I'm disappointed in my dash cam (but it's not the fault of the dash cam).


Active Member
May 6, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900S-2CH
When I bought my current car in 2018, I put a Dash Camera in it, but have recorded next to nothing postable. I dunno if it's just that we have better drivers here in Southwest Washington, or if all the A-Holes drive at different times than me. But in the last year, I've got NOTHING.
Well, we don't buy car insurance hoping we will get into an accident and have to make a claim. Dash cams are essentially just another form of insurance that hopefully we won't need either.

Some people enjoy dash cam footage as a form of entertainment but that's really a different thing.

As for not having encountered anything to record worth posting, maybe count yourself lucky and consider that the longer you go without an incident the more likely the chance that your number will come up and if and when it does, hopefully it will be something amusing or interesting rather than something serious. :)
I dont take as much footage as i use to, but not CUZ i t hink Danish drivers improved, just i cant really be bothered to press the event button, and second take the footage off camera and share it.
I dont take as much footage as i use to, but not CUZ i t hink Danish drivers improved, just i cant really be bothered to press the event button, and second take the footage off camera and share it.

I've become more or less the same way.

I encounter all kinds of weird, dangerous and occasionally amusing behavior out on the local roads where I live but these days I usually don't even bother with the videos I capture unless it's something highly unusual. I guess 14 years of recording dash cam footage can do that to you.
I dont take as much footage as i use to, but not CUZ i t hink Danish drivers improved, just i cant really be bothered to press the event button, and second take the footage off camera and share it.

I've become more or less the same way.

I encounter all kinds of weird, dangerous and occasionally amusing behavior out on the local roads where I live but these days I usually don't even bother with the videos I capture unless it's something highly unusual. I guess 14 years of recording dash cam footage can do that to you.
Same here. After a while it becomes just more of the same old **** - oops, stuff.
I get a few clips and press the Protect button, but the process of transferring from Viofo to YouTube is too long. Cloud would be good.
I never bought a dashcam with the intent of capturing video for publication. The best result is never having to look at the video at all. I worry that the people who buy dashcams to capture accidents might be tempted to cause accidents in order to get some video they can post.
Same here. After a while it becomes just more of the same old ****, oops - stuff.

That's a good way to put it.

I have noticed some new behaviors though but I don't quite know what is behind it. Feels like it is some kind of post pandemic thing.

I've encountered a definite trend in aggressive, intentionally challenging and dangerous driving. At first I thought I was imagining things but it seems to happen quite often these days, sometimes multiple times in a single day. The most was three times in one day.

I'll be driving around town stopping here and there doing errands, and cars will suddenly cut out right in front of me occasionally forcing me to panic stop and hit my horn. This being a rural area, most drivers are relaxed, considerate and polite, often allowing other vehicles to merge into a line of cars in traffic which results in a friendly "thank you" wave but lately not so much.

So for example, recently I was driving slowly through a shopping center parking lot on my way to an Aldi market when I noticed a guy coming from a side lane to my right. He comes to a stop as I was driving in the main thoroughfare going through the lot. I looked right at him as I was about to pass him and we basically made eye contact and then suddenly he decides to hit the gas and drive right across my path directly in front of me. He was looking at me the whole time with an angry expression on his face and it was clear that he did this on purpose. There were few other cars around so there was no reason to do what he did. The attitude was is if he was challenging me to T-bone him.

Later in the day the exact same thing happened when some guy came to a stop approaching on a side street along a main artery going through town, he sees me and then hits the gas and cuts right out in front of me. I hit the brakes and blew the horn and he gives me the finger. Like before there was nobody behind me so he had no reason not to wait a second or two for me to drive past. Then it happened a third time when a car was waiting to exit a gas station parking lot and he did the same thing! Again, there were no cars directly behind me so there was no reason for him to abruptly enter traffic so close to me with little room for error.

Maybe I should do a compilation but I didn't save the older footage although I expect there will be more soon enough. Still, we see so many videos like this online that I'm not sure it's worth the effort and I have better things to do with my time.
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...cars will suddenly cut out right in front of me occasionally forcing me to panic stop and hit my horn...
Interesting you should mention that type of event. Same thing happened to me twice earlier today on the same trip back from an appointment. Not to the point where I had to do much more than take my foot off the gas pedal, but still not the safest thing the other driver could have done. Certainly a needless maneuver on their part, one in particular since he cut across two traffic lanes into a left turn lane where he had to wait for oncoming traffic to clear before he could make his turn. :rolleyes: :banghead:
I guess it really is a trend. Maybe others can report if this kind of thing seems to be happening more than usual.