Found this Magnetic Polarizer Filter

Here's an extreme example, with my hand on the dash. It pretty much almost made it disappear.
With the regular stuff on my dash, vents, speaker ports, they're completely gone.
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Here's an extreme example, with my hand on the dash. It pretty much almost made it disappear.
With the regular stuff on my dash, vents, speaker ports, they're completely gone.
View attachment 3540
View attachment 3541

That's awesome. Thank you for posting the images.

Do you find it darkens stuff down when driving at night?
That's awesome. Thank you for posting the images.

Do you find it darkens stuff down when driving at night?

I just installed it yesterday and have not driven in the dark yet.
When I was adjusting it yesterday in the parking lot, people's windshields went dark.
But I think it will be better at night since you won't get a lot of glare and reflections from people's taillights, building lights, etc.
Great pictures.... Thanks for sharing.

Can't wait until I'll receive mine
So how is it going with this GGS filter? Any quality loss? How does it work at night?
hey guys,
how do you keep the filter on the camera (without it falling off?) I just ordered mine and haven't gotten it yet but i"m curious to know. Thanks.
hey guys,
how do you keep the filter on the camera (without it falling off?) I just ordered mine and haven't gotten it yet but i"m curious to know. Thanks.

i was wondering this too
Easy...metal ring with tape to camera. The lens have magnet stick to metal ring. Lol.
Just ordered one! :D
Received mine GGS . After short test I can say that it has pros and cons:

Reflections really disappear (just have to rotate the polarizer to find proper position).
Easy to install.

Quality loss. Picture becomes less sharp, some noise appear and also its a little too dark at night.
Ok - got the and...the magnet-ring has a protective glass mountetd to it. How did you guys mount it with this glass in place!!?
I thought the ring just had to go over the little protrusion the 0803-lens has - but the glass on the ring is kinda in the way ;)

Besides...the filter works as intended, and is indeed a circular polarized lens. I mean...ordering from China you'll never know before it sits in your mailbox, right :D
You can contact LaserGnomes and he will hook you up. (he has the 3D file ready to print)
I welcome your helpfullness - i just dont have anything to use your mount for, as i already bought the CPL.
I am curious about how others, that bought the 22 mm GGS Magnetic CPL Circular lens polarizer, managed to fit it to their 801/803's.
The glass is glued to the magnetic ring - so you dont just take it out, an slide the ring over the lens' protrusion.
Really...noone actually mounted this lens, and worked around the attached protection-glass in the magnet!?
The magnetic ring you bought is a UV filter. The 22mm GGS CPL which I bought, only has a metal ring, no glass or UV filter.... so the ring can be mounted directly to the 0801 face.

I found that I really didn't need the CPL, so never actually mounted mine.
The magnetic ring you bought is a UV filter. The 22mm GGS CPL which I bought, only has a metal ring, no glass or UV filter.... so the ring can be mounted directly to the 0801 face.
Strange. I bought the exact same that was mentioned in this thread - even the packaging is its twin.
Apparently they've "updated" with the (UV?-)glass on the ring.
I was just about to purchase this CPL and noticed this thread. All the sellers that I can find seem to have this updated version with the UV filter and metal ring. @danishdude, did you happen to find a way to remove the glass and still use the metal ring?