jokiin's A2S60 Dash Cam (GS1000 Based)

Re: What's better for ITB-100HD: 1080p or 720p?

jokiin said:
Milamber said:
This is easy to script

please let me know when you can supply some of these scripts :o

This is how the Chinese OEM dashcam folk mod their firmware, they use a firmware modification kit. You only need to look at the different firmware revisions of the popular GS1000.
Re: What's better for ITB-100HD: 1080p or 720p?

Milamber said:
jokiin said:
Milamber said:
This is easy to script

please let me know when you can supply some of these scripts :o

This is how the Chinese OEM dashcam folk mod their firmware, they use a firmware modification kit. You only need to look at the different firmware revisions of the popular GS1000.

maybe some do if all they're doing is changing logos or whatever, majority don't do firmware themselves anyway it is supplied by the solution company, I can't speak for what others do though as I have no idea what they're doing or not, we use the Ambarella SDK and have our own software engineers, I wish it was as simple as editing a couple of scripts
Re: What's better for ITB-100HD: 1080p or 720p?

jokiin said:
maybe some do if all they're doing is changing logos or whatever, majority don't do firmware themselves anyway it is supplied by the solution company, I can't speak for what others do though as I have no idea what they're doing or not, we use the Ambarella SDK and have our own software engineers, I wish it was as simple as editing a couple of scripts

By scripts, I mean modifying the code within the firmware kit, When you say "we" who is that?
Re: What's better for ITB-100HD: 1080p or 720p?

Milamber said:
By scripts, I mean modifying the code within the firmware kit, When you say "we" who is that?

I'd have a lot less headaches if it were that simple, then again if it were that simple everyone would be doing it
Re: What's better for ITB-100HD: 1080p or 720p?

I think the last 25 posts should have their own topic. :)
Re: What's better for ITB-100HD: 1080p or 720p?

jimjones said:
I think the last 25 posts should have their own topic. :)

DashCamMan can pare them off and start a new thread if he wants to, up to him, not sure either thread has much life left in them though
I split it off into a new topic. jokiin, if your cam has a name, we can edit the title.
Milamber said:
jokiin said:
Milamber said:
I never knew you sold it in Australia mate, how much and can you flick some photos over of the dashcam mounted?

$155 delivered inc GST, mounted it looks like any other GS1000 style camera I guess

Are you able to give me some specs, operating temps, CMOS Sensor, CPU etc?

we give a nominal rating of -10 ~ +50 ° C but that's maybe a bit conservative, some of the components are rated much higher, I did have one user that had a black car out in mid 40's heatwave all day in direct sun that ended up with a buckled housing, the cam continued to work but the housing opened at the seam, it has been an isolated incident so far and possibly a batch issue with the plastics as I've never had it occur other than this one incident, not sure how hot the car was on the inside on the day, I replaced that cam and the twisted one is going back to China with me for analysis just to be sure

anyway basic specs as follows

Ambarella A2S60 Chipset
5MP Micron APTINA CMOS MI5100 sensor -30 ° C / +70 ° C
GoTop GM-2420 GPS module -40℃ to 85℃ –159dBm tracking sensitivity
STAROPTICS Taiwan optical glass (5 Glass) lens
Memsic G-Sensor
Samsung NAND flash system memory (32mb)
Samsung DDR2 RAM 1GB

The menu settings in the current firmware version are as follows (this is just a straight cut and paste from the manual)

OSD Settings menu
The menu options in OSD Settings relate to the information embedded in the video file, this
information is also gathered in the GPS data log file and can still be viewed regardless of these
settings being on or off using the included Registrator Viewer Windows playback software

The SHOW SPEED setting allows you to toggle the on screen speed display ON or OFF
Default Value = ON

SPEED LIMIT - NO or selectable from 10KM/H to 130KM/H
The SPEED LIMIT setting allows you to set a maximum indicated speed in the recorded file
Default Value = NO

DATE – shows current time and date (updated once GPS signal is received)
The DATE is automatically updated once GPS signal is received

TIME ZONE – select the desired offset (Summer time must be manually selected)
TIME ZONE needs to be configured to desired offset for your region
Default Value = +10

The SHOW DATE setting allows you to toggle the on screen date display ON or OFF
Default Value = ON

The SHOW GPS DATA setting allows you to toggle the on screen GPS values ON or OFF
Default Value = ON

GPS DATA FORMAT – selectable view
The GPS DATA FORMAT setting allows you to toggle the on screen view style
Default Value = 12.345678

SCREEN TEXT – 10 characters available to add to recording, license number, vehicle type etc
The SCREEN TEXT may be edited to suit whatever you prefer embedded in the video file
Default Value = NSW ABC123

The SHOW USER TEXT setting allows you to display or not the user selectable SCREEN TEXT
Default Value = ON

SPEED UNIT – KM/H or MP/H (requires system reset to apply)
The SPEED UNIT setting is for the on screen display
Default Value = KM/H

The ALL OSD setting lets you choose all or no on screen display embedded in the video file
Default Value = ON

