G1W-CB white screen (of death?)


New Member
Sep 13, 2015
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Hi guys,
Just joined up to find some help with my G1W-CB I've just purchased and now having a big problem with.
I had it all set up (through trial and error - the supplied 'manual' isn't much help) and it was working fine for the first few days. I took out the sd card to check the videos and all was fine.
Put the card back in the cam and it turns on not with the welcome screen or live view, but with just a bright white screen. I can't access menus or get anything else to appear on the screen - I've tried turning off/on, taking card out and putting back in again, formatting the card, using the 'reset' button on the unit all to no avail.
Actually, I probably can access the menus as the keys still beep, but without being able to see the UI on the screen, it's impossible to adjust any settings with confidence.

Has anyone had a similar problem and was able to fix it, or does this sound like a return/warranty job? (which would suck, purely for the relatively high cost of return postage from Australia > Everbuying.net, in relation to the cost of the dashcam).

20150913_181216 (Custom).jpg

Great, the only reason I bought it was that it was recommended on DCT :(
Hi guys,
Just joined up to find some help with my G1W-CB I've just purchased and now having a big problem with.
I had it all set up (through trial and error - the supplied 'manual' isn't much help) and it was working fine for the first few days. I took out the sd card to check the videos and all was fine.
Put the card back in the cam and it turns on not with the welcome screen or live view, but with just a bright white screen. I can't access menus or get anything else to appear on the screen - I've tried turning off/on, taking card out and putting back in again, formatting the card, using the 'reset' button on the unit all to no avail.
Actually, I probably can access the menus as the keys still beep, but without being able to see the UI on the screen, it's impossible to adjust any settings with confidence.

Has anyone had a similar problem and was able to fix it, or does this sound like a return/warranty job? (which would suck, purely for the relatively high cost of return postage from Australia > Everbuying.net, in relation to the cost of the dashcam).

If you can live without the screen, you can set up the menus if you connect the camera to a TV, using the HDMI or the AV out outputs.
Some of these don't have AVI out- the hole in the case is there but no connector inside :confused:

That's how and where I started too but after 2 duds I gave up and bought something else. This is a good cam when you get a good one, but the odds of that happening aren't what they should be. You might be able to return yours under warranty and apply the price to an upgrade if your seller has something else you like. At least use the warranty; the next one may be up to par and if it is I think you'll like it.

The spate of QC issues with these has been fairly recent and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Perhaps it's time to pass the title of "Budget Cam King" off to another model?

The spate of QC issues with these has been fairly recent and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Perhaps it's time to pass the title of "Budget Cam King" off to another model?


these went downhill long ago, personally the only sub $100 cam I consider worthy is the Mobius
Hi guys,
Just joined up to find some help with my G1W-CB I've just purchased and now having a big problem with.
I had it all set up (through trial and error - the supplied 'manual' isn't much help) and it was working fine for the first few days. I took out the sd card to check the videos and all was fine.
Put the card back in the cam and it turns on not with the welcome screen or live view, but with just a bright white screen. I can't access menus or get anything else to appear on the screen - I've tried turning off/on, taking card out and putting back in again, formatting the card, using the 'reset' button on the unit all to no avail.
Actually, I probably can access the menus as the keys still beep, but without being able to see the UI on the screen, it's impossible to adjust any settings with confidence.

Has anyone had a similar problem and was able to fix it, or does this sound like a return/warranty job? (which would suck, purely for the relatively high cost of return postage from Australia > Everbuying.net, in relation to the cost of the dashcam).

View attachment 17042

I bought 5 of these from China based on the reviews from youtube. 4 of them work just fine but I just pulled the fifth one out for my wife's new car and I get this dreaded white screen of death as well. Tried all the solutions that you used but to no avail. I get a video when I place the sd card in my computer but just the white screen while its in the car. I guess these are the chances you take when you want to save a little money. The other 4 work excellent though, and have paid for themselves in spades with a couple of accidents recorded that weren't our fault but had to be proven with the video to the police.
Mine (from Gearbest) has the same problem new !.
Some files are corrupted and cannot be played even with VLC.
Mine (from Gearbest) has the same problem new !.
Some files are corrupted and cannot be played even with VLC.
You need to update firmware to 2014.0813.11
There is a topic about this.
I tried but it won't take. Luckily it survives the failed firmware upgrade.
I'll try resetting the sensor connector next.
I have the exact same problem, my G1W-C (blueskysea purchased from Amazon) has the white screen, but recording works just fine - I can see things perfectly when I put the SD card in a computer. I already had the 2014.0813.11 firmware, and reflashed and reset the device (unfortunately erasing all my date/time/shock sensitivity settings) but it still shows the white screen.

I tried a mini-hdmi cable, but nothing shows up on the TV. Can someone please post the keypresses needed to get to the tv-out menu and change it? Everything seems to work except for the screen, so I'm hoping to get it to TV mode then set the date/time and a few other settings and plug it back into the car. I don't care about the screen as long as recording works, and don't really have the budget to spend on another camera at this moment.
Never mind, I got mini-HDMI to work - I had to plug it in then press the "M" button to get the display on my TV. I was able to set the date/time, turn off the beep sound and set the screen timeout to 3 minutes. Will stick some black paper across the screen to block the white when it starts up, and it'll be good to go.