infalibilidad del B1W. Es la máquina perfecta ...

Enviado desde mi ALP-L09 mediante Tapatalk
They must be incompatible .... :) The problem with this is that after doing a reasonable amount of verification with the SD, which indicates that its operation is correct, the problem remains with the SD. It seems that nobody doubts the infallibility of the B1W. It is the perfect machine ....
go out and buy one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/B07C9PVLN8 it will pass all the tests for read and write speed yet in a dashcam it performs poorly where other cards have no issues
go out and buy one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/B07C9PVLN8 it will pass all the tests for read and write speed yet in a dashcam it performs poorly where other cards have no issues
Are you saying that is the specific card we need? Or to NOT get that card because it says it should be enough, but it isn't?
Are you saying that is the specific card we need? Or to NOT get that card because it says it should be enough, but it isn't?
no, I'm saying that card is a poor choice, it will pass all the tests, it just won't work well in a dashcam, just because they pass a benchmark programs test doesn't mean they're suitable

if you want a card for a B1W best to ask @estore009 which are the preferred models to buy, they know the product better than anyone else
According to the users' feedback, use the Samsung Evo card or SanDisk Ultra A1 card.
According to the users' feedback, use the Samsung Evo card or SanDisk Ultra A1 card.

Curiosities increase ..... Do you mean this one? It was the first card that gave me the same error. Now I have it on my mobile phone and it works great. Then I bought the sandisk extreme pro because theoretically it has better features and I thought I would have no problems, but it has given the same error. You may find another phone to put it on. And now that....? . Does anyone think that the error could be from the camera or will I have to buy a dozen SD to prove it?

Aumentan las curiosidades..... ¿Te refieres a esta? Fue la primera tarjeta en la que me dio este mismo error. Ahora la tengo puesta en el teléfono móvil y funciona estupendamente. A continuación compré la sandisk extreme pro porque teóricamente tiene mejores prestaciones y pensé que no tendría problemas, pero ha dado el mismo error. Quizás encuentre otro teléfono donde ponerla. ¿Y ahora qué....? . ¿Se le pasa a alguien por la cabeza que el error podría ser de la cámara o tendré que comprar una docena de SD para demostrarlo?
Curiosities increase ..... Do you mean this one? It was the first card that gave me the same error.
Yes, this card is within our recommendation list! And strongly recommended to check for video footage and then format the memory card regularly to ensure reliable recording.
Yes, this card is within our recommendation list! And strongly recommended to check for video footage and then format the memory card regularly to ensure reliable recording.

Already. And the camera can also be formatted regularly so that it works correctly? They are determined to say that the problem is the SD and I am sure they are wrong.
Ya. ¿Y la cámara, también se puede formatear regularmente para que funcionefuncione correctamente? Están empeñados en decir que el problema es de la SD y estoy caso seguro de que se equivocan.
If you have tried more than one of the recommended cards that are known to be genuine and the power supply is confirmed as good then it's likely an issue with the camera, speak to the seller about getting it sorted
OK, as I said I'm back with testing results. The Samsung EVO Select in 64GB size performs flawlessly as did 2 different 32GB versions, but the same card in 128GB size gives me trouble. And that is with 2 different 128GB cards which were probably from different manufacturing batches. Yet all these cards perform flawlessly in every other cam I have, they all test at 100%, and some of my cams record at a higher bitrate than the B1W does. Hot or cool temps don't eliminate the issue but it does seem to happen more frequently in higher heats. Some other B1W owner use these exact same cards without any problems.

It has always been a thing that dashcams prefer certain cards to ensure trouble-free recording. It has always been a thing that different cams sometimes don't like cards which work fine in other cams. And occasionally a cam or two won't like cards which perform flawlessly in everyone else's exact same cam. Nothing new in this.

But the percentage of problems found here far exceed what we've seen in the past, which leads me to believe that this is something different happening with this cam. My memory isn't the best but IIRC this wasn't a problem with earlier production (or at least not at such high percentages) and if that is correct then it's likely not going to be hardware-related. Old and new cams seem to be equally afflicted with many different firmwares being used. I spent a couple hours going back through the old threads here to see if I could find a point where this problem began with little success. And it's happening with many different card types and sizes which work well in many other cams having higher bitrates so it seems the cards alone can't be entirely at fault or I'd have similar failures in my other cams.

