Freezing every few days

No I haven't got any other cards. This was quite expensive, so I don't fancy spending on another one. Surely this card is good enough? Is there any test I can do on the card to rule it out as being the issue?

I'm sure it's a good card, could still have some sort of compatibility issue

Was the card formatted in the camera or in another device?

Are you a Windows or Mac user?
Always format the card in the camera and I'm on Windows.
I don't think so, but I'm not 100% sure. Would that make a difference if it has been formatted in the PC?
I don't think so, but I'm not 100% sure. Would that make a difference if it has been formatted in the PC?

yeah it can do, if you want to be sure use a card reader and do a full format in the PC using this software will take a while to run but it does need the full format rather than the quick format, that will return the card to factory default settings

after that is done put it back in the camera and the camera will prompt you to format, do that and then see how you go
I guess this problem arise due to a changing date/time. Some of an event change current data/time to the past date/time.
A question is: which the event & why the past date/time? May be the past date/time is the last know when deleted files?
For me it's looks like the software bug.
Another question: what does the GPS module? Why date/time not changed to current from the GPS? Of course if GPS is locked.
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OK so it froze again today with LEDs blue and red solid and no green lit. You could press the side button to swap between cameras, but it had frozen whilst recording in parking guard mode this time. Since the last time it didn't even last 24 hours :( Log file attached
I'm now going to do what Jokiin suggested, see if it makes any difference.


Just changed to FW20171013. Formatted using Formatter 4 and then afterwards in camera as instructed. Parking Guard On. Micro SDXC Card: Samsung 128 Evo Plus UHS 3. Windows 10.

New Fault: Drove to supermarket and parked up. Restarted at the end of shopping “experience” for final journey back home.

Wanting to check data, I was unable to turn off Camera at home without reaching into fuse box and turning it off via Parking Guard hardware kit switch.

At home I checked Files/video to find Rear video folder missing and unable to view Front video with rdCAMPlayer whereas I could before. When trying, grey box appears with “Info loading”, but no video.

Able to view Front video in “Dashcam Viewer” & “VLC” and noting Parking Guard had worked perfectly on Front cam after having initially stopped at supermarket.

The missing Rear file and jammed Off switch fault has only occurred since FW upgrade.

As an aside, I’ve noticed blurring around the centre of the video, suspected the CPL filter so I took it off. Blurring still occurring. I will clean dashcam lens again in the morning.

Files attached


This morning reformatted. Left it in Parking Guard mode. Returned later, Recording Indicator unlit and jammed On/Off button. Took card out and Explorer can only see FRONT folder with front files in it and Novatek folder with LOG files in it. No REAR folder.
LOG files attached.

Getting exasperated with it now but will try Reset button



Frezze happened again. It look like it is the same issues as before. Red LED is on and solid. The date on the log file changed by itself again. No recording after that. Hopefully you can fix this bug.

[0m[2017/11/13 15:31:49][31mERR:ChgMode_IMX291M() ChgMode_IMX291M End!!
[0m[33mWRN:pll_setClockFreq() Target(3) freq can not be divided with no remainder! Result is 120000000Hz.
[0mget DP Calibration data
DP Count =13
NO DP cal data
size = 0x3fc40, max = 0x3fc4
[0] videoMax=0x1EDA, audioMax=0x20EA
size = 0x3fc40, max = 0x3fc4
[1] videoMax=0x1EDA, audioMax=0x20EA
[31mERR:h264_setEncInitReg() H264Enc don't need to init, 2, 660
[0m[31mERR:h264_close() H264Enc don't need to close, 1, 396
[0m[31mERR:h264_setEncInitReg() H264Enc don't need to init, 2, 660
size = 0x3fc40, max = 0x3fc4
[1] videoMax=0x1EDA, audioMax=0x20EA
[31mERR:h264_setEncInitReg() H264Enc don't need to init, 2, 660
[0m[31mERR:h264_close() H264Enc don't need to close, 1, 396
[0m[31mERR:h264_setEncInitReg() H264Enc don't need to init, 2, 660
[0m[2017/11/12 13:25:52][0] timeid=0xd7552f11!