Video Settings menu
SIZE – 1920x1080, 1440x1080, 1280x720, 848x480
The SIZE setting allows you to choose the desired recording resolution
Default Value = 1920x1080

VIDEO QUALITY – Maximum bitrate selectable from 6MB/SEC through to 15MB/SEC
The VIDEO QUALITY setting can be adjusted, a lower setting will offer increased recording time, a
higher setting will offer higher quality, higher settings require the use of Class10 memory cards
Default Value = 8MB/SEC

EV – Adjustable, from -2 through to +2, default value 0
The EV setting allows you to adjust the Exposure Value to lighten or darken the picture
Default Value = 0

AUDIO – ON/OFF selectable default for recording
The AUDIO setting allows you to enable or disable the microphone for recorded audio, this can also
be adjusted during recording by pressing the MODE key while the LCD display is active, if changing
this setting during recording a RED of GREEN microphone symbol will be shown on screen
Default Value = ON

WHITE B – Selectable white balance
The WHITE B setting allows you to choose from a selection of filters to suit different lighting
Default Value = AUTO

The CONTRAST setting allows you to select the desired level of contrast
Default Value = STANDARD

The SHARPNESS setting allows you to select the desired level of sharpness
Default Value = STANDARD

The EFFECT setting allows you to choose from some pre defined image filters
Default Value= OFF

RECYCLE – Recording split point, OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 minutes
The RECYCLE setting allows you to choose the size of the recordings, choosing OFF will record until
the card is full and will not overwrite any previous recordings, choosing any other value will record
files in that size accordingly and will continue recording, once the allocated recordings have filled the
memory card the oldest unlocked recording will automatically be overwritten and recording will
continue. The selected recycle size is also used for any manually locked incident recordings
Default Value = 5 Minutes

DELAY OFF – Time to continue recording after power off, 5, 15 sec, 1, 5 mins
The DELAY OFF setting determines how long the camera will continue to record for after power off
Default Value = 1 minute

The NIGHT MODE setting offers increased exposure value to aid in night time recording results
Default Value = ON

The MOTION DETECT setting is only used for parking mode and requires a permanent power supply
to function correctly, the AUTO OFF function must also be set to OFF for parking mode use
Default Value = OFF

G-SENSOR – Sensitivity adjustable from -5 through to +5
The G-SENSOR is used to trigger the automatic file lock in case of an event such as an accident, it
may be necessary to reduce the sensitivity if the vehicle has very hard suspension, is used for
motorsports, track days etc or is fitted with large subwoofers
Default Value = NORMAL

System Settings

The LANGUAGE setting is used to select the menu interface language
Default Value = ENGLISH

VOLUME – Adjustable from 0 through to 7
The Volume setting is used to adjust the volume level of the menu confirmation tones
Default Value = 5

The VIDEO FLIP setting allows the picture to be rotated 180 degrees for use in circumstances where
the DVR needs to be mounted upside down
it should be noted that the GPS antenna is in the upper side and mounting upside down will impact
Default Value = OFF

The TV OUT setting allows you to set the playback output from the HDMI and AV ports to match
local requirements
Default Value = PAL

The FORMAT setting allows you to format the memory card, formatting the card will remove all files
and folders including any files that have been flagged either automatically or manually not to be
After formatting the memory card the DVR should be switched off and then back on before use,
during the boot process the card is checked and the necessary files and folders are written to the card
ready for use
It is recommended to format the card at least once a week if using parking mode or at least once a
month if using the DVR only when driving
Default Value = NO

The SYS RESET setting allows you to quickly return all menu values to their factory default values as
highlighted throughout this manual
Default Value = NO

AUTO OFF – Selectable 1/3/5 minutes or OFF for continual operation
The AUTO OFF setting used determines how long the DVR will run for if not actively recording before
automatically shutting down
Note that parking mode requires this setting to be set to OFF otherwise the camera will shutdown if
no motion detected within the selected time
Default Value = 5 Minutes

LIGHT FREQ – 50Hz/60Hz
The LIGHT FREQ setting is used to match to your local power setting, eg 220v/50Hz, 110v/60Hz,
matching this setting to your local power supply frequency reduces noticeable flicker from your
recordings of AC powered lights such as traffic lights, neon signs etc
Default Value = 50Hz

LCD OFF – Selectable 1 or 3 Minutes or OFF for continual operation
The LCD OFF setting allows you to decide how long the LCD display will stay illuminated
Default Value = 3 Minutes

VERSION – Shows current firmware version number
This user manual is correct as of firmware version number Q20130226

Some of this is still subject to change as there's some ongoing firmware development with some things that are still being fine tuned so some minor changes and some features still to come
Great setting options.
Without camera I am a little confused about the Delay Off and Auto Off.

What are your strong points compared to other GS1000?

As I aldeady wrote in some other post, I would choose the name GS1001. Just to be special and a little away from the fakes.

Mtz said:
Great setting options.
Without camera I am a little confused about the Delay Off and Auto Off.

What are your strong points compared to other GS1000?

