COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Here they are now using sewage treatment plants to see how the Danes are doing on a larger scale,,,,, yes you can find that stuff in poop that have made a long journey by pipe.
I understand that the virus would survive in the sewage. I can not figure out how the level of infection could be determined from that source. Wouldn't the organic matter present allow virus replication?

@jokiin, are you living in Australia or China now? Also, are the Chinese manufacturers having problems making your products? I saw an article that said many Chinese factories were shutting down and some arson was involved hoping to collect insurance when all other company revenues had stopped. I do not know if that story was true or not thanks to the many false internet reports that cast doubt on to much information we see.
Yeah i assume the virus could reproduce in the poop too, but smart people are probably able to come up with a algorithm that take that into account.
I understand that the virus would survive in the sewage. I can not figure out how the level of infection could be determined from that source. Wouldn't the organic matter present allow virus replication?
Yeah i assume the virus could reproduce in the poop too, but smart people are probably able to come up with a algorithm that take that into account.
No, it needs living human cells to do the reproduction job for it, viruses don't have the mechanisms to be able to reproduce themselves, they hijack the mechanisms built into the human cells, can't even feed themselves, they have no digestion system. Some of them can manage more than one type of animal, but not many.

Finding it in the sewage tells the scientists that it has infected people supplying that sewage, just a yes/no answer can be useful information.
The amount they find will give some idea of the amount of infection, not accurate, but if it is increasing or decreasing is useful to know.
All they are really looking for are hotspots, so that they know where to concentrate on testing people properly.
Not much point doing it until the virus reaches such low levels that there is a real chance of wiping it out by finding and isolating everyone who has it.
Another context graph:


It's going to be interesting to see if that one stays above the average line, or drops back down later in the year, since a lot of the people who have died with a covid-19 infection would normally have died later in the year anyway.

Another interesting one, which shows that if you go to hospital with a covid-19 infection, then your risk of dying from the covid-19 infection, if you are over 20 years old, is almost exactly the same as your chance of dying during the next year in normal times, the risk of both rises with age at almost exactly the same rate. Remember that very few people are dying from covid-19 unless they have more than one pre-existing health problem, most are already at significant risk of death:

The top 10 most economically vulnerable states are shown. Are you in one of them?
Oxdord';s information on SC may be old. We do have a lot of tourism, but we're now back heavily into manufacturing, and for an eastern State we're fairly big on agriculture. Myrtle Beach is all tourism, Charleston maybe 20% (their deepwater post is #1 in the south, and Boeing builds planes there), almost no tourism otherwise. "Small Business" numbers given by the State here also count construction contractors and subcontractors, and there's a huge number of us so that number can be misleading. We're very diverse for a State overall and other than small restaurants I don't see us losing much, and those businesses close all the time anyway. Myrt;le Beach will be reopened before their peak season but they're going to feel the lost crowds badly as they've got nothing else going. We' ll be OK here but I do of course worry about construction falling off.

Dont put all yur eggs in one basket, this virus have also proven that saying i think, maybe some things from china will even be back sourced.
Are you using sources like this one?
The graphs I linked to are from the BBC, as shown in the bottom right, based on data from the UK Office for National Statistics, "The UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK.", as stated at the bottom.

Your link appears to be based on speculation, some of which is incorrect, although there is also a lot that is correct.
Your link appears to be based on speculation, some of which is incorrect, although there is also a lot that is correct.
I thought that information looked somewhat questionable. That was why I asked. The best way to sell a lie according to those who studied this issue is to tell 90+% truth so the small percentage of lies will go unnoticed. In the internet age the 90+% truth part seems to be missing more and more often. That is why sources need to be verified if possible.
I can not reconcile these 2 stories.
Impartial decision making requires all religions being shut down or none doesn't it?

The reason you can't "reconcile" the two stories is that both of them are total BS!

Impartial decision making requires all religions being shut down or none doesn't it?

And there is nothing whatsoever "impartial" in either of the two links you posted.

In both cases, the sources you cite are far right wing propaganda outlets with a manipulative media agenda. Time and time again, you post these sort of links as if they are legitimate sources of journalism when they are doing nothing but promoting these far right viewpoints, agendas and conspiracy theories.

The first link you cite is from the "Media Research Center" which is characterized by the Columbia Journalism Review as "Propaganda Clothed as Critique". The MRC receives funding from various deep pocketed donors such as the Robert Mercer, the right wing billionaire hedge fund manager at the heart of a multi-million-dollar propaganda network. Robert Mercer was also the primary investor behind the Cambridge Analytica Facbook scandal as well as the Brexit voter opinion manipulation and he has also funded Breitbart News and Steve Bannon.

. They also have received major funding from Exxon Mobil and other fossil fuel interests for the purpose of promoting climate change denial.

The second "source" you link to is "The Western Journal" a conservative and extreme right news and political website operated by the political consultant Floyd Brown. The Western Journal is essentially known as a right wing smear machine. Like the Media Research Center it makes no effort to adhere to any journalist standards but instead has a long history of right wing media and opinion manipulation. Floyd Brown, it's founder has a history of these tactics going all the way back to the Willie Horton attack ads from the 1988 presidential election.


As for the content of the story you are trying to peddle here The Western Journal is falsely smearing NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio claiming he is "catering to his city’s Muslims" (by providing halal meals to thousands of Muslims during Ramadan) but "has shown Christians and Jews no sympathy during the related shutdowns". And this is all presented with the use of highly derogatory language and the omission of key facts that make it appear that Jewish and Christian religious worship is under lockdown and Muslims are somehow free to do as they please.

