Hello DASHCAMTALK. GRDIAN introduction.


Dec 4, 2015
Reaction score
Pasadena, CA
United States


Hello DASHCAMTALK community!
We'd like to thank the DASHCAMTALK community for setting up such a wonderful resource page to engage in. Also, we would like to introduce ourselves as the new kids on the block. Our company GRDIAN is located in Pasadena, California and we share the same enthusiasm for dash cameras as all of you. We are excited to start our new venture in this area and are very much looking forward to interacting with everyone. Check us out if you have the time at www.grdian.com !

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Is the defender same as mini 0806?
Hi Sunny thank you for the warm welcome!

I am glad you asked! To answer your question, yes and no. We have been long time fans of the Mini series, and were quite impressed with the Mini 0806. It definitely had a lot of potential. And I am sure the community is aware of the areas where the Mini 0806 faltered.

Over the past couple of months we have been engaging and working with the manufacturers and as far as visiting their office/factory in Shenzhen to work out the kinks of the Mini 0806. DEFENDR is the end result of our efforts. We've completely redesigned the packaging, the user manual, and the device. At heart it is the Mini 0806, but perfected. But of course nothing is perfect, and we hope that the DEFENDR is a more suitable choice than the Mini 0806.

Welcome! You might want to update your location... when i first saw it, i immediately thought you were here in Houston, since Pasadena is a pretty big city on its own, right next door to Houston.
Hi Sunny thank you for the warm welcome!

I am glad you asked! To answer your question, yes and no. We have been long time fans of the Mini series, and were quite impressed with the Mini 0806. It definitely had a lot of potential. And I am sure the community is aware of the areas where the Mini 0806 faltered.

Over the past couple of months we have been engaging and working with the manufacturers and as far as visiting their office/factory in Shenzhen to work out the kinks of the Mini 0806. DEFENDR is the end result of our efforts. We've completely redesigned the packaging, the user manual, and the device. At heart it is the Mini 0806, but perfected. But of course nothing is perfect, and we hope that the DEFENDR is a more suitable choice than the Mini 0806.

I also liked mini 0806 design.
I reviewed two of them but both units had issues and unusable.
If the issues are fixed, it's pretty nice dashcam.
Welcome to DCT GRDIAN :)
Welcome! You might want to update your location... when i first saw it, i immediately thought you were here in Houston, since Pasadena is a pretty big city on its own, right next door to Houston.

Thank you for the welcome Gabacho! We are glad to be a part of this community. And thank you Gibson for pointing that out. We are actually located in California. Had no idea there was a Pasadena in Texas!

I also liked mini 0806 design.
I reviewed two of them but both units had issues and unusable.
If the issues are fixed, it's pretty nice dashcam.

Yes, it is a pretty great camera. Hopefully we've taken the issues with the Mini 0806 and corrected them.
a lot of us locals call it either Stinkadena (due to all the petro/chem plants) or Pasa-get-down-dena. I go through it on my way to Baytown, for some of the races I help run.
Hi Sunny thank you for the warm welcome!

I am glad you asked! To answer your question, yes and no. We have been long time fans of the Mini series, and were quite impressed with the Mini 0806. It definitely had a lot of potential. And I am sure the community is aware of the areas where the Mini 0806 faltered.

Over the past couple of months we have been engaging and working with the manufacturers and as far as visiting their office/factory in Shenzhen to work out the kinks of the Mini 0806. DEFENDR is the end result of our efforts. We've completely redesigned the packaging, the user manual, and the device. At heart it is the Mini 0806, but perfected. But of course nothing is perfect, and we hope that the DEFENDR is a more suitable choice than the Mini 0806.


Hey Grdian,

Welcome to this forum! Noticed you are using one of our images of the Mini 0806 images on your home page?
Hey Grdian,

Welcome to this forum! Noticed you are using one of our images of the Mini 0806 images on your home page?

Hello Spytec. We ran a quick look at your site. And I do believe I know what you're talking about.

This is very embarrassing and very disappointing. We hired a third party graphic designer to do the work on our site and we'll inform them immediately. Terribly sorry. Thank you so much for pointing that out. Will update it as soon as we can and keep you informed.

Welcome to the forum, the name GRDIAN sure has a familiar ring to it.

Hello Pier28, nice to meet you. It does doesn't it?
Hey Grdian,

Welcome to this forum! Noticed you are using one of our images of the Mini 0806 images on your home page?

Hi Spytec. We really appreciate you pointing that out. We have dealt with our graphic designer accordingly and have terminated our business with him. We take plagiarism very seriously and have begun investigating other designs within our site. Our in-house designer will take over and check and re-check everything. We've updated our site and have removed the image. Once again, thank you for pointing it out. Looking forward to contributing to this community.