Baby nearly got killed

Hahaha I thought about making that joke too @Error7:LOL:
5-Star Safety Rating for Perambula: 0
5-Star Safety Rating for Stroller: 0
That was a bit close, that pram could have done with some Scotchlite on it to make it show up in car headlights.

I used to be a keen cyclist (just for getting around and to work, - not the lycra clad sort), and very nearly hit a toddler in a pushchair many years ago, not sure how much damage I would have done, but it was a heck of a fright.

It was on a one way road in town with cars tightly parked on both sides along it, and I must have been doing 20mph or a bit more at the time.

Just as a car driver was squeezing past me leaving barely enough space for my handlebars, the parent shoved a pushchair (previously obscured by the parked cars) with her sprog in, out in a narrow gap between two parked cars straight into my path, as parents with pushchairs often do to stop traffic, especially in front of cyclists:mad:.

I crushed my brakes on as hard as possible, which made a deafening squeal, got off the saddle and put my left foot on the road as I wasn't going to be able to stop in time. I was literally just a few inches from my front wheel hitting the pushchair when I saw the rear metal bumper of the car passing me and was able to swerve hard right across the road, then left in an arc to regain my balance, before coming to a stop.

Before I could compose myself and swear at the woman, a bloke, presumably the father, jumped on the bonnet of a parked car and swung a punch at my jaw loosing his balance and falling on the bonnet as he narrowly missed, as I saw it coming and quickly cycled off.

The stupid thing was that there was a crossing point they could have used if they weren't lazy, about 3 car lengths further down the road where the pavement was extended out narrowing the road so no one could park and obstruct vision.
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The moral of these stories, always be aware of your surroundings. It may save you, or others, from an accident.

Add a dash cam and it will also make interesting viewing !