Current Drains WS300W


New Member
Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
WS300W, SJCAM 4000 WiFi
These drains are for the WS300W which looks like a DOD LS300W. I'm using
a Fluke DVM and connecting with a MPOW 2 Port 5.2A/26W car adapter running
off a 12 volt car battery:
1- Display on and Recording ---------------------- ~170mA > 215mA =~ 1.1 watts
2- Display on but not Recording ------------------ ~140mA =~ .7 watts
3- No Display but Recording ---------------------- ~155mA > 170mA =~ .85 watts
4- Off but connected to adapter ------------------- ~2.8mA =~ .014 watts
5- Disconnected but adapter still plugged in ----- ~2.4mA =~ .012 watts
6- therefore it's drawing ~.4mA when turned off
I did notice that when the dashcam still needed charging for its internal battery
that the currents were up to 255mA with display on and up to 230mA with the
display off but recording. These currents went down to the levels listed after the
internal battery was fully charged.

Hope someone finds this info useful.....and P=IE if you want to
convert to wattage where P is in wattage, I is current in amps and
E is in volts. And using 5 volts as the output of the adapter.

Thanks to @networkcameracritic for his review dated Nov 2013!
I purchased from wrightwoodsurveillance 4 months ago.
Sounds about right -- the power drain from a dashcam should be comfortably less than 4W no matter what so 1.1W max isn't a surprise.

Take a modern smartphone with a battery of 3000mAHr or about 12WHr and most of them will run flat out for at least 3 hours and that's doing things a dashcam isn't with a display that's much larger and higher resolution.
