COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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I am okay with whistle blowing, but not on everything.
It is kind of a catch 22, cuz what are the right things to rat on.
So people came up with "nobody like a rat"
So if you do it you should probably not tell you did so, and that's probably also why we see whistle blower laws.
Which we Danes will get one more off soon, as it seem like many people in small companies approach their union asking for what to do in regard to their work place swindling with corona aid.
personally i see people that do that as thieves of my money ( tax ) so i would be infuriated, almost as much as with US and what not hedge funds swindling billions of Danish and other country tax payers with fraudulent claims of share sales.
THB on that one i like to send a squad of Danish spacial forces to upper Manhattan and take those SOB's out, like dangle them from the Chrysler building or something.

You raise several different points here:

1. Stealing from the taxpayer / government. This hurts everyone who pays taxes and whistle blowing, while risks retaliation even if laws claim to prevent it, promotes an "honest society". A company stealing money would be deemed unacceptable by most tax paying citizens.

2. Witnessing a crime depends on the crime and severity. If you see someone jaywalking (crossing street illegally) I doubt you're going to rush to the police station and turn over the video. Now if you see someone jaywalking and a car hits the person, you may feel an obligation to be a witness. Especially if the Jaywalker claims he/she was crossing "legally" and the car was at fault. Your video could prove the jaywalker was lying and the driver of the car didn't see or couldn't stop before hitting the person.

3. Police brutality. Say you see a person rob store. The police have a right to arrest him, but not beat, injure, or kill the person. So let's say you have video showing the cops beating up the guy. Sure the person robbed a store, but then you have a moral question. Do you be honest and show the world the cop's wrongdoing or do you tell yourself the "dirt bag" deserved to get his ass kicked....
Seem to have bypassed the USA, they are too slow to get things done! Brazil has plenty of infections.
An experimental vaccine against the new coronavirus developed at the University of Oxford will be tested from the second week in June in Brazil, the first country outside Britain to take part in the study, researchers said Wednesday.

The vaccine will be tested in Brazil on 2,000 volunteers, who will be recruited starting this week, said the Federal University of Sao Paulo, which is coordinating the study. The country of 210 million people is now second only to the United States in total cases, with more than 555,000.
i have recorded traffic for some years now, only 2 times have i felt the need to contact the police.
I do however hve doubts if i will do that again, cuz really the police dont care, not even with clear cut video where they can drive strait to the guy and take his license, and fine him 10 - 15.000 DKkr due to the severety of his driving in just 30 seconds.
Nothing happened, before i called in media ( TV ) then the police suddenly did have the time to do the work handed to them on a silver platter.

I do feel like criminals deserve to get their ass kicked, mainly as the sentences they get for whatever crime are most often a joke, and here i talk about crimes where i have no personal stake in it what so ever.
Though i also realize that it is extremely expensive to host a prisoner in a Danish jail, which is also why i am pro capitol punishment for the select very bad people.
Really having a guy in a cell for 12 - 15 years which i think are about the max jail time you can do here,,,,,, unless of course you kill a couple of cops, then it is pretty much life.
So for people like that, and already having a long history in crime, maybe we should just spend 5Kr on a bullet, and then maybe save the jailtime to the first time offender that messed up big time, and i assume will learn.

We got a death row Dane back from the US once, set him free, and he cut up ( literally several people tow of them kids )


That nutter we should have let the Americans take care off, but we dident and now people are dead and Danish tax payers are out a ton of money for absolutely nothing, cuz this puppy is a lost case for sure.

Well some things in Denmark are very good, you just won on the environment:

You knocked UK into 2nd place on climate change, but we beat you with our perfect water quality :)
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Since it is Yale, i will not argue.
Since it is Yale, i will not argue.
I don't think that Trump managed to influence the results, given where USA is in the list - last but one of the western nations!
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well they was on the hind leg with that newfangled automobile thing, but once they hit the ground running there was no looking back.
Many think the US are the cradle of the automobile,,,, PERIOD, but that's not quite the way it is.
Old Orange are at it again.
Today on the Danish version of July 4 he sent a open letter via the US embassy in Copenhagen.
I think it is the first time a US president had any thoughts about us on our constitution day, needless to say the Greenland "question" are also mentioned :)
We also became a kingdom over night,,,,,, though i thought the royal family here have 0 to say in politics, maybe they rebelled over night.
We are just what is called a constitutional monarchy.

