Git2 Audio Processing issue


New Member
May 22, 2016
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Hi Everybody!!!

I bought the Git2 Pro camera and I'm very happy with it.
I found a very disappointing issue: Audio recording Processor.

The mic volume decrease down suddenly when a hard sound is recorded by the camera. It's ok that it decrease the volume a few seconds to avoid saturation but it keeps low without restoring to original volume.


When recording a normal day in a park, childs and animal sounds are the main source of sound. Then, suddenly a firework sound is heard near to me. The camera decrease the volume to avoid saturation, but it sholud increase it after a few a seconds. Iinstead that, the recording sound keeps low until I stop the recod.

This happens too when recording underwater. When recording inside a pool, underwater sound is the one of air bubbles hitting the camera. It functions fine. But when you go out of the pool, without stopping the record, the audio level keeps low and everything you could talk or hear is captured in a very low level by the camera. I need to stop recording and begins again to hear everything in anormal sound level.

Mic audio level featura was tested in Low, Medium and High... The issue is present in all 3 options.

Is this an abnormal function of the mic or something you could solve by firmware upgrade?

Compared to GoPro cameras, they rules in this matter.

Anyone with this issue?

When recording a normal day in a park, childs and animal sounds are the main source of sound. Then, suddenly a firework sound is heard near to me. The camera decrease the volume to avoid saturation, but it sholud increase it after a few a seconds. Iinstead that, the recording sound keeps low until I stop the recod.
Alternatively on a camera that does put the volume back up again, if you are recording music and someone hits a drum, the music disappears because it has turned the volume down and then a second later the music comes back as it turns the volume back up, then a second later the drum is hit again and the music disappears again, and again, and again, and ruins the recording - very annoying.

Personally I prefer the way the Git2 works, even though you need to be careful to start recording after mounting the camera, not before. Occasionally it causes a problem but normally you get good recordings.

I think you are the first person to post about this issue!

I guess another setup option in the menu is the ultimate answer...
I have noticed this same issue on the first tests I made. After experimenting with external mic I have found this automatic gain control feature quite annoying actually as it raises the gain level higher on silent parts which results to very audible level of noise, and of course the opposite on loud peak sounds as mentioned above. So it would nice to add an option to firmware to switch it off.

I'm not sure whether we are talking exactly the same issue here, because I have not noticed the audio level getting stuck on low level, on the contrary on my tests it has been following the input volume with few seconds delay (at least with the latest beta firmware).
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