Does having a dash cam affect your driving?

Just my opinion but a dash cam will not fit into the first category and it would be a real stretch to put it in the second.
Hence my original use of the phrase "loosely interpreted". In any case, it is a far cry from the many people that I regularly see texting while driving. If a cop wants to write me a ticket for it, I will be happy to go to court over it. :)
Way back when I first installed a dash cam it was novel, fun and interesting to keep the screen active and keep an eye on it periodically. Passengers got a kick out of it too and it was a good way of explaining just what it is that dash cams do to those who were not familiar with them. Eventually, I came to realize that the active screen was indeed unnecessary, definitely a distraction and served no useful purpose. I found it better to activate the screen at will on the rare occasions where I found it useful. The other thing I came to realize is that having an illuminated screen on full time caught the attention of other drivers behind me and next to me and I really prefer to keep a low profile regarding my use of dash cams.

So, legalities aside, my thinking is that keeping one's dash cam screen active all the time is not a good idea.

Edit: Another consideration is that during the summer months having the screen on full time will likely cause the camera to run hotter.
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Yeah i agree, though i also have to admit that i have the screen timeout at max on my cameras ( 3 minutes )

But other than that i have plenty in my phone screen, and if it is one of those days the tablet too, though at night my phone dim itself right down, the tablet cant do that but google maps or other NAV stuff can change to night mode, or with a single swipe down on the screen of the tablet i can manually dim it.

Dont need all that light, its a car not a pinball machine.