My conclusion:
I don't know how low card speed is sensed and processed but if it's firmware-controlled it would be a relatively simple matter to have the engineers turn that function off and see what the results are- perhaps the cam will still record normally? I do like the concept that this cam will tell us when there's a problem but if it can't be done without error I'd rather have that switched off as long as it records properly that way. I would like to hear from @estore009 that their engineers are at least investigating this issue and trying to replicate it, which given it's prevalence should not be hard to do.

I don't mind buying a SanDisk Extreme card to get the added recording time of a 128GB card and I plan to try that when I next order cards if the price is right. I just hope that works out since I don't have a limitless budget for this!

Funny people get this low speed MSG, i have never heard my B1W say that, and its not like i use particular fast cards, as i recall i think most of the time i used a trancend 400 X card in the B1W
Funny people get this low speed MSG, i have never heard my B1W say that, and its not like i use particular fast cards, as i recall i think most of the time i used a trancend 400 X card in the B1W
You don't need a fast card, you need a card that will maintain a reasonable speed. I have heard the message when I put an old Lexar card in the B1W, works fine with a Samsung Evo 64GB. I suspect some batches of Samsung Evo 128GB are sometimes a bit slow.

My most consistent 128GB card is a Viofo MLC card, that is both fast and consistent, and should have a long lifespan.
I think i have only used that trancend - my 128 Gb Toshiba exceria M302 i think its called U3 card, and then the 128GB Samsung evo plus.
My conclusion: I don't know how low card speed is sensed and processed but if it's firmware-controlled it would be a relatively simple matter to have the engineers turn that function off and see what the results are- perhaps the cam will still record normally? I do like the concept that this cam will tell us when there's a problem but if it can't be done without error I'd rather have that switched off as long as it records properly that way. I would like to hear from @estore009 that their engineers are at least investigating this issue and trying to replicate it, which given it's prevalence should not be hard to do.
Please, do this guys. I'm on my second card (currently Samsung EVO 128GB btw) and still getting this error at least couple of times per week.

I've done the test suggested by estore009, right after the error without formatting the card and no error or low speed was found so I feel it's something within the software. The best way that these errors are handled is probably create new file and retry writing. For a dash camera it's essential to have as much video recorded as possible so even if it has a temporary problem it's better to skip a second and continue than to stop recording completely. It's clear to everyone that the error is false positive most of the time.
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You don't need a fast card, you need a card that will maintain a reasonable speed.
I understand this, yet the same cards which fail here record flawlessly in other cams with higher bitrates so the card must be maintaining a reasonable speed.

I suspect some batches of Samsung Evo 128GB are sometimes a bit slow.
That's a possibility. My 128GB cards are at best from 2 different batches but it could be one. I bought both which I tried from Amazon several weeks apart, yet others have reported flawless functioning with the same card bought earlier.

Unless this cam is just being 'picky' about which cards it likes I can't see anything likely to be wrong with this Samsung card. Plus other cards are giving the same issue. Anyone's cams can be picky like that so I am not bashing on the B1W here- I still think very highly of this cam- though I would like to be sure this isn't a fixable glitch. I could be happy without a card alert as long as the cam still records correctly ;)

Any news on the newer firmware updates for this problem? It prompted me 3 times this morning on my way to work (20 minute drive). :(
Any news on the newer firmware updates for this problem? It prompted me 3 times this morning on my way to work (20 minute drive). :(
PM you the beta firmware, to see if it works or not for you!
i am too having this random problem.
i have 2 independent dash cams, both with sandisk 32gb high endurance (mine has been verified independently genuine by sandisk helpdesk, V30, U1 version) -> is this not recommend?
and i have swapped them around, formatted them on PC, tested in htw as above.
i do have a problem with 1 of them - issues with hardwire kit, so i have been using oem cigarette port power but still getting this error.
they get random low speed too.
i do concur that heat might have a role to play - there was once the error started and i took out the memory card and it was hot! cooled in down in front of the aircon and it worked again.
i do note that my card is rated up to 80degrees and most cards are.

is the beta firmware somewhere we can all access to?
is there a way to log error files/verbose mode on the sd card for engineers to look at - quite annoying that we are all speculating but there is no easy way to check?
could the dash cams be tested in the factory in the heat box or something where the temperature is ~ 40-50degrees (i know that this is not a common temperature around the world but it can be for australia, and the dash cam sits in the sun and not in front of airconditioning).
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