COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Can't see the vid/pic @Dashmellow

Sadly you are totally right my friend. I hope things can get fixed correctly and permanently without anyone else coming to harm, but if the Cops don't take some big "chill pills" it's only going to get worse.

We've got Bill Gates on board, for 2 billion of the Oxford vaccine, not convinced it is enough for "the world" yet, but were making progress:

"British scientists halted a massive study of hydroxychloroquine in COVID patients, calling the drug "useless.""
Well, that is hydroxychloroquine out of the way, although Trump has now sent 2 million samples to Brazil in return for them proving that it prevents people catching the virus!

AstraZeneca has started to mass-produce the experimental AZD1222 jab, developed by Oxford University, at factories in India, Oxford, Switzerland and Norway.

The Cambridge-based firm expects to have distributed hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine this year and at least 2billion by mid-2021.

Estimates suggests the world will need around 4.5billion vaccine doses to put an end to the pandemic.
Our Dr Fauci has said there would be plenty of doses of vaccine for us although they may not be effective.

I'm like WTF? Dam# little point in that except then Trump can claim he saved everyone's life. Which he will be certain to do and just as equally certain is that there will be droves and droves of people believing the BS.

Try it now.

Well the latest on this is that the 2 thug Cops are suspended, but the 'special team' they were a part of has just resigned their jobs en-masse in support of these two thugs.
Plenty easy to see why this stuff is blowing up all over here :cry:

And Trump just ordered the US Army to recall 9500 soldiers from Germany to bring them to the US. Do you need to wonder why? Can you guess what's going to happen next? Congress had better repeal the Insurrection Act before the course becomes irreversible.

Our Dr Fauci has said there would be plenty of doses of vaccine for us although they may not be effective.
The medical people all around the world like to keep saying that the vaccines will quite likely not work, and even if they do work, nobody has yet proven that you can become immune to this virus.

The scientists take a rather different view, must be better than 90% likelyhood of the Oxford vaccine working by now, and immunity is certain, we just don't know how long immunity lasts, but it's likely better than 10 years. Also hard to believe that the manufacturers would all be getting on with production if the testing so far wasn't looking very positive.

The Oxford vaccine has the advantage of being almost identical to the previous MERS vaccine, which was proven safe but never completed trials for effectiveness because they ran out of subjects.

The big problem is how do we deal with the fact that it doesn't stop the virus spreading, only prevents people getting anything more than a cold, which means the virus is not going to die out for a long time after the vaccine is available, and all countries need to take it, even virus free countries like New Zealand - well maybe that is why the factories are so keen to sign up for production!
And Trump just ordered the US Army to recall 9500 soldiers from Germany to bring them to the US. Do you need to wonder why?
They are coming from Germany specifically because Merkel upset Trump by refusing the invite to the virus free USA G7 conference, followed by everyone else refusing to go without Germany, so it now wont take place until after Trump's reelection and can't be used for propaganda purposes. Unlikely to take place before November because there is a G20 in October, and that is a far more appropriate group for discussing virus issues, besides, everyone would much prefer to talk to Trump's successor! The G20 is in Saudi Arabia, so not favorable for Trump to use for election propaganda unlike the G7 which should have been hosted by Trump.

Trump has done a huge amount of destruction over the last 24 hours, from wiping out your marine conservation park to theatening trade sanctions on EU cars because of food tariffs on lobsters, which presumably have always been there because lobsters are food and the EU has always protected its food industry!

What Trump will do with the 9500 when they arrive home, ...
Also hard to believe that the manufacturers would all be getting on with production if the testing so far wasn't looking very positive.

If contracts have already been let, then the manufacturers will produce so as to meet their end of the contract terms. And I'm sure that no drug manufacturer will guarantee anything about a drug beyond the quantity to be delivered. So maybe not Oxford, but probably plenty of other are going to take advantage of their leveraged position and produce doses whether they work or not.