Investigation into current problems continuing: Carried out a Reset but still frozen/solid lights. Turned off Parking Guard and tried again. Not able to get into Menu but at least light not solid and able to format card in camera. Had a short drive and looked at card. Explorer can see FRONT with files in it, GPS with files in it (the GPS folder returned after it went missing when tested yesterday), Novatek with LOG folder inside also with files in it (attached) but no REAR folder, again.

rdCAMPlayer unable to load FRONT files, only Dashcam Viewer & VLC

Is there anyone who can offer reasons or how to make the REAR folder return and why turning Parking Guard off has stopped the freezing.


Recommend you use this Dashcam viewer player!
I only mentioned the players to give as much information to techies as I could. Why would a player that's been recommended to view these files, not work on my setup?

The main issue is why my REAR files along with its folder continue to be missing no matter how many times I reformat or reset and whether others are experiencing the same problem. My recent triumph is turning the Parking Guard off and by doing so, getting into the Menu and also unfreezing the unit.

Next, I'll be checking to see if the missing REAR folder/files are being stopped from loading by my AV.
have you checked if the rear channel is actually active while recording?

if the rear camera isn't being detected by the camera it won't create a rear cam folder or any files
Arggggghhh! Why aren't faults consistent?

Just checked the card this morning and having turned off Parking Guard last night, all the Folders & Files are as they should be and I can see front & rear video of the time I was testing in the car. (rdCAMPlayer is still the only reader that can't read the files, though)

One thing I noticed was that I had accidently loaded up the previous FW last night. Whether that has anything to do with anything I'll check by upgrading the FW to the latest one initially leaving Parking Guard off and then testing with it on.
Just as a problem resolves itself, another one surfaces:

My wife and I had just parked up in a shopping centre carpark and as we were about to leave the car, a woman drove her black car between a tree and a lamppost to reach a space a little ahead. What she can’t have seen was a small kerb around the tree with a metal railing protecting it. She was driving far too fast and hit the kerb, bent the railings and parked up in the space in front. Damage caused was railing bent and the front left of her car hanging off.

Eager to relive the experience when we got home I took the card out and searched for the incident with a view to letting you guys share in the woman’s discomfort and perhaps put it on Faecebook. (Hey, I never said we were nice people. Fortunately we’re not religious so we have nobody to answer to, we are what we are and I make no excuses).

Could I find the incident? No. The seconds before it and the seconds after it I could see, but the actual incident? Nada! Nothing!

The only thing I could see wrong was that there was no PHOTO folder or service.html

The incident happened at approx. 18/11/2017 08:43.
I've attached the LOG file, which I can't make head or tail of, but it looks like something happened just about that time.
The two videos of immediately before and after the incident are on Dropbox Link:

Any help solving this (hopefully) final problem would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @Aph,

it's normal to miss of 2-3 seconds. Please read this topic.
Could I find the incident? No. The seconds before it and the seconds after it I could see, but the actual incident? Nada! Nothing!
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Thanks Gosha, I think I understand the problem but can't see this "feature" being of use at any time or perhaps I don't really understand.

Was it because I had only just taken the key out of the ignition and it was switching from On to Parking Guard when the incident happened, or am I never going to catch an incident if I'm out of the car?

There comes a time later on in one's life when keeping up with new technology becomes slowly more difficult; I have a nasty feeling that at 61, I may be approaching it. :(
So after flashing the new firmware I thought the freezing issue was solved. It's been going well up until today, where unfortunately the same thing happened. Solid blue and red light, frozen whilst recording, camera view would still cycle on power button press. Noticed the last file to be recorded is 0kb in size, which I don't think happened before. Looks like it froze at 2017/12/16 19:47:23 Log file attached as always.

