Cam with built-in discharge prevention?


New Member
Dec 1, 2014
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i'm currently looking at various dash cam models and what puzzles me is that most cams seem to be able to measure the battery voltage and display it, but none seems to have a feature where you can configure 'if voltage < x, turn off'. my impression is that either no discharge prevention is offered at all or it's offered at a rather high cost as an external box you have to find a place for in your car as well.

is this pure marketing or is there a good reason why this important feature is not realized in software? or are there models capable of doing this without external power saver boxes and i just haven't found them yet?
that most cams seem to be able to measure the battery voltage and display it, but none seems to have a feature where you can configure 'if voltage < x, turn off'.

I know few dozens dashcams with built in battery cut-off device. Mostly they are Korean made and some of them are presented in this forum. Latest one is Panorama X2. You may have a look on other brands as well to decide which suits you best.
thanks for the hints, it seems though the suggested devices are nearly impossible to get here in Europe. hopefully other, more international vendors will also adapt this feature in the future, it would make installation much easier for me.
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