Decision Help Needed

I DON'T need 100 menu items for a geeked out experience. I don't need Wi-Fi. I don't need internet access. I don't need the "latest and greatest".

I DO need the unit to last at least a year. (I know. That's asking a LOT!) I DO need GPS. I DO need ease of use, not Byzantine complication. I DO need a well designed and built mount that will last. I DO NEED A BACKOUT PLAN! If things go South, I need either help, good help, or to return it. Sending it to China is moe-ron stoopid. Good tech support is a HUGE seller. That's why I'd consider Best Buy.

Have to agree with all of those points - the penultimate sentence is THE one IMO. I would also include pre-purchase advice to the (after sales) technical support these two for me are a deal maker/breaker far ahead of price.
Was just reading G1W reviews on Amazon. I learned something VERY important. Most people having problems are trying to resolve them with Black Box. Black Box will help them with advice, but you have to deal with the actual seller. Pay attention to the line on the ad telling you who is the seller. Many sellers have very tight DOA return windows, so many buyers have to rely on Amazon to return units that last a couple of months, then die. Unknown how Amazon handles this. Hate to think of Ben Franklin in the Abfall. (German for trash).

When I buy, I'll look for the manufacturer or for Amazon selling the product. That way, if the screen goes blank, or it won't take any SD card, or a couple of the buttons no longer work, or drips acid on my dash, or it screams like a chicken, etc, I can at least get another one, or get my money back.

Another thing I learned, test the product, and get tech support before flaming. It makes the reviewer look like a drooling idiot if it's merely a reset, or a change of cable.

G1W has a capacitor offering! G1WC.
There are too many variants of the G1W out there so you can't really say as they all differ due to them all trying to build the cheapest version - the G1W-C is the best option out the lot as it's a capacitor so the issue of the battery is gone. It's pot luck as to whether you'd get a good one though. Like @jokiin says in the other thread what the manufacturers sometimes say they can do and what they can actually do are two different things.

I took a punt on the DOD LS460W when that was released and the day and night performance was great - until the weather got warm at which point it lost focus for 30 mins until the AC cooled it back down again - and I'm in the UK so it's not even as though we have that hot weather here!

I spent my own cash buying Panoramas (2x Gs and an X2) to get the good parking modes which other than the other higher end Korean cameras nothing still matches - don't get me wrong they're still not quite perfect, but they do tick more boxes than anything else :)

I know it's not cost effective but I'm currently permanently running the Panorama X2 up front and back and have the Mini 0806 in the front as well - that way I've got the best of both worlds - super high resolution 2560x1080p for catching numberplates, the Sony sensor in the Panorama to get a brighter image throughout the day (it makes more of a difference at dusk and dawn), the Sony sensor for sharper night time footage and then the Coach CPU in the Panorama for the parking modes (the Mini only runs while the engine is on). That combination matches anything on the market that I can think of.

If someone can create a camera that had the day performance of the higher end Novatek cameras (when they're in focus), the overall performance of the Exmor sensor in the likes of the X2, the parking modes of the X2 and the low power of the Coach CPU then that would be great! I can only dream :)

One thing I would add from observing on here the last year is that from a customer support angle if I was in the USA I'd buy from @Pier28, in the EU @niko has just started covering the EU and you have the likes of @JooVuu covering both, @alexsoll covers Russia, you've got @jokiin over in Australia selling via various retail chains and then if I wanted to save some cash I'd order from the likes of FoxOffer or Gearbest and so on who sell from China.

Buying from Amazon is great for the first 30 days when they cover you with all Marketplace sales but then you're on your own with the seller and it's only when things go tits up that you find out what customer service is. Direct from Amazon is safe as they have a great returns policy like you say but their actual stock can be limited.
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OK, so, if I choose Mobius, Novotm is a good seller. What's the Amazon name of a good G1W-C seller that I won't have to struggle with if the unit dies? One offering is offered directly by Amazon itself.

When I was buying my Nikon d5100 last year, I had to beware of "GAS". That stands for Gear Acquisition Syndrome. A vulnerability in ANY hobby or pursuit. Sounds like you have been bitten HARD by GAS.

