Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you

Well that was not nice driving :rolleyes:
He must have read the bus and took the advice
maybe he'll get away to Africa with Toto and not bother us anymore. :)

that said, that maneuver is very common in downtown houston, when buses are loading/unloading. they typically do like this one did and stop 2-3 carlengths before the intersection specifically to allow people to turn right in front of them.
Bus riders complain about it, but here in Vancouver, most of our bus stops are after the intersection-- so that the bus riders have to go back and cross the street behind the bus, rather than walk in front of the bus to cross. It also effectively prevents drivers from turning right in front of the bus-- the bus is out of the way of other drivers, and there's nothing street for cars to turn on in front of the bus!
Yeah, exactly! I thought the music was very coincidental in that moment!
so how long before youtube and the MAFIAA send the OP a takedown notice because there happens to be a clip of music in the background?

some of my clips have already been flagged as having music in them. what a pain. fricken copyright nazis... it's not like we're making money off it.

it's not like we're making money off it.

That's exactly the thing, though: by claiming infringement, they can make money off it. If there's a clip of copyrighted music in there, they'll claim the right to all ad revenue from that one video. And if you have ads disabled in your videos, Youtube will post ads on that video, to the benefit of the claimant.
That's exactly the thing, though: by claiming infringement, they can make money off it. If there's a clip of copyrighted music in there, they'll claim the right to all ad revenue from that one video. And if you have ads disabled in your videos, Youtube will post ads on that video, to the benefit of the claimant.
since their plan to sue the ever-loving crap out of people downloading an occasional tune (which to me is no different than using my old dual cassette deck to copy a tape - hello, what else is high-speed dubbing for??) turned into such a public relations nightmare, they've decided to make up new laws or get creative with the interpretation of existing ones to milk every last dime they can, whether it's deserved or not. RIAA+MPAA = MAFIAA