As I aldeady wrote in some other post, I would choose the name GS1001. Just to be special and a little away from the fakes.


the Delay Off setting is how long the camera will continue to record for after you turn off the car and the power is cut (or power loss from an accident that cuts power)

the Auto Off setting is how long it would run for when powered on but not recording, for parking mode this setting would be disabled otherwise the camera would power down when no activity

Compared to other GS1000 we just use better components, better optics, better GPS solution, better memory etc, really any factory could meet the specification we do but they're all fighting on price and just use lower specification components, I feel we have an advantage as we do our own firmware which most others don't do

at the moment our price is still higher than I like but looking at ways to fix that without changing the product specification, if we decide to do this product online I could ship it out of China and probably save around $25 off the price which would make it more competitive, the negative to this though is longer delivery time for the customer, some might accept that, others may not, still something I am looking at though to see how workable it is or is not, traditionally we have only supplied wholesale to buyers in large quantity so this is a new venture if we decide to do this product directly ourselves, undecided at this stage

This model is coming to end of life though so not sure if this one will continue, we have 6 different models we are working on for future release, how long before they can be ready might help decide how long this model stays for though
Do you have any kind of time frame when you will start shipping to the US?
Chad said:
Do you have any kind of time frame when you will start shipping to the US?

still undecided if we will do this model for other markets or just wait for the new models as the performance will be better again, something we will be assessing over the next few days and making some decisions based on what the likely lead time of the new models will be, technically we could supply it straight away but haven't made a commercial decision to do so, I just arrived back in China tonight and this is one of the first things I will be looking at, whether we did this model or not in other markets we have still done things like MPH setting and some other localisations that we have no real need for but it's more about ironing out problems, features etc so that for the new models we can have a shorter lead time with the firmware if we've identified the things we need to do and worked out how best to achieve them, we still have around 6 or so feature changes planned for this model which will be happening over the next month or so, my own testing of those will be a bit limited as I don't drive as much in China as I do when in Australia but I do have some people back home that are assisting with some beta testing as well to help speed things along
Very cool !!! I'm looking forward to the new models !!
Chad said:
Very cool !!! I'm looking forward to the new models !!

I agree, very cool.

I love the idea that Aussies are being used to beta test the camera. Perhaps you could could integrate a "Kangaroo Warning" mode for night driving ;)

If you need more Aussie beta testers, jokiin, I would love to help. Happy to pay mates rates for a beta unit and give feedback.

Cheers :) Mario
mariomart said:
Chad said:
Very cool !!! I'm looking forward to the new models !!

I agree, very cool.

I love the idea that Aussies are being used to beta test the camera. Perhaps you could could integrate a "Kangaroo Warning" mode for night driving ;)

If you need more Aussie beta testers, jokiin, I would love to help. Happy to pay mates rates for a beta unit and give feedback.

Cheers :) Mario

Kangaroo mode might not happen but there's some other useful stuff we're looking at ;)

At the moment there's not much room in the price to be able to do much better, that's something I'm trying to address now, there's some savings we can make around handling that could make a lot of difference to the price, still working on that though
For the love of god, can you please make the military time go away??? Why can't anyone make a camera that has a 12-24 hr option?
Chad said:
For the love of god, can you please make the military time go away??? Why can't anyone make a camera that has a 12-24 hr option?

actually I've never had anyone ask before but since you mention it it's probably a good idea to offer this as a user selectable menu option, I'll add it to the current list of changes we're looking at
jokiin said:
Chad said:
For the love of god, can you please make the military time go away??? Why can't anyone make a camera that has a 12-24 hr option?

actually I've never had anyone ask before but since you mention it it's probably a good idea to offer this as a user selectable menu option, I'll add it to the current list of changes we're looking at

THANK YOU!!!!! LOL . . . Its probably no big deal but it just annoys me. I'm tired of counting on my fingers to try and figure out what time it is when I refer to my notes when I capture an incident.
Nice to see someone of a company talking to people. :) I still think I have to wait for a loong time, yet. Buing cams in the asian market seems crazy business:

1. I like the F90Gs design, but don't like the F20 chip (20 FPS only)
2. I like the Eeyelogs HDW001 by design and specs, but it's no longer available it seems
3. No weirdo problems .. like funky firmware, overheating etc.
4. Reasonably good lens

And so on ... models change it seems on an hourly basis, to many names and fakes, to much wrong information .. I don't really see through anymore. I wish there was an affordable "enthusiast" asian dash cam .... one, that you can use to make nice videos of your tour in high quality, rivaling an overly expensive hero 3, but maintains the car features (park space monitoring etc) and is still asian marked priced.

Ah well .. sorry for the outburst :)
voon said:
2. I like the Eeyelogs HDW001 by design and specs, but it's no longer available it seems

I looked at that product about 7 months ago and it had some issues, I expected they would have sorted it by now, perhaps not, maybe they've given up on it and started on something better rather than trying to rework the existing design, not sure

voon said:
I wish there was an affordable "enthusiast" asian dash cam .... one, that you can use to make nice videos of your tour in high quality, rivaling an overly expensive hero 3, but maintains the car features (park space monitoring etc) and is still asian marked priced.

that's something along the lines of what I would like to achieve, the market in China is predominantly low end, not a section of the market I want to be involved in