All I want is a single unit for that unhappy day when something happens. Mr Murphy is out there, waiting.
Well I've definitely got GAS, that's for sure :D

Funny you mention the Nikon - just in the process of getting my D5200 fixed as the flash has died :( And yep I bought it straight from Thailand to save some cash - the shop is still going though so we will see how their worldwise support is :)

To be honest if there's one sold by Amazon directly I'd go for that initially - they're a cheap camera and a good introduction and probably will do most of what you need.

I've had a quick look and @spytec are active on these forums and have happy customers - I spotted the G1W battery direct from Amazon but not the C.
I've got to admit I do always think "oh I could buy that one for an extra $20" but it keeps spiralling until I've spent a fortune - saying that I would personally spend a little bit more for the A118C or Mobius capacitor version but like I say the price has crept up instantly :)

The G1WC isn't that expensive and you'd only be paying a few dollars less from China right now.
G1W-C seems to be an issue with the SD card. Doesn't like class 10, does like class 6. True? False? Easy issue to solve BEFORE purchase.

On your d5200, good luck! I bought mine Chinese refurb. Bought two year extended warranty. Been trouble free through 2,000 snaps. Considering Sigma 17-50 OS f/2.8 to replace my 18-55 Nikon "kit" lens. and Amazon used market. About $350. $519 NIB. Saving .. Saving.. The "kit" lens is disappointing in low light. Next year, a Sigma or Tammy 150-500 with 1.4 teleconverter. Some guys in my photography club go birding with those, and get awesome shotz.

On my "bucket list" to go shooting around Western Scotland. See the Dalwhinnie brewery, a couple of castles, and maybe a stone circle. All just by asking locals. Cheapo rental car. Hostels. Get great photos of terrain, castles, stone circles, local towns, etc.
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I spent my own cash buying Panoramas (2x Gs and an X2) to get the good parking modes which other than the other higher end Korean cameras nothing still matches - don't get me wrong they're still not quite perfect, but they do tick more boxes than anything else :)
Nice post :) How do you feel about the Panorama S? I am looking for something reliable for the rear of my vehicle. I am not particularly interested in GPS or parking mode, though.
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To be honest mate I've not tried the S, only the G and the X2 so far. The G had a glitch like they all did with exFAT in newer firmwares but that seems to be totally put to bed on the G, I had a 128GB exFAT card in there and it never skipped a beat - as reliable as they can get :)

I only had the standard mount so it's a big thing in your back window but I ran a GT680W in the back window for six months anyway - if you do go down that route use one of the short mounts and you should be laughing.

The Mobius is a great fit for a rear camera as well as it's so small. heck I even ran an A118 in the back for a bit as well and that was great, it just couldn't handle the privacy glass I had at night time.

As for the G1W I haven't actually run one here so can't confirm - it seems to depend on which ones you get - @petepete seems to have the most reliable ones I know of and I think he said he was running Kingston Class 10 cards in his 2x G1Ws.

My other half is Scottish so we go up for family dos, in fact we're due one soon actually. If you like stone circles there's also a little tiny one at Ilkley Moor - again we're due to go walking over there in a couple of months!

And then we had a smaller one built recently that I liked when I popped up (as good a demo of any of the Mobius' flexibility!)
No worries at all there mate, gets a fast lock and everything for me, to be honest I do actually prefer that T style mount as you've got more flexibility with mounts - I keep meaning to try converting my X2 to one as well and trying that as that rotating mount the S and X2 come with doesn't quite get to the right placement I think I need!

Jon will sort you out there - the G and S seem to be troopers and just carry on working in all weather conditions plus you get the parking mode as a bonus :)
Just in case it helps, on my earlier post when I saw the Sony sensors handle dusk better, this is what I mean:



Everytime we go to Scotland I do seem to get drunk - funny that :) I did work up there for a few months - it's blooming cold up there!
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Well I've definitely got GAS, that's for sure :D

Funny you mention the Nikon - just in the process of getting my D5200 fixed as the flash has died :( And yep I bought it straight from Thailand to save some cash - the shop is still going though so we will see how their worldwise support is :)

To be honest if there's one sold by Amazon directly I'd go for that initially - they're a cheap camera and a good introduction and probably will do most of what you need.

