GitUp F1: any good for dash cam use?

I'm gonna use it for daylight 4K motorcycle recording. Period. Thanks for all your input guys.
The F1 is great for daytime recording. I would never advise using it as a primary camera for day & night, since there are better options out there.

Mobius have considered a STARVIS version of the Maxi. Not sure if it will ever take off though.
I've ordered a Maxi B (F1.5) and a Hawkeye Firefly Split Mini. I'm going all in, talking gets me only so far, I need to see and find out myself.

F1 and F1C are prepared and ready to go side-by-side, in the interest of helping @dirkzelf find the ultimate mini camera!!
I'll be running Falsificator's MOD#1.5+Sharp on the F1 since I believe that performs better than GitUp's own V1.2. (I can use the standard V1.2 if people would rather see that comparison??)
The F1C is still on the firmware that came with the camera - there have been no FW updates from GitUp for the F1C.

I also have the Viofo A129 Pro recording too, so that's 3x 4K cameras :)
(I can use the standard V1.2 if people would rather see that comparison??)
Since it is to be used as a dashcam, I think Falsificator's is more suitable.
That hawkeye firefly split mini look nice, i would use something like that if i was able to afford a set of FPV goggles.
But other stuff keep jumping ahead of that, and these days i don't use my RC toys much.
@Dashmellow you must have a drawer full, or two?

My cameras, batteries, lenses and cables are scattered around the car and house, between two boxes, one drawer and two bags.
EDIT: Images removed, pending a re-test. I'm going to use the F1 with standard V1.2 firmware.

It's been a while since I used the GitUp F1 at night with its original 160deg FOV F2.8 lens. It's even darker than I remembered! By comparison, the F1C is nice and bright.

The standard F1 is running modified MOD#1.5+sharp firmware. I'll check to see if the original firmware is brighter.

The Viofo A129 Pro with its Novatek processor sits somewhere between the F1 and F1C in terms of exposure at night, with better control of both noise and highlights:
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It's been a while since I used the GitUp F1 at night with its original 160deg FOV F2.8 lens. It's even darker than I remembered! By comparison, the F1C is nice and bright.


The standard F1 is running modified MOD#1.5+sharp firmware. I'll check to see if the original firmware is brighter.

The Viofo A129 Pro sits somewhere between the F1 and F1C in terms of exposure at night:

THANKS!! However.... my F1 is producing terrible image noise, yours doesn't seem to be as bad as mine...????

And may I ask, what is the difference (apart from the capacitor) between your F1 here and the F1C?? Only the lens? Then I'm convinced, jank it out, F1.8 or F1.2 in....!
THANKS!! However.... my F1 is producing terrible image noise, yours doesn't seem to be as bad as mine...????

And may I ask, what is the difference (apart from the capacitor) between your F1 here and the F1C?? Only the lens? Then I'm convinced, jank it out, F1.8 or F1.2 in....!
Falsificator's MOD#1.5+sharp firmware does a better job with noise than the default firmware. Perhaps that's also the reason why the video is darker.

F1 and F1C have the same sensor and processor. The F1C lens aperture and FOV are different, and the firmware is tweaked to boost low light, at the expense of some noise and over-exposed highlights.
Falsificator's MOD#1.5+sharp firmware does a better job with noise than the default firmware. Perhaps that's also the reason why the video is darker.

F1 and F1C have the same sensor and processor. The F1C lens aperture and FOV are different, and the firmware is tweaked to boost low light, at the expense of some noise and over-exposed highlights.

I'll try the Falsificator's MOD#1.5+sharp firmware (pointer?) first and then....

would seem me only needs to swap a lensie then .... ?
I just reinstalled FW V1.2 and in a quick test it's much brighter than a video I took a few minuted ago with MOD#1.5

Perhaps I set something wrong. I'll check and re-do the comparison since the images above may be unfair........
set to 30 fps? 60 is almost black....
Or accidentally put 1.2 on the F1C?
I re-checked everything after re-installing MOD#1.5. It really is rather dark in low light, more so than I remember.

Anyway, I think a better comparison will be the F1 on GitUp FW V1.2, and the F1C on its standard firmware.

I'll be back in a bit....