DIY: G1W discrete mount


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
United States
So I like the G1W for what it is, an entry level affordable and dependable dash cam.

But I hate the mount... hate it hate it hate it!

so this was my attempt at a better mount. my final product was not as good as I hoped but I think it can be replicated much better and I likely will try it again with a new G1W.

I hope others try to replicate it with better results.
The idea of the nylon nut seems a better way to make the attachment, as you say. You could mod the nylon nut to fit the available opening and basically do nothing to the camera itself. Another thing I was thinking of was something like this:
You could cut some slots into the non knurled part so that it would slide into the mounting slot on the camera so the whole thing could be undone if you ever decide at some point in the future.

there is a whole page of these here:
in various materals and shapes, maybe one would be better than the one I referenced.
Posts like this really belong in the DIY forum. Also, this (old) technique applies to a variety of camera models. Just sayin'.
Interesting idea. You might try a Mobius mounting sleeve and shave that down. The threaded part is round from the start. Maybe someone can measure the dimensions to see if this would get you closer to what you want.
Interesting idea. You might try a Mobius mounting sleeve and shave that down. The threaded part is round from the start. Maybe someone can measure the dimensions to see if this would get you closer to what you want.
i had actually considered that, but then I decided against it because I wanted to do something anyone can do for as cheap as possible and not everyone has a mobius mount. And they are pricier than just buying the nylon nut. It would work well though I bet.