The big problem is how do we deal with the fact that it doesn't stop the virus spreading, only prevents people getting anything more than a cold, which means the virus is not going to die out for a long time after the vaccine is available, and all countries need to take it, even virus free countries like New Zealand - well maybe that is why the factories are so keen to sign up for production!

Similar to above, why should Governments care when they and all their employees will be sure to receive all the doses they need for however long they need them, and probably for free or at greatly reduced cost? As we're seeing in the 'other' topic here it should be clear than some Governments truly do not care much about the common 99% of their population who are not among the elite :( And here in the US, there's probably a legal way they can invest in those drug companies whether that's morally proper or not. This is why the WHO is so important as only such an organization can effect a world-wide coordinated response which is clearly necessary here.

About 40 years ago I got a radar-verified speeding ticket on a borrowed Fuji set up for racing for going 43MPH (downhill) in a 25MPH zone. Cop was so impressed he let that go with a warning ticket, but I did have to pay a $15 ticket for having no light or white reflector in front that night. Good thing he didn't see me blow the stop sign at the top of the hill :LOL:

It seems you don't understand what this is all about. You should really inform yourself about the circumstances of how George Floyd and the Cops came together and what happened thereafter. This about police brutality as well as racial targeting- there is absolutely no reason for a handcuffed man to be held on the ground for 8 minutes using a physical hold which no police agency anywhere teaches or recommends. There were plenty of alternatives and plenty of Cops there to ensure proper procedure was followed, but that didn't happen. George Floyd hadn't hurt anyone or anything when the Police approached him and did not resist arrest or refuse to comply with Police commands- and now he's dead for complying. If he had commit ed any crime then it was a non-violent misdemeanor, not a violent felony.

If you think this is acceptable behavior from Police then I pray to God that you end up with a similar fate next time you go one MPH over the speed limit. Because that's about the same level of crime the cops saw George Floyd do. You don't kill someone for appearing to be intoxicated while sitting in a parked car.


Dude...Take a chill Pill. I was referring to Kamkar1's comment about some guy in Denmark who supposedly pulled a knife and cut someone. Then refused to put it down and police shot him. Nothing to do with what was happening in the USA.....
I think someone in Sweden embellished on the news from Denmark, there is no mentioning of him cutting anyone.

On a much more funny note, here in my town of Randers, the police was having a speed check, and some 18 YO kid in a brand new 2 days old car blew past them doing 113 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, that is looked upon as insane driving and his license was taken on the spot, and it will be a while before he can take the driving license test again. :ROFLMAO:

Have no fear the laser is here.

Your cops getting ready to shoot a Hollywood Production? Someone call the 1980s, looks like Danish Police haven't updated their technology in years!
Pushing that old guy like that was not nice,,,, at all.
I assume there had been several orders to clear the street, and people not abiding those one bit, but still a senior citizen like that you better damn well cut some slack.
I dont know about the American situation, but here i have no problems in seeing why police would be very frustrated indeed, they can do little things like writing people a speeding ticket ( far from sure it will ever get paid )
And so on, minor cop things, but for the big stuff they are so tied down by laws and regulations in what they can do, and lack of manpower, and i assume also seeing the same guys again and again in the form of career criminals.

If i by some misguided notion of idealism had become a cop in the early 90ties, i also also sure that it would be a short period i would have been a cop, cuz i like to go home from work and know i have made some difference at least.
At or rather after my first apprenticeship which was at the Danish railroads, on the last day i also stopped outside gate and swore to myself that i would never work for a public branch / such a incompetent employer ever again.
Dude...Take a chill Pill. I was referring to Kamkar1's comment about some guy in Denmark who supposedly pulled a knife and cut someone. Then refused to put it down and police shot him. Nothing to do with what was happening in the USA.....

Well the way you stated things your intentions weren't clear to me. And now that I'm clear with what you mean I wish to say that I'm in agreement with you here- Cops should be allowed to use any necessary force when addressing an ongoing deadly weapon in use situation. That's what we expect them to do- protect us from these kinds of people.