I've had a quick look and @spytec are active on these forums and have happy customers - I spotted the G1W battery direct from Amazon but not the C.
I've got to admit I do always think "oh I could buy that one for an extra $20" but it keeps spiralling until I've spent a fortune - saying that I would personally spend a little bit more for the A118C or Mobius capacitor version but like I say the price has crept up instantly :)

The G1WC isn't that expensive and you'd only be paying a few dollars less from China right now.

Thanks for the recommendation. We do have the G1W-C on Amazon as well as the A118-C. Here are the links:
No worries at all there mate, gets a fast lock and everything for me, to be honest I do actually prefer that T style mount as you've got more flexibility with mounts - I keep meaning to try converting my X2 to one as well and trying that as that rotating mount the S and X2 come with doesn't quite get to the right placement I think I need!

Jon will sort you out there - the G and S seem to be troopers and just carry on working in all weather conditions plus you get the parking mode as a bonus :)
Thanks a lot. Enjoy your trip, and don't try to stay sober ;)
OK, so, if I choose Mobius, Novotm is a good seller.
The Mobius is one camera you won't regret buying, it's just plain reliable, versatile and works well. Novotm or better (same seller cheaper prices.) is Tom Frank, who is one of the development team. You will find him on the RC Group Mobius Owners Thread, there you will find all you could ever need to know and more.

I bought mine from @spytec and have nothing except good things to say. Luckily I live somewhat close and can pop in to the store
Which class of SD card does the G1W-C like? 10 or 6?

I do plan on one bender in Scotland. But, in any foreign country, when you have expensive gear of any kind, not too smart to get totally incapacitated.

Check out the book, "The Photographer's Eye", Michael Freeman, Focal Press, 2007, ISBN 0-240-80934-3. Whether it's with a cell phone, a dashcam, a 35mm film, or a DSLR, it's the photographer more than the gear. A great photographer can take great pictures with a Kodak Instamatic 110. A mediocre photographer can take mediocre pictures with a Nikon D4 and a $5K lens. The book tells you what to look for as you compose.

End of month approaching. In contact with Spytec. Still torn between Mobius and now G1W-C. When deadline hits, I buy.
Just got off the phone with Spytec. Decision. G1W-C. Class 6 SD card.
Which class of SD card does the G1W-C like? 10 or 6?

I do plan on one bender in Scotland. But, in any foreign country, when you have expensive gear of any kind, not too smart to get totally incapacitated.

Check out the book, "The Photographer's Eye", Michael Freeman, Focal Press, 2007, ISBN 0-240-80934-3. Whether it's with a cell phone, a dashcam, a 35mm film, or a DSLR, it's the photographer more than the gear. A great photographer can take great pictures with a Kodak Instamatic 110. A mediocre photographer can take mediocre pictures with a Nikon D4 and a $5K lens. The book tells you what to look for as you compose.

End of month approaching. In contact with Spytec. Still torn between Mobius and now G1W-C. When deadline hits, I buy.
Check out the last page of the Mobius support thread I think you may change your order at SpyTec. The Mobius is a must have, if for nothing else than to see what else they can do to it to make it better.
Blimey that was quick! I hope you're happy with the purchase - guess you'll be getting it pretty soon?

I've just grabbed a copy of that book and I'm going to go and read a bit on my iPad now thank-you - I definitely spend more time composing shots even on my phone since I had the DSLR and read a couple of photography books :)
Just got off the phone with Spytec. Decision. G1W-C. Class 6 SD card.

I hope it proves reliable for you, though I would never trust a G1W or any of it's variants to be recording on the occasion that video evidence is actually needed.

If I were in the USA & looking to buy a new DashCam, I'd contact @Pier28 for the capacitor version of @jokiin SG9665...

The above link is to the battery version, however, I believe the capacitor version is ready for sale. Much superior to the G1W.