I always enjoy this view

Make a scenic drive in Denmark feel pretty flat at least.
Then again aside for the Netherlands i dont think it get much flatter :)
I do think if we go to bi roads ASO Denmark will win on miles you are able to drive on "new" road, the island cant have too many of those. I do love to take a drive now and then and try to get lost on little country roads, it is pretty cool, and i still get freaked out when the paving end and the road turn into a dirt road.
Make a scenic drive in Denmark feel pretty flat at least.

Some areas on the Big Island makes this look tame. I still need to go through the dash cam footage I took when I visited there.
I do think if we go to bi roads ASO Denmark will win on miles you are able to drive on "new" road, the island cant have too many of those.

I think you beat us there. There aren't very many new roads being built except if they happen to add a new subdivision.

Beautiful; nice place to spend Christmas Eve!
It's a nice place to spend any time of the year. It's been raining the past few days, so I guess it's a bad time if you're vacationing.
Which reminds me, where's @Sunny ?
It's been a week since he was here. Didn't he live in Boulder Colo? I think that was the area where we just had some nasty wildfires destroy around 1000 homes :eek: He hasn't been as active as in the past years so maybe that's it instead ;)
