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It could be an interesting workaround for the lack of a DCIM folder on the SG9665GC. We need to confirm if it really works or not when there is no DCIM folder for the OS to see. Since the DCIM folder is a long established industry wide convention that is built into iOS I'm not sure how the device can do it by itself but perhaps it is possible. It is always been a mystery to me why Street Guardian chose to ignore the DCIM convention.

Frankly, for someone like me who has already spent 30 dollars for the Apple Camera Connection kit that works with every other dash camera I own (and all my other photo gear as well), the idea of having to go out and spend yet another 20 bucks just so my SG9665GC can have that capability too doesn't sit well. Twenty dollars is like spending 10% extra for the GC just to get something I've been otherwise getting all along.

that was my quote and yes, I can confirm that it really does read files in iOS without the need for it being in a DCIM folder. let me pop out the SD card from my 12RC and I'll post a screenshot from the app in a bit.
that was my quote and yes, I can confirm that it really does read files in iOS without the need for it being in a DCIM folder. let me pop out the SD card from my 12RC and I'll post a screenshot from the app in a bit.

Thanks. Pleased to hear that.
I would be curious to know about this too. The reason for my curiosity is SG9665GC's lack of a DCIM folder

you may see that change, we have a major firmware rewrite going on at the moment anyway so it's something we're looking at right now