DVR to come on with lights on


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2013
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United Kingdom
As I’m about to re-fit new DVR’s to my car, I wasn’t too keen on having the DVR to come on when ignition is one, it’s a good way to have it come on and off only when the car is in use, but if/when the ignition is off and still need to keep on recording, bit of an issue.

I don’t plan on using my DVR’s on parking mode so needed a way to have them on if I should need to switch off the car (ignition) but wanted the DVR’s to still record.

what I’m doing here is only for my Lotus, our daily drives still will be using the cigarette lighter socket.

As the Lotus is very low down I ALWAYS drive with dipped lights day or night, so this is what I will be doing when my replacement mini 0805 gets here, and thought this information might be of use to others,

(I will say, I am not an auto electrician, so please don’t follow my instructions if your capabilities are not up to it, this si only for information to follow at your own risk)

Right, that out the way
here is the relay I’ll be using, a 4 pin relay. if you have a 5 pin relay that will also work, just that pin 87a is redundant

here is the relay connection to my 4 pin relay

pin 87 going to the positive side of the NEW female cigarette lighter while the neg side is earthed

on my car I’ll be placing this new cig lighter behind the dash out of the way. and then the male from the DVR in to it

For the permeant live from the fuse box, I’ll be using one of these

as can be seen, fuse for the DVR can be at a different rate to the one already in the slot, now if your car uses smaller or larger size fuse, you can get different size connectors

On my Lotus I discovered that the red wire with a black tracer is power for the front side light, so connecting there, will mean that once sidelight/dipped beam are on, so is the DVR, this way should there be a need for having them recording whats happening, they can be just by having the sidelights on.

As I said, I do not drive the Elise anywhere without the light on, day or night, so for me with the Elise this is a good way of doing it, but maybe for others that don't like to have their lights on in daytime, this project might not be for you, YMMV
Interesting idea. I know some people will be interested to use this to record police conversations. This way you can turn the engine OFF and leave the lights ON to power the dashcam. "Well officer, I want to leave my lights on for SAFETY". ;)

One caution though. While searching for information on the relay, I found this site:

It mentions that you need a diode or resistor across the relay coil so the voltage spike does not damage your ECM computer when you turn off the power, or in your case your lights. :eek: