I really need some help in deciding on the right cameras.

Oh, @Lola, I forgot to respond about your other concern above. It's not the resolution really, it's the coverage or FOV. (field of view) You want a good balance between wide angle and actually getting a good look at the cars behind you, like at license plates. Lenses that are too wide angle can make things look too far away.

With the Mobius if you have a C2 lens installed but use the "narrow setting" in the menu, the result will look quite a lot like the 116 degree B lens, if that is a concern for you. The nice thing if you were to buy a Mobius is that you can try it both ways and see what works best for you. This is one of the reasons why some people have so much fun playing around with this camera.

So if I get this right, there is a regular/old Mobius (still sold) and a new one called the C2. I should get the regular Mobius, with the C2 lens option (which is the new lens). This lens is capable of being "set" as narrow or wide angle. I remember looking at them on Amazon but I don't remember a lens (C2) option. I'll go to Amazon and check them out again. If I think I know what I'm getting I'll take down the numbers and check with you before purchasing because there are several other things I will need, Vico Power Plus, Micro card, whatever.
Thanks for the help.
No...C2 is the name of one of the optional lens modules that comes on the older Mobius. The new Mobius camera is called the Mobius 2. :)

I'm just on my way out the door so if somebody else doesn't jump in to explain by the time I get back I will try to answer more fully this evening.
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No...C2 is the name of one the optional lens modules that comes on the older Mobius. The new Mobius camera is called the Mobius 2. :)

I'm just on my way out the door so if somebody else doesn't jump in to explain by the time I get back I will try to answer more fully this evening.

Damn I feel stupid! https://www.amazon.com/gp/B00N6AWQ5I
This is what I found, without a definite description of lens. Where do you guys buy from?
If you haven't looked at the configuration software program, it doesn't hurt to check it out.

Spytec is pretty reliable, and in NY

May be the closest supplier to you. They're usually a few dollars more than a lot of the others.
I order from Buy Mobius with no issues:


Also, just noticed they have the Mobius 2 up on the site - and it wasn't yesterday as I happened to be on there last night.
Damn I feel stupid! https://www.amazon.com/gp/B00N6AWQ5I
This is what I found, without a definite description of lens. Where do you guys buy from?

Here is another link with a few, see if you can de sypher what they are saying/showing. All I need is the Cam and things that you used to connect to center headliner for rear cam which I guess is the same as the picture you showed of one of your side cams.
I was sure the cam "C2" was the new cam they just released wit issues. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=srs=6211666011&search-alias=specialty-aps&field-keywords=Mobius+with+C2+lense

All the cams on "Buy Mobius" are V3 on the link from Yoosha :
Is one of these the right one I thought V3 was the latest?

I'm going to wire this into a Vico Power Plus and order that gimbal mount that you used on the side cam from the parts store unless it was an overseas store.
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I order from Buy Mobius with no issues:


Also, just noticed they have the Mobius 2 up on the site - and it wasn't yesterday as I happened to be on there last night.

The first one (Upper Left) is called a C2 Mobius . I believe this is what the regular Mobius with options, Capacitor and C2 lensMaybe!

The 2nd one down is called a Mobius C2 I think this is what Dashmellow is referring to as the "NEW" Mobius (with possible issues).

And people wonder why I'm confused, LOL!
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@Lola, before you decide to jump into the whole Mobius thing it would be a good idea to follow @dash riposki's advice and take a look at how the configuration software menu thing works. It is a free Windows program that controls all the settings in the camera after you hook it up to your computer with a USB cable. (there are methods for using a Mac to do this too.)

Start HERE.

Also, it would be a very good idea to review the first 7 posts on the Mobius 1 Action Cam support page. (As the page says, "Required Reading") ;)

Don't be intimidated by all this stuff, mainly just check out the configuration menus and see if you feel comfortable using something like this to set up the camera the first time and then make occasional changes, if so desired.

In any event, though, ONLY after reading and reviewing these pages and deciding you are ready to dive into a camera platform like this should you then consider the Mobius for your needs.

Other, self contained dash cams with a screen and a little selectable menu system might turn out to be more up your alley.

It depends on how interested and comfortable you and your inner tech geek may be in diving into this kind of thing.

In the end, it can be lots and lots of fun, as well as practical and despite initially seeming a little intimating, it's really pretty easy.

If you decide to buy a Mobius, I'm sure everyone here will be more than happy to help tutor and guide you. :)
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Damn I feel stupid! https://www.amazon.com/gp/B00N6AWQ5I
This is what I found, without a definite description of lens. Where do you guys buy from?

Don't feel stupid. You've actually been asking really smart questions many others new to this don't often ask.

Of the approved, legit sellers, I like eletoponline365 on eBay. They are the Mobius manufacturer and they have the best prices on this camera. As Chinese sellers on eBay go, you won't find better than this. The Mobius 2 camera I ordered from them a little more than a week ago arrived in 8 days with their free shipping. The last thing I ordered from them several months ago (a C2 lens module) arrived here in northeastern USA in 9 days, very well packaged with a free gift of a new spare camera case.

The other approved sellers are also worthy of consideration and buying from a USA based seller certainly can have its merits.
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Don't feel stupid. You've actually been asking really smart questions many others new to this don't often ask.

Of the approved, legit sellers, I like eletoponline365 on eBay. They are the Mobius manufacturer and they have the best prices on this camera. As Chinese sellers on eBay go, you won't find better than this. The Mobius 2 camera I ordered from them a little more than a week ago arrived in 8 days with their free shipping. The last thing I ordered from them several months ago (a C2 lens module) arrived here in northeastern USA in 9 days, very well packaged with a free gift of a new spare camera case.

The other approved sellers are also worthy of consideration and buying from a USA based seller certainly can have its merits.

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High Dashmellow thanks for the kind words, I really don't know much about cameras, but I learn things fairly fast and don't mind messing with things like this in fact I like it. I've built my last 5 desktop computers and my latest one is the very best I have ever had. I run Linux Ubuntu and really like it a lot.
I figure what I don't know I can find out here from you and the other guys, I know something will need to be asked but I'm not worried at all, well maybe a little. It's very uncomfortable when you haven't ever held a Mobius in your hands.
However I'm in a lot of hot water right now because I waited to long to install a "dash cam". One day I'll tell you the whole story, promise!

Now let's talk about the C2 (132 deg) lens again. No where in searching could I find anything about the new C2 lens being able to adjust from standard to wide angle it just says wide angle. However I think there is another problem with the "naming". At
buymobius.com they list some of those cameras as having the C2 lens but they are obviously the new cam (Higher price). At the end of the paragraph they say the picture (of camera) was taken with the C lens but the C2 lens will be in he new camera, so I guess the new lens is called the "C2".

Problem: when I said earlier on that I had found a lens chart, I can no longer find it!

I think I will order the Mobius with the standard lens which is 86 deg (if they have it). This should bring things in fairly close with good detail, if later I find it just isn't wide enough I'll order the 132 deg lens.
That C2 lens you ordered from the above "Site"? Have you checked it out to be able to change it from narrow to wide angle?

If you can think of anything please let me know, I'm going to place an order very soon. I still need to learn what Micro card is best in Mobius cams, since this seems to be a big discussion here. Cables/cable clamps, I think they come with the (Vico Power Plus wiring), glue/3M pads,
Don't feel stupid. You've actually been asking really smart questions many others new to this don't often ask.

Of the approved, legit sellers, I like eletoponline365 on eBay. They are the Mobius manufacturer and they have the best prices on this camera. As Chinese sellers on eBay go, you won't find better than this. The Mobius 2 camera I ordered from them a little more than a week ago arrived in 8 days with their free shipping. The last thing I ordered from them several months ago (a C2 lens module) arrived here in northeastern USA in 9 days, very well packaged with a free gift of a new spare camera case.

The other approved sellers are also worthy of consideration and buying from a USA based seller certainly can have its merits.

With the way my luck as been running through the month of July, I have to be careful ! I'm going now to start looking for deals.

Sent email to buymobius.com :
1 of 3

Are these all genuine Mobius cameras, lenses and parts?

Lola G
6:01 PM (2 minutes ago)

to novotm.llc

I need a price on Standard Mobius dash cam (Not Mobius 2, the new one) with standard Mobius lens (86 deg 1080p).
The Mobius standard slide on sleeve and brass nut.
Mobius Capacitor to convert from battery.
3M sticky pads (3).
A helmet gimbal mount (Not suction cup)


What is your price delivered to US, postal zip code 21770.

Thank you Lola G.
@Lola, the ability to change the FoV is in the firmware, not in the lens, that's why @Dashmellow advised you to "play" a bit with the Mobius GUI (mSetup) to see if you're at ease with it before deciding to buy the camera. It works quite differently from the normal in-camera menus, so you'd have to "practice" a little to get the hang of it.
About the lens: the older A-lens and the "new" C2-lens both belong to the old Mobius, not to the new one. The A-lens has a narrower FoV and worse night quality than the C2, the latter can be set for the 2 viewing angles you mentioned above.
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High Dashmellow thanks for the kind words, I really don't know much about cameras, but I learn things fairly fast and don't mind messing with things like this in fact I like it. I've built my last 5 desktop computers and my latest one is the very best I have ever had. I run Linux Ubuntu and really like it a lot.
I figure what I don't know I can find out here from you and the other guys, I know something will need to be asked but I'm not worried at all, well maybe a little. It's very uncomfortable when you haven't ever held a Mobius in your hands.
However I'm in a lot of hot water right now because I waited to long to install a "dash cam". One day I'll tell you the whole story, promise!

Now let's talk about the C2 (132 deg) lens again. No where in searching could I find anything about the new C2 lens being able to adjust from standard to wide angle it just says wide angle. However I think there is another problem with the "naming". At
buymobius.com they list some of those cameras as having the C2 lens but they are obviously the new cam (Higher price). At the end of the paragraph they say the picture (of camera) was taken with the C lens but the C2 lens will be in he new camera, so I guess the new lens is called the "C2".

Problem: when I said earlier on that I had found a lens chart, I can no longer find it!

I think I will order the Mobius with the standard lens which is 86 deg (if they have it). This should bring things in fairly close with good detail, if later I find it just isn't wide enough I'll order the 132 deg lens.
That C2 lens you ordered from the above "Site"? Have you checked it out to be able to change it from narrow to wide angle?

If you can think of anything please let me know, I'm going to place an order very soon. I still need to learn what Micro card is best in Mobius cams, since this seems to be a big discussion here. Cables/cable clamps, I think they come with the (Vico Power Plus wiring), glue/3M pads,

Sorry you are still having some confusion about the wide/narrow thing with the Mobius lenses but as @Module 79L and I have tried to explain, the setting is not done mechanically in the lens but is done digitally in the mSetup firmware GUI (graphical user interface) which is used to configure the camera. For the time being, to avoid further confusion I won't go into a technical explanation of how it does that but wide or narrow, it still provides full 1920 x 1080 resolution with either the wide or narrow setting.

A nice thing about the Mobius is that it has two video modes that you can switch to when using the camera, so if you wanted to you could have mode 1 (yellow) set to narrow and mode 2 (blue) set to wide.

If you build your own computers and are into Ubuntu the Mobius will be a piece of cake for you and you will probably have a blast playing around with it.

Anyway, all you need to do is select the "Narrow" FOV radio button setting in the menu when you set the camera up. With a C2 lens "Narrow" will give you coverage similar to the older "B" lens shown in my earlier screen shots.

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Sorry you are still having some confusion about the wide/narrow thing with the Mobius lenses but as @Module 79L and I have tried to explain, the setting is not done mechanically in the lens but is done digitally in the mSetup firmware GUI (graphical user interface) which is used to configure the camera. For the time being, to avoid further confusion I won't go into a technical explanation of how it does that but wide or narrow, it still provides full 1920 x 1080 resolution with either the wide or narrow setting.

A nice thing about the Mobius is that it has two video modes that you can switch to when using the camera, so if you wanted to you could have mode 1 (yellow) set to narrow and mode 2 (blue) set to wide.

If you build your own computers and are into Ubuntu the Mobius will be a piece of cake for you and you will probably have a blast playing around with it.

Anyway, all you need to do is select the "Narrow" FOV radio button setting in the menu when you set the camera up. With a C2 lens "Narrow" will give you coverage similar to the older "B" lens shown in my earlier screen shots.

View attachment 24912
Now I understand . I thought it was a hardware type correction and couldn't figure out for the life of me how that could me. I must have misunderstood when you were explaining that it was a software change/ correction.
I would still think that the narrow lens would give a better picture then software corrections relative to showing detail but I could be wrong!

I bought the Vico Power Plus at Amazon yesterday, but haven't heard back from any of my emails about the Mobius yet.

Take care and thank you for the help.
Now I understand . I thought it was a hardware type correction and couldn't figure out for the life of me how that could me. I must have misunderstood when you were explaining that it was a software change/ correction.
I would still think that the narrow lens would give a better picture then software corrections relative to showing detail but I could be wrong!

I bought the Vico Power Plus at Amazon yesterday, but haven't heard back from any of my emails about the Mobius yet.

Take care and thank you for the help.

Another problem. In tying to purchase I ran into yet another problem. I wanted to get the standard Mobius (Old) camera with the standard 86 deg lens. At Mobius web site with the option of going to the new C2 Lens later if I wanted to (keeping my options open) they had a article that said the C2 lens was bigger and would not fit the old/standard Mobius. I know dashmellow said they would, but I figured I better check back again.
It seems to me that somewhere on this web site someone said something about a fix for this situation but it was when I was first starting out and can't remember where I read it.
Is there a fix for this ?
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Another problem. In tying to purchase I ran into yet another problem. I wanted to get the standard Mobius (Old) camera with the standard 86 deg lens. At Mobius web site with the option of going to the new C2 Lens later if I wanted to (keeping my options open) they had a article that said the C2 lens was bigger and would not fit the old/standard Mobius. I know dashmellow said they would, but I figured I better check back again.
It seems to me that somewhere on this web site someone said something about a fix for this situation but it was when I was first starting out and can't remember where I read it.
Is there a fix for this ?

Because of changes that were made to the newer versions of the lens modules (both A & C2) that made them a little bigger, a new case was also introduced to accommodate them. The new case looks identical to the older original Mobius case, only the slot inside where the lens module is installed is now bigger.

So, now, any brand new up-to-date Mobius you buy whether with an "A" lens or the "C2" lens can fit either lens module. The very similar but internally different old housing and old style lens modules mentioned in the article are no longer available, so you don't need to worry about this. The article was directed at people who own older Mobius cameras to let them know the newer C2 lens module won't fit.
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Because of changes that were made to the newer versions of the lens modules (both A & C2) that made them a little bigger, a new case was also introduced to accommodate them. The new case looks identical to the older original Mobius case, only the slot inside where the lens module is installed is now bigger.

So, now, any brand new up-to-date Mobius you buy whether with an "A" lens or the "C2" lens can fit either lens module. The very similar but internally different old housing and old style lens modules mentioned in the article are no longer available, so you don't need to worry about this. The article was directed at people who own older Mobius cameras to let them know the newer C2 lens module won't fit.

Thanks Dashmellow, Wish they would date these articles so one would have an inkling of something not being correct or correct them themselves when things change.
With your knowledge you should open a camera store on the Internet.