Reading the first sentence of the article tells us everything we need to know about the bias of the author and where the rest of the piece is heading. "Failed Democratic presidential candidate and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says his administration will provide free meals to Muslims celebrating Ramadan."

The truth of the matter is that under the declared statewide and citywide emergency orders ALL public gatherings are restricted including religious services and group functions of ALL faiths.

As for the meals provided by the City of New York, they are administered by the Department of Education and are typically distrusted in schools as part of ongoing breakfast and lunch programs but since the schools are currently closed an effort has been made to continue to provide these much needed free meals to children of school age. There are and have always been ongoing NYC sponsored programs to distribute free meals to students of various ethnic and religious group throughout neighborhoods in every borough of NYC. The meals provided here to Muslims are simply one aspect of the program. There are also NYC sponsored programs to distribute food and free meals to adults in need all throughout the NY metropolitan area regardless of race, religious affiliation or ethnic group.

The Western Journal, (true to form) is simply seizing on a very typical New York City mayoral announcement as a smear opportunity to make it appear that Jews & Christians are being discriminated against in favor of Muslims allegedly being singled out for free meals, thus capitalizing on pre-existing anti-Muslim bias by leaving out all the salient facts.
The structure and design of these links meet literally every criteria as propaganda.

@country_hick it is quite remarkable to observe how you bristled at the posting of actual unedited video clips of Fox News talking heads contradicting themselves, claiming such videos are "political" but you seem perfectly fine with repeatedly posting this kind of crap as if no one will notice what you are doing.
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I thought that information looked somewhat questionable. That was why I asked. The best way to sell a lie according to those who studied this issue is to tell 90+% truth so the small percentage of lies will go unnoticed. In the internet age the 90+% truth part seems to be missing more and more often. That is why sources need to be verified if possible.
The biggest issue is that they have ignored the main reason for the lockdowns, which is to avoid hospital overload.

So when they claim "We aren’t in this together. You have your health and your priorities… And I’ve got mine. ", it is not true, because we all share the hospital service, at least we do in the UK, and I assume you do in the USA, so unless you don't wish to use the hospitals even if you need them, then we are all in it together.

Also, their claim "We have already seen that the initial forecasts of more than 2 million deaths are complete nonsense.", is not true, we don't know what the final count will be yet, but if you took the death toll in New York State and applied it to the whole USA, then it looks like close to 1 million USA citizens will die while being infected with covid-19. Hopefully it wont reach that amount, but realistically, unless some states manage to wipe it out rather than reach natural immunity, then it seems likely that it will. The forecast of 2 million if no lockdown was implemented seems reasonable. By the time a vaccine arrives, it is unlikely that it will be soon enough to save significant numbers in the USA.
All i know is my mother dident have corona, so i assume that kind of clear me too as her main visitor, almost visiting more often than the care people,,,,, which in my book are very bad cuz at least for a month they have known there was something very wrong with her.

THB i have not really noticed my mother dropped all that weight, i only look up pretty young girls not my old mother.
So the pretty girl on the gas station i can say for sure she is just under 1.6M tall, and she are for sure under 60 kilos too.

Like i said a few pages back, people need to relax with this thread and decease and corona news, we all know what to do, and that there are no miracle cure just around the corner.
Mind you i do know this is more easy to say for a extremely protected Dane, so one place / time where i am much better with the nanny state we have.

Though :rolleyes: As a result in the Danes not being that good at keeping a distance lately in the good weather, one popular place in Copenhagen have been closed down by police so you can not sit down there you can only walk / run / bicycle thru that area, and the same go for another place in the country, and there are 37 other places that will get shut down the same way if stupid Danes dont smart up and do what they are told.

And in the closed areas 2500 DKkr ( 362 USD ) fines have been written today.
The areas can under DK law only be closed by police like that for a week, after that the junction will have to be renewed for another 7 days if need be.

Less favorable weather now and the cumming days will probably help on the situation, still fines are probably going to be written every day.
That was not the only NY line that saw a large amount of calls.
Apparently asking people to call the state to report something some people found offensive was not well appreciated or accepted.

So, posting dick pics and Hitler memes to a social distancing hotline in order to disrupt a mandated health measure recommended by the CDC intended to save lives and relieve a severely overburdened hospital system in a city of 8.5 million people experiencing literally the deadliest COVID-19 outbreak in the world is something you approve of?

An exemplary display of intelligence, civic responsibility and common sense for sure. :rolleyes:

What kinda f*cking reverse zombie movie has the U.S. become where everyone goes out to congregate with their guns to get infected on purpose and then go on to transmit the infection to others? :sick:

Hehe those guys are packing HEAT, here you couldn't even do the same with a airsoft gun ( airsoft guns here dont have to be orange tipped, as there are no legal guns to mistake them for, and illegal guns are just ignored right until they are used )
99% of all Danes would be so freaked out by the picture / scenario, me i like it, though there is a time and place for everything, and i would not have been on that staircase with my gun.

Also pretty sure all European politicians are pretty chuffed they dont have armed citizens to deal with, so they can pretty much do as they please.
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Like i said a few pages back, people need to relax with this thread and decease and corona news...

There's more than enough 'doom and gloom' in the media any time anyone wants to access it, and even if you don't want. We certainly don't need another outlet for speculation, 'opinionating', rumor mongering, and conspiracy theorizing which is what this thread has overall become.
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