G1W-C problems


New Member
Aug 23, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I received my G1W-C from Gearbest earlier this week. First off, I drive a 2012 Mazda3 that has a keyless push start button. The first, and biggest, problem I'm having is that the dashcam, when plugged into my car, turns my car to the ACC position when the engine gets turned off. This means that I can't lock my car doors or turn my car alarm on. Obviously, since my car has a push start button, there is no key for me to take out of the ignition and my car will remain in ACC mode. The thing I can do right now is unplug my cam from my car whenever I get out of my car. However, this causes the time/date to always reset. This problem never happens when I have my phone plugged in my car so I know it is definitely the dashcam.

The second problem I'm having is the last file corrupt problem. I believe I have firmware 2013 1112.18 and I'm using a Transcend 32gb class 10 microSD. I know I can fix the corrupted file by replaying it on the cam before transferring the file to my computer but is there is a better way of preventing the problem from occurring without having to press the stop recording button before turning off my car?
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