Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-HD]

well I fixed my GPS tracking issue, I just installed a new player and it fixed it.

Sorry to take a couple of steps back in this thread, but .....
I've just got a 500gw and want to get the latest firmware to get the best frame rate.. I understand someone on this site can provide something...

Please PM me details if you can help.

Re: Custom Firmware Thread: *RELEASED* Ver 1.1.1aE [DR500GW-

to connect in client mode, you must:
- A custom-config
- in wpa.conf set the network settings
may need to add the encryption unless the connection
psk="very secret passphrase"

some problems with the documentation :(

having issues connecting to wifi of this thing, anyone help me out here? I have this in the wpa file and setup the IP and everything but it is showing an SSID of default not what I put in the config file. also the wps key I put in config file doesn't work.
how to fix?
If it offers an option of no security, no passwords etc I'd try that as a starting point to see if you can connect successfully first
cant seem to get past default stuff, not sure the default psk and cant find on google either.
got it working with APC mode.
but man, it says internal temp is 73 degrees sitting in my 24 degree room, cant imagine the temp when on the window out in the sun.
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operating temperature Registrar 70-85
Hi There, I have a DR500GW and I have been trying to get a copy of this firmware from the creator, but without success. Could anyone who has it please send it my way? (english) Thanks for your time.
Hi! I recently installed my DR500GW-HD and am working on building the polarized filter for it. I figure while I'm at it, I would go ahead and update to the newest custom firmware in English. Can anyone send it to me or direct me to where to find it?
