It was a quiet commute...........until....


Active Member
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hudson Valley
United States
And she intended on continuing, I shook my head, "no way"...
THEN, she went for the exit, which would have turn her around to the right direction and cut back into the main road almost clipping my rear!
Where do these people come from??? Just another day driving in the Hudson Valley of New York.

Holy smokes! Good thing that wasn't at night! She was obviously confused. It was a good thing she couldn't get by you to continue her dangerous folly. She seemed to get back on-track....or not. :confused:
i guess that's why they have all those No U-turn signs on the highway on-ramps up there. they don't have em here, so they stand out to me whenever i visit my mom in new england.

only time i've ever encountered a wrong way driver was on the main lanes of the freeway real late one friday night/saturday morning. my guess was he pulled out from the bar and turned left (wrong way) onto the one-way feeder road, and didn't think anything odd about his "on-ramp" being on his right, and drove up an exit onto the freeway. at least he was going slow and had his lights on, and the freeways were almost completely empty at that late hour.
That could have ended in a much worse situation.
We had one drunk guy entering highway from the exit last year and crashed/caused into over 5 cars and 2 dead.
There is an good old saying: " Those born to crawl can't fly "
Is this the area? (that whole area's roads is pretty much f'd up, imo)!3m1!1s0x89c2ce4a0ad021f7:0x60cf46dd10e42016

LOL --> Is it some weird FOURTH dimension highway?
If one switches to street view then, clicks the arrows to "TAKE" the exit.... LMAO!!!! I can see how ANYONE could go the wrong way after going through the 'damn time vortex'! .hahahaha!3m4!1e1!3m2!1scHmoBvGfWqttRjqJozPumg!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sJQe7CGrBnUFDSqI7jxSDFQ!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sSTzpq1iladuJAsY-z02H_A!2e0!3m1!1s0x89c2ce4a0ad021f7:0x60cf46dd10e42016


"Damn Time Vortex Exit Ramp"

Yes, that is the area. Where I met her would have been on the thinner route right below the "18" exit marker. I'm thinking she came down the entrance at the "19" exit marker. That road is a two way road and instead of going over the parkway, she crossed the double yellow line and went down the ramp to the northbound parkway lanes. She then crosses over the parkway lanes and heads for the on ramp that I am on. The only other place to get there would be two miles north at another traffic circle. I don't think she would have made it this far doing that. It's down hill going north and mostly on a curve. My only other thought is that she was northbound on the parkway and missed the left exit to the circle to take her east on RT6 and actually turned left onto the ramp I am on in an attempt to go the right direction.

Is this the area? (that whole area's roads is pretty much f'd up, imo)!3m1!1s0x89c2ce4a0ad021f7:0x60cf46dd10e42016

LOL --> Is it some weird FOURTH dimension highway?
If one switches to street view then, clicks the arrows to "TAKE" the exit.... LMAO!!!! I can see how ANYONE could go the wrong way after going through the 'damn time vortex'! .hahahaha!3m4!1e1!3m2!1scHmoBvGfWqttRjqJozPumg!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sJQe7CGrBnUFDSqI7jxSDFQ!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sSTzpq1iladuJAsY-z02H_A!2e0!3m1!1s0x89c2ce4a0ad021f7:0x60cf46dd10e42016

Upload the video with the audio, I'm sure there were a lot of cursing going on :D

This is what happens when they put those silly British round abouts in N. America. I didn't think that Honda Pilot was going to make the last turn but the turning radius was good. I would have gone back and forth about 10 times with my truck like Austin Powers.
Wow- you have some nice smooth roads there. Much better than here in Minnesota (pothole capital of the Midwest).