What is next ? Maybe call the Netherlands for the nether regions :rolleyes:

BTW now that police just shot a guy ( in the leg ) after he pulled a knife and attacked a demo of the party hard line in / near a ghetto on the western part of my birth town Aarhus.
The locals have already masked up and are peppering the police with stones,,,,,,, most likely things will burn tonight.

We also became a kingdom over night
I think that using "Kingdom of Denmark" is because they wanted to include Greenland, while "Denmark" would exclude Greenland. Like the difference between England and UK.

They could have congratulated you on winning the 2020 Environmental Performance Index yesterday, but I see they are removing even more environmental protections to make sure that they are the very bottom of the western nations for the next round! Also removing protection for national conservation areas:

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BTW now that police just shot a guy ( in the leg ) after he pulled a knife and attacked a demo of the party hard line in / near a ghetto on the western part of my birth town Aarhus.
The locals have already masked up and are peppering the police with stones,,,,,,, most likely things will burn tonight.


The guy pulled a knife and stabbed someone. He's lucky the cops aimed for the legs and not for the head or chest. Riots? Over what? Some A-Hole committing a crime.
The guy pulled a knife and stabbed someone. He's lucky the cops aimed for the legs and not for the head or chest. Riots? Over what? Some A-Hole committing a crime.
I doubt it was luck, and I bet the Danish cop didn't have 17 previous misconduct complaints like the cop that killed Floyd!
Yes but these people hard line protest, they are experts on turning anything into Us VS Them / Black Vs White - Infidels VS the one true religion.
I dident know he managed to stab someone.
Mostly i am amazed Danish cops dont have a taser, the Danish police are about as soft as any police force anywhere in the world, i dont even think anyone tried to pepper spray him either which also amaze me.
Anyway there will be hell to pay and interrogations ( of the cop that dared discharge his weapon ) for weeks to come, the guy are probably on administrative leave already.
I think someone in Sweden embellished on the news from Denmark, there is no mentioning of him cutting anyone.

On a much more funny note, here in my town of Randers, the police was having a speed check, and some 18 YO kid in a brand new 2 days old car blew past them doing 113 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, that is looked upon as insane driving and his license was taken on the spot, and it will be a while before he can take the driving license test again. :ROFLMAO:


Have no fear the laser is here.
Mostly i am amazed Danish cops dont have a taser, the Danish police are about as soft as any police force anywhere in the world, i dont even think anyone tried to pepper spray him either which also amaze me.
I've never been convinced that tasers are a good idea, too easy to abuse them and they are not totally safe, even in UK they cause problems. The USA cops know how to abuse them properly:
The guy pulled a knife and stabbed someone. He's lucky the cops aimed for the legs and not for the head or chest. Riots? Over what? Some A-Hole committing a crime.

It seems you don't understand what this is all about. You should really inform yourself about the circumstances of how George Floyd and the Cops came together and what happened thereafter. This about police brutality as well as racial targeting- there is absolutely no reason for a handcuffed man to be held on the ground for 8 minutes using a physical hold which no police agency anywhere teaches or recommends. There were plenty of alternatives and plenty of Cops there to ensure proper procedure was followed, but that didn't happen. George Floyd hadn't hurt anyone or anything when the Police approached him and did not resist arrest or refuse to comply with Police commands- and now he's dead for complying. If he had commit ed any crime then it was a non-violent misdemeanor, not a violent felony.

If you think this is acceptable behavior from Police then I pray to God that you end up with a similar fate next time you go one MPH over the speed limit. Because that's about the same level of crime the cops saw George Floyd do. You don't kill someone for appearing to be intoxicated while sitting in a parked car.

This about police brutality as well as racial targeting-
Judging by the way they pushed this 75 year old over and then marched over him, I'm not sure race has much to do with it!


The governor of New York has called for major reform of the state’s policing, as he tried to quell outrage over a video which showed an elderly man being shoved by officers and left to bleed on the ground.
Judging by the way they pushed this 75 year old over and then marched over him, I'm not sure race has much to do with it!

The Cops who did that have been suspended, maybe even fired by now. And they will probably be charged with assault and battery too.

This is finally beginning to happen now that the whole world is watching how they operate and demanding that this kind of stupidity come to an end. It's been too long coming.

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