Hit and run driver panicks and attempts to flee the scene

Nice one ! Hit & run drivers are lowlife scum that should be severely punished and banned from driving.
"funny", most times when this happen here the driver is DUI.
The ppl who are H&R but not DUI, are mostly the senile ppl who venture down the wrong ramp onto a motorway and proceeed against oncomming traffic.

My friends father is over 90 and still driving, he drive a skoda estate and though its only a fjew years old it look like it have been used in a demo derby.
And the old guy still get his licence renewed every year :rolleyes:
I hope she got prosecuted for fleeing the scene of an accident. She must think that it's OK to pull a stupid manoeuvre like that, cause damage to somebody's property and then shirk any kind of responsibility.
I wonder if she tried to pull the "it wasn't me officer, I've just been to the local shop - and that's in the opposite direction"