Does Radar module stop transmitting when car is started?


Mar 23, 2018
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United States
Does anyone know if the Radar Module discontinues transmitting RF when the car is started?
I am concerned that the RF may interfere with the sensitivity of my radar detector.
I know but, who knows how it was set in the software by the manufacturer. I did some current draw tests and it seems the radar goes off when you start the car HOWEVER. BEFORE you take the unit out of Energy Save mode you need to turn off the Radar unit, once you switch out of Energy Save mode you cannot turn off the radar and it will continue to run and draw power even in timelaps mode. (think that is a bug)

Also when in Energy Save mode I would like it to retain the recording from anything detected by the radar even if no impact. That too should be selectable in software but isn't.
no reason why it should stay on since they only use it when parked

Then again also no reason to turn it off to save power when the car is running, and you are in regular drive mode and not parking.

There could be a surprise for folks here, intentional, or bug wise.
Then again also no reason to turn it off to save power when the car is running, and you are in regular drive mode and not parking.

There could be a surprise for folks here, intentional, or bug wise.
You would want it off when driving as to reduce any interference with other devices, I did some power consumption measurements, it appears the Radar does NOT run when in continuous recording mode however may continue to run if you switch to time lapse or motion without disabling the Radar device before taking the system out of Power Saving mode.

These unit draw a concerning amount of power in Parking modes Motion or Time Lapse and is probably why they came up with the Radar Module

Power in Milliamps
(1000ma = 1 AMP)
U1000 Single Camera
U1000 Dual Camera
Q800 Single CameraQ800 Dual Camera
Continuous Record mode2500390020002800
Parking mode Time Lapse1000200013001800
Parking mode Motion1100210013001800
Radar No signal / Signal DetectedNO TEST RUN300/2500NANA