COVID-19 Coronavirus Thread

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Yeah they started over east near the capitol and flew west, but i think they landed on Fuen and dident even have to go as far wast as Jutland.
If the wind had got up and they had missed Jutland, next stop in that direction is the UK, no problem there, I don't think we have any restrictions for visitors from overseas.
I can not reconcile these 2 stories.
Impartial decision making requires all religions being shut down or none doesn't it?

Yeah if you go Richard Branson high in a balloon, then you will be hauling ass alright.

We have drive in concerts and drive in standup comedy now, this is at tangkrogen in my birth town of Aarhus today with a local guy called Mads langer playing.


I dont think we have one single drive in cinema, but i think there once was one over on Zeeland, but it closed years ago.
Well i think isolation are just there to make sure things dont run amok and extremely overwhelm the health system, so going that route it will of course be longer before you have any usable level of heard immunity.
You could go for that faster like Sweden do, but then you have 3 X higher numbers as they have compared to us Danes ( confirmed cased and deaths )
So imagin if Spain / Italy / USA had 3 X more deaths and infected people by today, that would just be a whole other level of nasty.
With my luck ( having the entire 1 week of summer last year ruined by the infection in my leg ) then this year i will probably be fine for a month or 2 more, and then get the virus, and spend all summer in a coma on a ventilator with my fat pale ass exposed for the world to see.

Poland are having wildfires ATM, And here in Denmark every single farmer are also on his knees praying for rain, cuz the past weeks have been very dry and sunny, and it is close we will get a open fire ban.

BTW people here are washing hands so often, not least kids are beginning to see allergic reactions to all that soap and alcohol.
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That what you get when you travel the internet for too long using The Onion Router
Well i think isolation are just there to make sure things dont run amok and extremely overwhelm the health system, so going that route it will of course be longer before you have any usable level of heard immunity.
You could go for that faster like Sweden do, but then you have 3 X higher numbers as they have compared to us Danes ( confirmed cased and deaths )
So imagin if Spain / Italy / USA had 3 X more deaths and infected people by today, that would just be a whole other level of nasty.
The Danish death count will eventually catch up with Sweden's, at your current rate it will take the rest of the year, but the death count will end up the same unless a vaccine arrives before you lose the last few. I imagine New York has lost quite a few extra due to overload and probably Italy too, you don't want to go too fast, but there are very few places where the hospitals have become overloaded, ours currently have 40% more empty beds than normal.

The effect of the virus on each individual is not changed by the rate of infection in the country, the only thing that can affect the outcome for each person is the available health care, and currently there is not a lot of difference in health care between most countries.

For the country as a whole, the number of deaths can be reduced by isolating the elderly until population immunity is achieved, the countries that do better at that will end up with lower counts, and the countries that get population immunity fastest are likely to do the best job of keeping the elderly isolated.

The only alternative is to maintain enough lockdown to wipe it out completely and then continue with your country permanently isolated from the rest of the world, but there are very few countries managing that, even Japan is starting to lose control now.
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Doctors here are pretty amazed by people pretty bad off on ventilators are still able to do texting on their phones all day.
And yes other branches of Danish hospitals have also seen a big drop off in patients, even if news again and gain tell people that if you have something that trouble you, you should of course go see your doctor.
But stupid Danes dont do that cuz, "what if i was a burden to those poor overworked doctors and nurses" ASO, and really here they have not been working all that hard, and pretty much all additional wards made ready for patients have not needed to come into play,,,,,,yet.

Maybe it is a good thing Denmark are progressing towards a country exporting IP,,,, or so they say, me personally i have a hard time seeing what we make or can do that others cant do or copy in a heartbeat.
So soon you can Download high priced Danish design smartness from the internet and print it or what ever in your own place.
But stupid Danes dont do that cuz, "what if i was a burden to those poor overworked doctors and nurses" ASO, and really here they have not been working all that hard, and pretty much all additional wards made ready for patients have not needed to come into play,,,,,,yet.
In the USA many hospitals are laying off doctors and nurses. Some hospitals may end up closing after taking such a large financial hit because almost no one is showing up for medical services. Elective surgeries are not being done. People are not going to the emergency room like they used to. People do not want to have a yearly physical because they might catch the virus. Doctors are cancelling appointments. Patients do not want to go to appointments.

Hospitals and doctors offices rightly or wrongly are perceived by to many people as places people can catch this virus. People were told not to go to the hospital except for extreme emergencies and have listened. As a result many hospitals (excepting those in areas like NYC with an excess of corona patients) are hurting financially due to a lack of patients who are needed for hospitals to pay their bills.
In the USA many hospitals are laying off doctors and nurses.
I haven't heard of those medical professionals being laid off but there are reports of support staff and some specialty technicians being furloughed. The demand (at least in my area) for doctors and nurses far exceeds the number available, so much so that the state is trying to recruit them from other areas.
I haven't heard of those medical professionals being laid off but there are reports of support staff and some specialty technicians being furloughed. The demand (at least in my area) for doctors and nurses far exceeds the number available, so much so that the state is trying to recruit them from other areas.
When places like NYC are completely overwhelmed by corona doctors and nurses are in extremely high demand there. In other more rural areas where there is very little if any virus doctors and nurses are left with nothing to do.

Maybe I misunderstood but this sounds like more than those with jobs in administrative positions were asked to go home.
While St. Joseph Hospital has admitted patients who tested positive for the coronavirus, it has never had more than two admitted at the same time, spokeswoman Kelly David said.​
At the same time, the organization has postponed many elective services in areas such as its surgical suite and in its clinical practices that normally help to pay the bills. Those areas of the organization have also been more heavily affected by the furloughs, according to David.​
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I haven't heard of those medical professionals being laid off but there are reports of support staff and some specialty technicians being furloughed.
Here are a few articles showing medical personell are laid off or have reduced hours.

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