FlyMod for Nextbase 512GW

I would disagree, if images are being altered, say by adding the Nextbase logo, it should not matter when they are altered, the fact that they are being altered, without the user's consent, is in my opinion, the breach of copyright. Someone buying a new dash cam, cannot know that the Nextbase logo is on their footage until they have used their dash cam, so they cannot have consented, and by then, the breach of copyright will have occurred.

suggest you return it if you're not happy with them 'breaching your copyright' like that
suggest you return it if you're not happy with them 'breaching your copyright' like that

I'm a bit more tenacious than that, lets wait to see what the Nextbase legal department say.
if you upload a video, and Nextbase took that video and used it in their advertising without your consent, that's a copyright issue

images are created with the logo, they are not altered afterwards, you knowingly used the device with a logo to create your content, there's your consent, not a copyright issue
You're wasting your time and breath pal.
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I'd expect there will be head scratching going on at the Nextbase office
Hell yeah I'm sure they will be bemused by an armchair lawyer and flicking through their legal books to mount a counter case.
This sounds more and more like the Monty Python 'The Argument' sketch. and is detracting from the main thread which is that some users want the logo removed, some want to change the position of the logo, or a toggle on/off option, while others don't care. I think a new thread needs starting about legal rights and wrongs so that we don't have to trawl through an entire thread looking for answers. My tuppence worth (showing my age now).
This sounds more and more like the Monty Python 'The Argument' sketch. and is detracting from the main thread which is that some users want the logo removed, some want to change the position of the logo, or a toggle on/off option, while others don't care. I think a new thread needs starting about legal rights and wrongs so that we don't have to trawl through an entire thread looking for answers. My tuppence worth (showing my age now).

I agree about a new thread, but probably best to wait for the reply from Nextbase's legal department, (if we get one), and see if they are going to make any changes.
Those that don't care about the logo should think about the possible implications of accepting Nextbase's insistence to include their advertising logo on the user's copyrighted footage. What if Nextbase decided it was going to insert other advertising material into the user's footage without their consent, would that be acceptable? Would 'Bet Paddy' appearing on your footage as you play it back, be acceptable? The wording might be different, but the principle is the same.
Too many ifs for my liking. Nextbase are no different from other companies, I have GoPro and Garmin recording devices that have logo's embedded in the footage, admittedly they have the options to turn the logos off. I cant see my copyright being infringed but if, after seeking legal advice, you are still unhappy then I suggest you look to another manufacturer, you have the choice.
Yes I'm sure Nextbase have some plan to sell advertising space in the videos [emoji14]

I'm sure a lot of companies would consider it, if they thought they could get away with it. ;)

Nextbase's terms and conditions on their website (if you upload videos to their website) say you're accepting the vehicle is their property and can be used by them.

If you've not uploaded the video to Nextbase, but uploaded it somewhere else - then you'd have a copyright issue.
Again, from the website regarding copyright law.
Quote - Question - I want to stop someone using the image I created in a way I do not approve of, or have not approved
Reply - If somebody is making use of your images without your permission, there are a number of options open to you as the copyright owner. Although you do not have to, it is usually sensible to try to resolve the matter with the party you think has infringed your copyright. /Quote.
So if a Nextbase user does not approve of Nextbase inserting the Nextbase logo on their images, and therefore making use of their images without their permission, then Nextbase must be infringing the user's copyright.
This seems pretty clear to me, but that is why I suggested forwarding this discussion to the Nextbase legal department, just to see what they think, as advised in the above Q & A
A simple way around this would be for Nextbase to include an option for users to select, if they accepted the use of the logo on their footage, but using the logo by default does not provide that option.

@Gavin_G Any footage recorded is categorically the property of the customer who recorded it and the presence of the Nextbase logo on this footage does not affect that fact. Nextbase is entitled to develop product firmware which shows the Nextbase logo upon the recordings made.

I trust that this satisfies your question from a legal stand point.

Moving forward please use the Logo free version for your footage.
@Gavin_G Any footage recorded is categorically the property of the customer who recorded it and the presence of the Nextbase logo on this footage does not affect that fact. Nextbase is entitled to develop product firmware which shows the Nextbase logo upon the recordings made.

I trust that this satisfies your question from a legal stand point..

Not really, I agree that any footage recorded is categorically the property of the customer who recorded it, i.e. their copyright. and that the Nextbase logo on that footage does not remove the customer's copyright, and that Nextbase is entitled to develop product firmware which shows the Nextbase logo upon the recordings, but my argument is that without the customer's consent, that logo breaches the customer's copyright, and should not be used as a default setting. A new customer, purchasing a Nextbase dash camera, does not see the logo until the recorded footage is viewed, (as was the case when I purchased my dash cam). Nobody asked me for my consent for the logo to be placed on my footage, and I consider that inserting the logo without my consent, was a breach of my copyright. Everything you have stated is factually correct, but it did not answer the question, are Nextbase breaching their customer's copyright by inserting the logo without the customer's consent, or to paraphrase the wording from the answer to the question from the site, are Nextbase making use of customer's images without their permission?
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are Nextbase making use of customer's images without their permission?

Going round in circles again ...................

Nextbase don't have your images = they can't see/view/use them. That Gov.UK site reference is totally inappropriate as that only refers to somebody else using your images without your permission.

You have a Nextbase reply that they can put whatever logo's they want on their firmware.
Jeez. Circles? It's seems to be a never ending spiral of doom. I reckon someone is going to disappear up ........ soon.:ROFLMAO:
Starting to be like the remainers who want to keep us voting till they get the answer they want :oops: