
Haha 3 cars on 2 lane road, recipe for disaster.

Is there ever such a thing as traffic enforcement in Delhi? People in your videos seem to behave as if there are no consequences for the way they drive.

How does it work if you go to the authorities with your footage?
Actually thinking about it, the video are a good visual representation of how politics work i think.
Everybody are flaling their arms and think the world revolve around them alone, and nobody give any ground.

Is there ever such a thing as traffic enforcement in Delhi?

I would like to believe so. I do see them on major intersections and roads but there just aren't enough of them to keep eyes on all of Delhi.

People in your videos seem to behave as if there are no consequences for the way they drive.

What consequences?! Safety is not a priority. Only consequence they're afraid of is paying a fine, which comes into play only if you get caught and ticketed.

How does it work if you go to the authorities with your footage?

Don't know, have thought of it a couple of times but never have.

Delhi Police doesn't seem to have a system in place for online complaints. Not going to post on their FB page.

I can tell you how it would go in Haryana because it's happened with a friend. Cop told him, if you aren't hurt or there isn't any damage to your vehicle, stop wasting time and move the F on. Of course not in those words.
Of course, drivers here engage in all kinds of selfish, crazy, unsafe behavior all the time and usually nothing comes of it but at least there are laws on the books about staying in your lane or maintaining a safe distance from other cars and you can get cited for doing intentionally reckless things, so people more or less adhere to certain "norms". Sometimes people even get ticketed and the fines can be stiff with points on your license so that keeps some of the idiots in line.

Here we usually have two kinds of drivers. In heavy, stop and go traffic when someone is trying to nose their way into your lane it is not uncommon to let them in with a friendly wave and you'll get a smile and an appreciative wave in return. This can become contagious and so the next time, that person does the same for someone else wanting to squeeze into a lane. And traffic flows along much better as a result with fewer angry feelings. Of course, not everyone is like that. An interesting thing to observe is that the most aggressive, selfish drivers are almost always from out of town, usually from a much more populated urban center in another state.

The other thing we get here in my rural area when you are driving on isolated two lane roads out away from local cities and towns are the crazy drivers who think no one else is going to see what they do. That's why we have dash cams, I guess.

Last week. I had three almost identical incidents all in one day where a driver coming from the opposite direction made an abrupt left hand turn right across my path to the point where I nearly T-boned them even though if they had waited a second or two for me to pass through there was nobody behind me they would be endangering with a turn like that. Three in one day was a record though. The thing is that in each case the drivers clearly knew they were about to do something really reckless.
Of course, drivers here engage in all kinds of selfish, crazy, unsafe behavior all the time and usually nothing comes of it but at least there are laws on the books about staying in your lane or maintaining a safe distance from other cars and you can get cited for doing intentionally reckless things, so people more or less adhere to certain "norms". Sometimes people even get ticketed and the fines can be stiff with points on your license so that keeps some of the idiots in line.

Here we usually have two kinds of drivers. In heavy, stop and go traffic when someone is trying to nose their way into your lane it is not uncommon to let them in with a friendly wave and you'll get a smile and an appreciative wave in return. This can become contagious and so the next time, that person does the same for someone else wanting to squeeze into a lane. And traffic flows along much better as a result with fewer angry feelings. Of course, not everyone is like that. An interesting thing to observe is that the most aggressive, selfish drivers are almost always from out of town, usually from a much more populated urban center in another state.

The other thing we get here in my rural area when you are driving on isolated two lane roads out away from local cities and towns are the crazy drivers who think no one else is going to see what they do. That's why we have dash cams, I guess.

Last week. I had three almost identical incidents all in one day where a driver coming from the opposite direction made an abrupt left hand turn right across my path to the point where I nearly T-boned them even though if they had waited a second or two for me to pass through there was nobody behind me they would be endangering with a turn like that. Three in one day was a record though. The thing is that in each case the drivers clearly knew they were about to do something really reckless.

It's all in place, looks like mostly on paper though.

DP needs to take inspiration from the Police in Chandigarh. The most disciplined traffic I've seen in North India. There are traffic cops on every corner and even at places one would never expect, everyone just obeys.

I have no problem letting people pass, it's douchebags like this that I usually mess with a little by slowing down and not letting them pass for a bit. Mom was in the car so I didn't bother rolling down the window and respond to the gesturing.

People suddenly cutting across 2 or 3 lanes without indicating happens probably every minute, best to just keep an eye on the rearview mirrors and let such morons pass.
And thats why i am a atheist. :)
Aaaa a video conundrum :unsure:
Video left me very confused and with a feeling of " driving in India,,,,,nope"
Video left me very confused and with a feeling of " driving in India,,,,,nope"

Doable, just need to be super attentive at all times. Do not take 'right of way' for granted and anyone should be fine. Obviously will take a little getting used to.

I've been outside India a few times and though I've never driven abroad, seeing the crazy discipline it seemed impossible that I could have driven around without getting fined.
On my way home today i joined the motorway where the speed limit was 110 km/h, behind a old guy doing no more than 80 km/h,,,, which granted are some above the minimum speed for motorways.
Taxi and truck drivers, worst category of drivers on Delhi's roads. They just don't give a s***. :banghead:

That driver could make do with some of the rain parts of India have gotten, just to cool him down.
Monsoon hit some places hard i hear.
Taxi and truck drivers, worst category of drivers on Delhi's roads. They just don't give a s***. :banghead:

The USA isn't immune from this kind of thing either.

A couple of days ago this semi just blew right through a yield sign on the entrance ramp to an Interstate highway without even slowing down.
