|Feedback Wanted| Help me improve my website

Thanks @mollydog @jokiin I am lucky that my name is not John, since I would never be able to find an available domain with common name like that.
So my website will be called pevly.com
I wanted pavly but it was not available, so I went ahead with something that can be used for anything, not related to cameras ,etc. I guess its not that bad. Now I only have to create a logo and other branding stuff. I am creative person, so I would need a creative logo, hopefully I will be inspired.

I hope this does not sound like pee vly, well even if it does, I pee on that , it was not possible to find anything better and shorter.
For now I only bought a domain, but I think that actual migration will happen in one or two months time, since there are lots of technical stuff that must be done. Also I want to focus on content a bit more, since this was quite exhausting process.
I agree @jokiin. Whole site started as me wanting to do tutorials for sj4000 actually, hence the name. Hopefully pevly does not associate with any brand, though in some languages it might and will be pronounced different. But to be honest. I am not that concerned about branding. I wanted to get rid of a brand name in previous domain, so hopefully people will remember the site by content and info it provides, if the content is good, they will remember even if the name is adjoadsakpaisadasw :)
so hopefully people will remember the site by content and info it provides, if the content is good, they will remember even if the name is adjoadsakpaisadasw :)

content is king, good content drives traffic and search engine results, as a half naked Indian once said "if you build it, they will come"

not sure I'd remember that name, that's what bookmarks are for though ;)
thats good, nice and short, not specific to one thing so can expand to other things later on if you wish, I like it
I am lucky that my name is not John, since I would never be able to find an available domain with common name like that.

Yeah when I bought my domain name, I wanted Gibson.com but that was taken by some guitar company nobody's ever heard of ;)

Maybe after the migration you can sell the sjcamguides domain to make up for the cost of the move.
I agree @jokiin. Whole site started as me wanting to do tutorials for sj4000 actually, hence the name. Hopefully pevly does not associate with any brand, though in some languages it might and will be pronounced different. But to be honest. I am not that concerned about branding. I wanted to get rid of a brand name in previous domain, so hopefully people will remember the site by content and info it provides, if the content is good, they will remember even if the name is adjoadsakpaisadasw :)

For me it was also a big dilemma to find short .com domain, but at the same time it would be for universal "activities", related to my name and easy to remember.
My domain name was born from: being friendly and saying to people Hi ( Hello ) + Niko ( My name is Nikolai ) = www.HINIKO.com ;)
The green logo of the man waving hand is saying Hello ( Hi ) - first part of my domain hiniko

Those are just some tips that maybe you find interesting in which direction to think.

P.S. www.hipav.com is not yet taken as per 25/10/2015 , 21.00 GMT - 0 ;)
Yeah when I bought my domain name, I wanted Gibson.com but that was taken by some guitar company nobody's ever heard of ;)
Haha, never heard of those guys who stole your name and made millions :P

@niko Very interesting idea and process of making your own brand. Thanks for sharing it. It probably sounds better, but to be honest, I will give this one a go. By the way I also bought a domain ipavle.com which I will use for my own personal blog, if I ever want to make one :)
Haha, never heard of those guys who stole your name and made millions :p

@niko Very interesting idea and process of making your own brand. Thanks for sharing it. It probably sounds better, but to be honest, I will give this one a go. By the way I also bought a domain ipavle.com which I will use for my own personal blog, if I ever want to make one :)

ipavle.com sounds very Tech, good choice !
Of course, ipavle.com sounds a lot like all those Apple "i" words we are all familiar with and it reminded me about an amusing story from back in 2003 when a high school kid from Canada named Mike Rowe got sued by Microsoft for trademark infringement after he set up a web site named MikeRoweSoft..... see: Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft
Hi guys,

I have just came up with the most creative logo idea ever :p
If anyone has suggestions or ideas how to improve it, let me know. Its pretty basic.

Of course, I hired a top-notch logo designer for this, that's the main reason why it looks like this. :p
Hi guys,

I have just came up with the most creative logo idea ever :p
If anyone has suggestions or ideas how to improve it, let me know. Its pretty basic.
View attachment 18334

Of course, I hired a top-notch logo designer for this, that's the main reason why it looks like this. :p
Hey, at least your name isn't Dickson Ly and you didn't buy a domain name that is your first and last name with .com at the end... That's what eventually became Toyotanation.com. Yeah... Mr. Ly got a lot of negative feedback about his domain name dicksonly.com for some strange reason :D

... Kinda like ExpertsExchange.com (think of it in all lower case...) They eventually added a hyphen to their name to eliminate confusion lol
Hi guys,

Just wanted to get back to you and tell you that I finally managed to migrate to a new domain. Everything from the old site sjcamguides still absolutely works. Content, comments, design.
My new domain is pevly.com

I would like to thank all of you for great ideas and inspiration. As you can see from the first post, I already implemented some of the suggestions you guys had.
Please, if you have an idea or a comment about new/old site, just let me know. I am working very passionately on improving the website and with fresh pair of eyes, its always easier to spot what has to be improved.
the email i got today about the new history of action cams article came from "SjCamGuides" as the name of the email sender with an address of info@pevly.com. the link to the article in the email also points to pevly.com.

perhaps you could send out an email blast (it has to come from your old @sjcamguides.com address so they know it's not a scam) informing users of the change, and to let them whitelist the new email (just in case they have aggressive spam filters), and to expect future emails to come from PEVLY instead of sjcamguides. THEN you can change the name on the email. :)
@Gibson99 I remember that but only after hitting "send" so I guess its too late now, though I mentioned at the end of the email that I re-branded.
I am sure if I send one more email, people will start screaming at me, so I guess I can do that next time I send email which will be for giveaway.

I just got too excited about action cam history that I totally forgot to leave all settings and inform people that next email will be from that email, totally my fault :O

Already got few emails back from people supporting the new name though. Thanks for letting me know, appreciate it.
Site is now adjusted to fit visually impaired and color blind people by having underlined links and skip links navigation.
Just typed pevly.com into google and there you are on top of the pile with 396,000 results and your site is looking visually sweet and I view everything at 125% on the big screen.
Glad to hear that @Hombré thanks for checking it out, appreciate it. :)