FlyMod for Nextbase 512GW

Going round in circles again ...................

Nextbase don't have your images = they can't see/view/use them. That Gov.UK site reference is totally inappropriate as that only refers to somebody else using your images without your permission.

You have a Nextbase reply that they can put whatever logo's they want on their firmware.
Black is white and white is black.

Everyone else is wrong and he is right.

This thread really should be split into 2 separate threads now by the mods.

It has gone well off topic.
Not really, I agree that any footage recorded is categorically the property of the customer who recorded it, i.e. their copyright. and that the Nextbase logo on that footage does not remove the customer's copyright, and that Nextbase is entitled to develop product firmware which shows the Nextbase logo upon the recordings, but my argument is that without the customer's consent, that logo breaches the customer's copyright, and should not be used as a default setting. A new customer, purchasing a Nextbase dash camera, does not see the logo until the recorded footage is viewed, (as was the case when I purchased my dash cam). Nobody asked me for my consent for the logo to be placed on my footage, and I consider that inserting the logo without my consent, was a breach of my copyright. Everything you have stated is factually correct, but it did not answer the question, are Nextbase breaching their customer's copyright by inserting the logo without the customer's consent, or to paraphrase the wording from the answer to the question from the site, are Nextbase making use of customer's images without their permission?

take it back and get a refund
Going round in circles again ...................

Nextbase don't have your images = they can't see/view/use them. That Gov.UK site reference is totally inappropriate as that only refers to somebody else using your images without your permission.
You have a Nextbase reply that they can put whatever logo's they want on their firmware.

I have already answered those points in my reply. This topic would be a lot shorter if I did not have to keep repeating myself because some people don't read the posts properly.
The Nextbase reply was like a typical politicians reply, if someone asks an awkward question, don't answer it and refer to something else. My argument has been about the breach of copyright, but if you look at the reply from Nextbase, there is no mention of copyright at all, they have avoided even mentioning the word. I have put a lot of time, and trouble, into this, trying to get an answer to the question, are Nextbase breaching their customer's copyright by inserting the logo without the customer's consent? I have not had an answer to that question yet. which leads me to the opinion that they must know they are breaching the copyright, but are not prepared to rectify it.
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I don’t think it’s a matter of not really reading your reply, it’s a matter of not really caring about the logo one way or another. Nextbase have offered you a solution by a change of firmware but you just seem fixated on arguing the point. As suggested, if you are not happy then return the product and buy from another manufacturer.

I wish you all the best with this.

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I don’t think it’s a matter of not really reading your reply, it’s a matter of not really caring about the logo one way or another. Nextbase have offered you a solution by a change of firmware but you just seem fixated on arguing the point. As suggested, if you are not happy then return the product and buy from another manufacturer.

And what is that going to change? There will still be other people buying the dash cams that are not aware of the logo, and are unhappy with it on their videos, and coming on here to find a way of removing it. If you don't care about the logo, one way or another, (or the breach of your copyright), that is your choice, but this topic is about those that do care, and you seem determined to argue against their point of view, just because it does not bother you.
When will you get in into your head. There is no breach of copyright issue.

You have been told by many people but you insist on trying to make wording in law fit your version of events.

You have had clarification from nextbase stating the footage is yours and the copyright belongs to you the logo is not an issue. The only person making and issue about it is you, and your wrong simple as that.

You've been given options and yet your still arguing a futile case.

If you believe your right then go and see a solicitor and see if you can take this further but it will either cost you money and lose or you will be told you are wrong by a law professional and then maybe you will accept it, although I doubt it. Any decent solicitor will explain your wrong and there is no case to answer. If your unlucky you'll find some back street solicitor that thinks it's worth a try and will lose and cist you money.

You bought the camera as is and upon buying have accepted the terms and it's reasonable to expect camera details and or manufacturer logo on the footage.

There is no copyright issue by having a manufacturer logo on your footage.

Quite frankly I am surprised thar Nextbase are even giving you the time of day on this.

You also have the option to remove the logo if it bothers you that much but again that isn't good enough for you.

It's a dashcam for gods sake, it's main purpose is to provide evidence your not at fault in an accident, anything more than that is a bonus.
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I'm quiet happy displaying the logo on my footage, mind you if I lived in Nottingham it would most likely be the most interesting thing on a video.

I voted to leave, in fact a voted never to go in in the first place.
my argument is that without the customer's consent, that logo breaches the customer's copyright,

It does not breach your Copyright, as above in my post #117 of this thread. The post has been made as clear as possible.

The Nextbase reply was like a typical politicians reply ... if someone asks an awkward question, don't answer it and refer to something else ... if you look at the reply from Nextbase, there is no mention of copyright at all

We confirmed in the response that we are in no way in breach of this or any other law. If you do not agree with this fact, please seek further advice. I will still be here to answer any other dash cam related questions you have @Gavin_G.
It does not breach your Copyright, as above in my post #117 of this thread. The post has been made as clear as possible.
We confirmed in the response that we are in no way in breach of this or any other law. If you do not agree with this fact, please seek further advice. I will still be here to answer any other dash cam related questions you have @Gavin_G.

Thanks Tiffany, but obviously, I do not agree, for the same reasons that I stated in my reply to post #117, and nothing has changed in that respect. The relevant wording is 'with the customer's consent', and whether that consent has been given, (it definitely wasn't given in my case), but now that Nextbase has stated clearly that it is 'not in breach of this, or any other law', further advice can now be taken to seek an independent ruling on this matter.
And what is that going to change?

It will change this thread back into one with less bickering and arguing, thus being of great benefit to many.

I was quite annoyed that Nextbase removed the option to disable their logo on recorded video for their 512GW dashcam, so this weekend I set about modifying the existing firmware to remove it and some other annoyances. Now that I've finished, I am releasing it in case someone else finds it useful!
Hi TBCF if i installed your flymod firmware update would i be able to revert back to other next base versions
I am not happy about logo but as long as dashcam records my journeys and it helps me in the event of a mishap that is my main concern but on saying that on my 402G the recordings look better without logo
I can't see why not @Bobmc

We have a logo free version available though, if you like? It's just not the latest one.
Just read this whole thread and feel like I need some therapy! Keep up the good work Tiffany and your colleagues in support!
Thanks Tiffany for the logo free firmware but I prefer to stay updated with latest firmware, having had health problems over the past months I still have not installed rear camera and am hoping to get it installed when weather gets a little better....Tiffany you help on this forum is greatly appreciated so thanks again