Using the proper measures is what they should do, and those can / must also some times be severe when the heard mind set in and people get really "thick" fast.
That old guy getting pushed over, well he might have protested black rights all the ways back to the 60ties, and the US in NAM issue - Nixon - nuclear this and that, and he might also well have walked up to the cops and acted really dumb.
But its a decrepit old bloke, some cop should have taken him by the arm and walked him off, to the protestors side, or just down a ally or whatever, anything but what they did in that case.
I also totally get the cops frustration when they are put on the line and for nothing, its like the trenches of ww1 all over again, and no one should ask that of his fellow man for no gain at all.

As i understand it many cops on the towns rapid / riot response team have now opted out of that part of the job, and i cant say i blame them, maybe they should have done that earlier.

So yes a lot of fingers should be on some people, but thats just one hand, the other hands fingers should firmly point at the people at the top, whos ignoranse and complacency have lead to this issue still being around when really it should have been resolved in the 80 - 90ties at the latest.
Well the way you stated things your intentions weren't clear to me. And now that I'm clear with what you mean I wish to say that I'm in agreement with you here- Cops should be allowed to use any necessary force when addressing an ongoing deadly weapon in use situation. That's what we expect them to do- protect us from these kinds of people.


Correct. Non Lethal Force (Taser) is always recommended or Pepper Spray. If these don't neutralize the thread, then shoot for the legs if possible. But shooting should be the means of last resort and only if there's an imminent danger to the officer. I.E. Guy trying to charge at officer with knife, reaching for gun, etc.
Pushing that old guy like that was not nice,,,, at all.
I assume there had been several orders to clear the street, and people not abiding those one bit, but still a senior citizen like that you better damn well cut some slack

Sadly that is a problem here in the US. Our Cops are not being taught to exercise some judgement in addressing situations and people, but to respond in a particular manner to all of a given type of situation period. This is partially because of the legal system here where to keep the qualified immunity from personal prosecution they have, they must do exactly and only as they have been trained to do, and they are being trained to see everything as a probable 'worst case' scenario simply because that might actually happen no matter how improbable it is :oops:

This strikes at me personally and deeply because I am extremely hard of hearing- nearly deaf in many normal social situations. By reflex I normally put a hand behind my good ear to be able to hear better now- a sudden movement which is not dangerous to anyone but could very easily be mistaken as threatening by a Cop who reacts to that poorly. And I might not hear exactly what it is they are saying to me the first time around (sometimes 2 or 3 times around). This very thing was a problem for me once where I had two Cops yelling at me together and I could not make out what either one was saying so that I could follow their instructions. They would not stop yelling long enough for me to explain my problem which is also part of their training now- ostensibly as a means to maintain full control of a situation but which does not allow them to become aware of something they might not be aware of which is relevant to the situation. Had I reacted as most people would by yelling back to make my voice heard to make my problem known they would have treated me just as they did this elderly man :mad: Or perhaps worse :devilish:

So essentially the Cops have criminalized deafness here in the US- that's logical and sensible, right?:eek: It's not just something with one race, in the eyes of Law Enforcement in the US if you are not a Cop you are already guilty of something no matter how innocent you may be, and because of that you are also a terrorist-level threat to them. They have been made paranoid by their training and cannot make personal judgement decisions in their work because courts have deemed such "not-by-the-book" actions improper and illegal :cautious:

So dear friends, do not be surprised when one day my dashcams record my death at the hands of the Cops because there is a very high chance that this will happen.

and only if there's an imminent danger to the officer. I.E. Guy trying to charge at officer with knife, reaching for gun, etc.

I would extend that to being an imminent danger to the public too, but only when lesser force applications haven't been effective or there was clearly no reasonable alternative to using deadly force immediately. We expect the Cops to protect us, so we must allow them the necessary means to do that so long as they do not abuse the leeway we give them.

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