Freezing every few days

I've now had the 0906 working as it should for a month.
Lucky you! Anything you did to fix it?
Whether the following has anything to do with anything I have no idea, but previously when handling the card I used to just slot it in and take it out whilst the dashcam was on. Once I'd changed to ensuring the unit was switched off when dealing with the card, all my missing folders returned, and the freezing issue stopped.

It could be pure coincidence and you may have a faulty unit, I don't know. This area of tech is beyond me and I'm really thankful for this forum and the help given by contributors.
So after flashing the new firmware I thought the freezing issue was solved. It's been going well up until today, where unfortunately the same thing happened. Solid blue and red light, frozen whilst recording, camera view would still cycle on power button press. Noticed the last file to be recorded is 0kb in size, which I don't think happened before. Looks like it froze at 2017/12/16 19:47:23 Log file attached as always.

from your log we found the system time changed on 19:47:23 for un-known reason, then the camera don't know what to do with the later files and stop recording.
our engineer suggest to remove the log writting function which consume system resource, which may bring system overload then mistake happen.

let's use this firmware below (no log function) to test if it will help.
Thanks, I'll give that firmware a try and report back (y)
Thanks, looking forward your feedback on this firmware.
This will help us to process the next firmware
Mine also freeze after number of hrs with hard wired, even under Nov version, it also killed 3 hard wire kits including original mini 0906 hard wire kit.

But it works fine with cigarette plug though, anyone has any idea?
What is the protection voltage you setting on its hardwire kit?
redrevis@ did you tried new firmware and how it worked!
Yes I'm using the new firmware. As far as I know, so far so good, but my wife has been using the car recently and she hasn't checked, so I'll check next time I'm in it.

What is the protection voltage you setting on its hardwire kit?
There was no voltage setting on the kit that came with my camera. I bought it before a new kit was produced. I'd be surprised if it was to do with the voltage protection as it seems to be a bug in the firmware causing this issue with the date and time.
I bought it before a new kit was produced. I'd be surprised if it was to do with the voltage protection.

the old design is protecting at 11.8V.
in new design we added voltage select 11.8 / 12.0 /12.2 / 12.4
the old design is protecting at 11.8V.
in new design we added voltage select 11.8 / 12.0 /12.2 / 12.4
Are you suggesting it could be the hardwire kit then causing this freezing whilst recording issue?
Are you suggesting it could be the hardwire kit then causing this freezing whilst recording issue?

it have been confirmed the freezing problem is caused by the long 6meter extending cable for rear camera. (3% reject rate. the high frequency impedance is out of tolerance so the signal transfer is interrupted.)
if your camera have this issue, please contact your distributor or me directly for a free new extending cable.
we are quite sorry for this.
@redrevis If you order from us,please PM me your shipping address for replacement cable!
it have been confirmed the freezing problem is caused by the long 6meter extending cable for rear camera. (3% reject rate. the high frequency impedance is out of tolerance so the signal transfer is interrupted.)
if your camera have this issue, please contact your distributor or me directly for a free new extending cable.
we are quite sorry for this.

If this is the cause why are we trying the new no log firmware, even after you posted about the defective cable issue? So far the camera hasn't frozen whilst recording since I flashed the no log firmware you recommended.
It will be simple enough to work out if the cable is the problem though. I will wait and see if the camera does freeze on this new firmware. If it does, I will disconnect the rear camera and then see if the freezing still happens or not. If it does, we know it's not the rear camera cable. I'll let you know when I have an update on this.

@redrevis If you order from us,please PM me your shipping address for replacement cable!
I bought from, but thanks anyway.
If this is the cause why are we trying the new no log firmware

You have to eliminate the possible problems one at a time to end up with the correct solution ;) Give them a chance with the new cable and hopefully these problems will end :)

Kudos to @Rayman.Chan for the continuing hard work with improving the 0906 (y)

I stumbled upon this thread. If I may ask, is this issue prevalent in all Mini 0906 regardless of brand, e.g. Veckle and Blueskysea?
@util We rebrand mini0906 with Blueskysea logo,please PM me for help if you got one Blueskysea mini0906!
And this problem had been solved in its new batch already!
Can you PM me? I can't seem to PM you. I'm on Tapatalk. I'm interested to buy.