Camper van driver stopped in the middle of the road to read a map!!!

Module 79L

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2015
Reaction score
Dash Cam
AT11DA, SG9665XS, G1W-H
The title says it all. Woman driver put the hazards and the "IDGAF about anyone" attitude on!

I know I risked a lot overtaking in a blind curve but I had to see what was going on.
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What was the dilemma? The curve goes to the left. I am not sure medication would help a moron like that :(
I am not sure medication would help a moron like that :(
I'd be happy if it helped her stop somewhere else! :mad:
When I yelled at her she didn't even look!
Good you are warming up the beep sound, you will need that after the Portugal / Denmark football game soon ;)
I saw a popup camper parked on the shoulder of I-4 one time, near Sanford.
They were hanging a few feet into the right lane, with the camper cranked open.
It was evening, getting dark. As I passed them, slowly, you could see two people sitting at the dinette area of the camper, eating dinner, while looking at the lake.
I'm not sure they survived long enough to have desert, and if they were lucky, a cop interupted the meal and got them to move.
Van had emergency blinkers on so that fixes everything.
Van had emergency blinkers on so that fixes everything.
My first though was that it had broken down, because no one in their right mind would stop in the middle of the road in a blind curve. Or so I thought...
Good you are warming up the beep sound, you will need that after the Portugal / Denmark football game soon ;)
I was wondering how long would it take for you to bring that subject up. ;)
Since yesterday there are people speaking Danish all over the news. Not that I care much about the footbal hype. In fact (and on-topic), IDGAF about it! :D
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Same here, when the sport come on TV here i change channel as sport here = football

Only sports i even enjoyed myself is darts - table tennis and billiards and offcourse most motorsports.

Anyway dont worry about that game, we Danes are hardcoded to loose.