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Nov 29, 2014
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United Kingdom
G90 from Joovuu now or wait for 0806 ??

What do ya reckon guys ??
Video wise they're pretty much the same to be honest so it comes down to the price and the form factor. The 0806 has better sound than the G90 but for video you'll get pretty much the same results either way. I've got both here so will get a side by side done at some point.

The 0806 will take a CPL easier than the G90 and will have an optional one available and it will take two MicroSD cards - to be honest I've never run with two cards as there is a video issue with the one I have. I thought the CPL was standard but have seen some sites listing it's free with preorders which suggests it's not free but will be available as part of a bundle.

The older G90s had an issue with focus changing in heat but the new ones have that problem fixed now.

On one side the G90 has been out for a long time now and it's issues like sound quality are pretty well known although there have been some random build issues. The 0806 is still yet to launch but the initial views are that it should be a reliable camera but we'll know better once there are more of the finished units out there (they have some hardware fixes over the initial test units that were sent out). I'm running it alongside my X2 at the moment and it has started every time without fail when the car is started and I've been happy with the 0806.

The biggest problem with the 0806 and G90 is that they both use batteries - there have been issues in the US with batteries in the 0803 swelling and popping the case open but we don't tend to get the weather to really have an issue with that in the UK, although saying that this summer was enough to cause focus issues for me with a few different dashcams - it's not something you'd have to worry about for six months though anyway :) You may never get a problem with the battery but you'd never know until the last file stops saving to the card - and of course which will the last file be in the event of an accident? Cameras with capacitors instead do tend to cost more but on the flipside tend to be designed to run 24x7 and have better parking modes than either the G90 or 0806 (something new is planned with the 0806 but it's secret squirrel at the moment).

Price wise you know the G90C price from JooVuu - the 0806 isn't officially announced and it will have an optional hardware kit (you can get mini USB ones for the G90 anyway from JooVuu which are identical) and an optional CPL filter.
G 90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A 70 model.
I think of the two I'd probably lean toward the 0806 (once its released and assuming it's sorted), better form factor, better audio, dual cards
... if only 0806 would be with supercaps ( capacitors ) and 24/7 parking mode, then it I also would go fot it.
CPL is useless for me personally because of trouble attach-detach between day n night driving.
Yeah I think the benefits of CPL don't outweigh the negatives, a bit of reflection is not a problem in most circumstances
Many thanks to you all for taking the time to reply, especially 'the reverend' for your in depth response.

I feel the 0806 would be good, given the size, but am impatient for a 'new toy' !!

Is there an official release date yet please ?? And any 'guesstimate' on price ??
Yeah I think the benefits of CPL don't outweigh the negatives, a bit of reflection is not a problem in most circumstances
For me the CPL is essential as without it I have the reflection of an aluminium air vent right in the centre of the image completely wiping out the number plate of the car in front. I don't see significant negatives, this was taken with the CPL on and I can read the small text underneath the number plate of the car in front:

there are some situations where it's a better option, has more to do with the vehicle than the camera whether reflections are going to cause major problems or not
I feel the 0806 would be good, given the size, but am impatient for a 'new toy' !!
Buy the Mobius meanwhile if you can't wait. It's a high quality cam, reliable and very versatile. The Mobius can be run with a battery or super caps, has a lens extension and has a ton of mounting options including all the custom mounts found here on DCT. It will give you a good baseline for your future cam choices. When your 0806 is released, move the Mobius to the rear window, since most of us run two cams anyway. It's money well spent.

The 0806 looks great so far. I'm hoping this 08 will be a winner, the previous models haven't been totally worked out. It may be a while before we truly see.
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Here's a comparison of the two in daytime - I might get some night footage tonight if I get chance :)

They're all nice cameras - if Dome came up with a discrete package they'd make a killing on the Western markets as the G90 has been shipping since June but that chrome candy bar is too in your face over here.

The Street Storm I've added there is similar - a lot of chrome on the front but you can't complain about the camera performance as it's great, and also has additional options like the automatic night mode where it changes modes to suit night better. For example you can run the camera at 1920x1080 60fps in the daytime and it will automatically change at night to 30fps to ensure it's getting a good image.

A year down the road they'll all have nice touches like that.

As for the Mobius I love those cameras - they're really great :)
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Here's a comparison of the two in daytime - I might get some night footage tonight if I get chance :)

They're all nice cameras - if Dome came up with a discrete package they'd make a killing on the Western markets as the G90 has been shipping since June but that chrome candy bar is too in your face over here.

The Street Storm I've added there is similar - a lot of chrome on the front but you can't complain about the camera performance as it's great, and also has additional options like the automatic night mode where it changes modes to suit night better. For example you can run the camera at 1920x1080 60fps in the daytime and it will automatically change at night to 30fps to ensure it's getting a good image.

A year down the road they'll all have nice touches like that.

As for the Mobius I love those cameras - they're really great :)

Just when you think you've narrowed your choices down, somebody has to throw another into the pot !! (please take in the jokey manner it is meant). That SS looks very good.

Appreciate the virtues of the mobius, nearly hit the button a couple of times recently. Just presumed the G90/0806 and NOW SS would give better low light/night results, please correct me if I'm wrong. I would jump at a mobius tonight if the night quality is close to the others.

Must admit I would have jumped for the G90 already if it wasn't for the mount issues.
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This was the Mobius up against the G90 A7LA30 version from back in August.

The 0806 and similar have the 2560x1080 mode which is very nice indeed and a step up from both of the above.

I noticed in the latest G90 firmware there's a new Parking Mode function - not sure what it does as haven't tried it yet. Also the SS / DODMT says something about a reduced frame rate parking mode.

The G90 is the result of lots of cost saving decisions whereas the DODMT seems to have gone the other way. I see a lot of reports of GPS issues on the SS / DODMT on the Russian forums when using HDR mode though which sounds like a firmware issue.

You might as well wait for the 0806 now!
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