Just got the SC9665GC, any way to get rid of glare?

The 3rd party designer/manufacturer we choose to help us create a custom SG9665GC CPL is on holiday the next 2 weeks. Good News, we expect to receive a few CPL samples by the end of the month and will move forward with production once the quality and perfect fit is confirmed. Confidence level is high, the gears are turning, and we are looking forward to creating a CPL solution.
I wish to be amongst those who compliment Street Guardian on their fine efforts with customer service. This includes the replacement of the defective usb/card adapters. Can I be so bold tho as to ask if the cpl filter, firmware, and improved mounting plates delivery is perhaps a touch slow? No offense intended by this question.
I wish to be amongst those who compliment Street Guardian on their fine efforts with customer service. This includes the replacement of the defective usb/card adapters. Can I be so bold tho as to ask if the cpl filter, firmware, and improved mounting plates delivery is perhaps a touch slow? No offense intended by this question.

No offense taken :)

CPL is being done by a 3rd party so we're waiting on that, looks like end of this month at this stage

Firmware we had an issue with last release as you know and we're working on the fix now, all being well that will release within this month also

Replacement large brackets I should have the spares in the next few days, can put one in the post for you
The 3rd party designer/manufacturer we choose to help us create a custom SG9665GC CPL is on holiday the next 2 weeks. Good News, we expect to receive a few CPL samples by the end of the month and will move forward with production once the quality and perfect fit is confirmed. Confidence level is high, the gears are turning, and we are looking forward to creating a CPL solution.
Most excellent! I have not yet received my SG9665C that is on back-order, but I am sure I will want this CPL when it is available!

Thanks for the update.
any idea the price we would be looking at for this CPL??
My tongue makes me look like a Tex Avery wolf.
Much better, yes!

But it looks like a CPL to get rid of the reflection will be best ... since each reflection in a plane (the windshield) will polarize the light.
Much better, yes!

But it looks like a CPL to get rid of the reflection will be best ... since each reflection in a plane (the windshield) will polarize the light.

As talked about in the other thread that particular matt has some shiney glitter pieces in the carpet, so it's not the best example. (still shows some improvement)

But yes, we're looking forward to getting an official CPL accessory created as soon as possible, please stand by :)
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I still have to get my newly arrived unit installed ... got to find the time between business travel the next few weeks.
I assume a combination of non-glitter mat + cpl will be best perfect result ?
I assume a combination of non-glitter mat + cpl will be best perfect result ?
Given the wide-angle of the lens in the camera, the exact reflection from the windshield will not be a perfect 90 degrees everywhere, so the left right corners may be not as good as at the center of the image (top to down ... since the reflection in the windshield results in horizontal polarization).

Of course, it might be tough to make a CPL that compensates for the entire width of the image perfectly - too many variables (like windshield curvature, lens field of view, angle of external light, etc.) . What can probably be achieved is good polarization down the center (of the windshield) . With a rotation of the CPL to optimize this, the result could be very decent.

FWIW, my guess is that the CPL will have a better outcome than the mat and adding the mat may not be strictly needed ... but this is a guess! :) May be worth experimenting with black matte paper after a CPL is available and installed, to see if a mat makes it that much better.
Not criticizing those with dash mats, but with me they conjure up images of felt Elvis pictures, dice hanging from rear view mirrors and such things :cool:
Nothing wrong with my dice ;)

At night time the CPL will always give a slightly blurrier (and usually slightly darker) picture as it's knocking the exposure back a bit and less light is hitting the sensor - some people are still happy with the footage with a CPL at night but I prefer it without as I always want the best possible output with the least effort (i.e. I can't be arsed removing a CPL every night and then adjusting it each time) so a dash mat is a happy compromise.

Daytime CPL footage looks great on a lot of cameras - depending on sensor the Sony Exmor seem to work best with them at night as it is slightly more sensitive than other sensors and then the Omnivision OV4689 seem to do a decent enough job at night too.

The CPL takes some light away so you get more blur at night time - you can see in the video below the top footage is slightly sharper (although not a massive amount) which is the camera without the CPL:

It's maybe not as obvious from resized YT footage but the original footage from the camera without the CPL was definitely sharper with less motion blur.