Brand new SJ7 - can't make internal mic work

Same « white noise » bug on my all-new SJ7 Xmas gift... :eek:
I reported through creating the same ticket to GearBest and SJCAM this morning after a few trials. :unsure:
The basics first: Have you tried moving the wire and the connector around while recording? Try moving the wire around at the mic end. Try (not too hard!) tapping the mic on a hard surface. Does the internal mic work?

What firmware version is installed (use the "tools" part of the menus and scroll down to the last item in the list)?
Can you re-install that version or an earlier version (V1.15 if possible)? Does anything change if you do that? (Installing, for example, V1.20 again will completely reset the camera - a good thing)
Facing the same audio bug, I submitted a ticket to SJCAM...who just replied I should contact the shop where I bought the cam because it would probably be closer to my living place.
Well... I told them I purchased it from GearBest so it is as far as SJCAM from France where I live.
For a manufactured maker as SJCAM, their answer is extremely deceiving because the cam itself is defective. It is a matter of product quality and liability.
SJCAM customer service acted like a careless SjCUM, I really feel it.
The basics first: Have you tried moving the wire and the connector around while recording? Try moving the wire around at the mic end. Try (not too hard!) tapping the mic on a hard surface. Does the internal mic work?

What firmware version is installed (use the "tools" part of the menus and scroll down to the last item in the list)?
Can you re-install that version or an earlier version (V1.15 if possible)? Does anything change if you do that? (Installing, for example, V1.20 again will completely reset the camera - a good thing)

I tried different firmware versions: 1.15, 1.18 and 1.20 and it did not help.
I formatted the microSD from the cam after every firmware change.
I did reset the settings to the default ones.
I do not use wire or connector as I only use the INTERNAL mic.
Tapping the cam with my fingernail makes some clicks sounds on the recording.

For the tickets I submitted :
"SJCUM" customer service
GearBest are better, though rather slow to reply.
Sigh... yet again SJCam shoots themselves in their feet. I strongly recommend sharing this experience on the official SJCam SJ7 forum. It won't fix the problem but it might help making it clearer that support is less than helpful. In my case it was "my camera heats up to 57C/135F. What can I do about that?" Answer: "Don't use the camera so much."


You've done all of the things that could possibly clear up the problem, but the problem is still there. Since the camera came from GearBest, there really is nothing left but to prepare for a long wait for another camera.
I tried different firmware versions: 1.15, 1.18 and 1.20 and it did not help.
I formatted the microSD from the cam after every firmware change.
I did reset the settings to the default ones.
I do not use wire or connector as I only use the INTERNAL mic.
Tapping the cam with my fingernail makes some clicks sounds on the recording.

For the tickets I submitted :
"SJCUM" customer service
GearBest are better, though rather slow to reply.
What is your ticket number and how was our support not helpful?
What is your ticket number and how was our support not helpful?

Refer to ticket #23620. Regarding "how was our support not helpful?", please read the entire ticket sequence. Pay careful attention to the part that says (paraphrasing but only slightly) "if the camera heats up, don't use it". Does that mean I should let the camera sit on a shelf instead of being used?

This is the material in the tickets I submitted. Here are the temperatures recorded over a 40 minute span.The temperature was read from the front of the camera, near the lens, using an IR "thermometer gun". The camera reaches 135F/57C after 30 minutes.

The camera was in video mode, shooting 1080@60 fps. The camera was sitting on my desk (not in an enclosure). The pictures are frames from the video.

While the following table is for hot water, it nonetheless shows the risk from a user contacting a camera that's reached 135F / 57C. This is a temperature that presents a burn risk.

Shortly after the start of the run - slightly above ambient temperature.

At some point shortly after the reading above. All frames are time stamped going forward from here.




I tried different firmware versions: 1.15, 1.18 and 1.20 and it did not help.
I formatted the microSD from the cam after every firmware change.
I did reset the settings to the default ones.
I do not use wire or connector as I only use the INTERNAL mic.
Tapping the cam with my fingernail makes some clicks sounds on the recording.

For the tickets I submitted :
"SJCUM" customer service
GearBest are better, though rather slow to reply.
What is your ticket number and how was our support not helpful?
Ticket # 24630

The SJ7 is defective, as I described.

Still, SJCAM first suggestion is to contact my re-seller first, as they may be closer to you and provide a faster solution than sending the camera directly to our office in China.

Only in case they are not able to offer help, SJCAM Technical Department offers a maintenance service, for free…

But if the camera doesn't have damage on the main-board, screen or lens, they charge 15$ as return shipping cost.

So, if you buy a defective item, you still have to pay 15€.

Imho, this is not fair.
SJCAM does not seem to take the entire responsibility of their defective items.


Envoyé de mon HUAWEI NXT-AL10 en utilisant Tapatalk
A 15€ charge to address a problem with an internal mic on a camera that is less than a month old? For a device that's still under warranty? That's both absurd and insulting.

Has GearBest responded to your problem?
A 15€ charge to address a problem with an internal mic on a camera that is less than a month old? For a device that's still under warranty? That's both absurd and insulting.

Has GearBest responded to your problem?
Yes, GB has been quickly responsive.

I still had to pay 15€ to send it to their warehouse in Spain.
I requested a payback for the shipping cost to PayPal return services.

Envoyé de mon HUAWEI NXT-AL10 en utilisant Tapatalk
I'm confused. Who wanted the 15€ - SJCam or GearBest? Either way, it's a good idea to get PayPal involved if possible.
I'm confused. Who wanted the 15€ - SJCam or GearBest? Either way, it's a good idea to get PayPal involved if possible.
SJCAM charges 15€ for their return shipping whereas GB will not.
Prior to their return, I need to send my cam to them, for 15€.
So, all in all, the total cost of shipping will be 30€ with SJCAM and only 15€ with GB for a defective item… that is insane !
I agree, demanding a service fee for a warranty problem is not a good idea. If GearBest won't support you, SCJam with a 15€ fee is about your only option, short of doing silent videos. "Some days you're the dog, some days you're tree." [/smile]

I have the same problem.
But when I press the area around the lens it starts to record the sound.. Try it.
maybe it's a badly matched housing?
How to dismantle cover?


I have the same problem.
But when I press the area around the lens it starts to record the sound.. Try it.
maybe it's a badly matched housing?
How to dismantle cover?

this is my case... any advice how to fix it?
Where did you buy the camera? The best fix is to demand a replacement. Open the case and your warranty is no longer valid.
Where did you buy the camera? The best fix is to demand a replacement. Open the case and your warranty is no longer valid.
i bought it from p2p market... it worked good at the beginning...
You can try gently blowing compressed air across the mic opening (possible dirt contamination?). Make sure the mic volume setting is set to 100%. If none of that helps, definitely a warranty problem.
Where did you buy the camera? The best fix is to demand a replacement. Open the case and your warranty is no longer valid.

I bought SJCAM on Gearbest.
I sent it for complaints and I got a new one