List your Lukas 9500/9700 firmware bug(s)here:


Feb 12, 2014
Reaction score
In 3.9:

1. Device doesn't record or keep all motion despite enough memory.

Despite having a priority given to motion sensor recording setting at 95 % (for testing purposes) on a 32 GB card, the device randomly decided to wipeout the contents of the card rather than just overwriting the oldest. I noticed this a few times because I would get maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of day recording when parked at work or over the weekend idle.

I took the memory card back to my PC and examined it, there are not bad sectors and the card had a lot of memory left on it. Device voltage was lowered as well just in case. However, issue seems to still occur.

2. Voltage reading seemingly is not accurate. Device says the car has 12.1 volts but in reality, it is more like 13. When driving, the voltage is much higher and it peaks at 13.9 volts even when highway driving and in reality is much higher as well.

3. Adjusting the memory allocation slider freezes (new for firmware 3.9) occasionally. I typically have to adjust the allocation via Lukas Viewer.

4. Motion detection is activated by the rain.

The above are just a few of the bugs I came across or can think of right now. Hopefully, others will share more.
Two items that could effect recording and memory. I believe the cam may work if you set the allocation @ 70/30 and may work at 80/20 but to set it at 95% the box may automatically fall to default.
And or the card you are using may not be adequate or be the wrong card. You did not mention what the specifics of your card was, but I believe the card requirements should be sdxc, class 10, and 40 or 50 write speed. If you were to use a card that was sdxc and uhs3 the cam may not be designed to run with that card. This is just speculation on my part. Or of course a much lessor card which may give you fragmented storage and the cam think the card is full and overwrite. Hope this helps.
Some think the red wire is the hot or battery wire when installing the black box. Always use the yellow wire(fused) to the battery.
Two items that could effect recording and memory. I believe the cam may work if you set the allocation @ 70/30 and may work at 80/20 but to set it at 95% the box may automatically fall to default.
And or the card you are using may not be adequate or be the wrong card. You did not mention what the specifics of your card was, but I believe the card requirements should be sdxc, class 10, and 40 or 50 write speed. If you were to use a card that was sdxc and uhs3 the cam may not be designed to run with that card. This is just speculation on my part. Or of course a much lessor card which may give you fragmented storage and the cam think the card is full and overwrite. Hope this helps.

I was thinking all those same lines as myself. I did change the SD allocation parameters around but that didn't make any difference.

The initial post was based on the OEM memory cards that came with the dashcam.

Sadly, things have gotten worse now with the 5.3 update (that was a huge update, bypassing the 4 series altogether which suggests to me issues with the firmware). The voltage issue has been resolved though.

I bought some new memory cards for Xmas. They are all Class 10 and it's very difficult if not impossible to find a memory card now that is not uhs3. However, the design of the formfactor of uhs3 is that it is backwards compatible, except the speeds would not be optimum to the uhs3 speeds.

After updating to 5.3, I noticed right away the boot up was typically (most of the time) significantly and unacceptably much longer than before, typically when starting up the car but not always. It's actually random. Also with 5.3, a lot of lag in the settings menu (random as well). This would not be affected by the memory card as the firmware is on the device's ROM.

Additionally,upon playback, the front cam would occasionally show only a static style screen but more so with black and white vertical lines. Playback with Motion isn't typically an issue. The cam rebooted several times on it's own as well. My best guess is this has something to do with new update which includes improved video stabilization

Even with 3.9, I started noticing lag when in playback mode and scrolling through the events (including front and motion). With 5.3 it is much worse though. Version 3.3 (which came with the cam) seemed to be the most stable. Good luck in trying to find an old Lukas Viewer and older firmware (unless you have it already saved on your PC)

While it's possible there might be issues starting with the cam's hard drive, I am leaning toward the firmware. However, until things get worse, nobody will do anything to try to resolve these issues aside from telling me to reinstall the firmware. The firmware update technique actually sucks. It really should be something more straightforward and simple like holding down a few buttons simultaneously to trigger the update.
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Hi all I have sent video samples of the problems related to firmware version 5.3 to the lukas store and they have forwarded to Lukas manufactures. I also mentioned the fact that several members were experiencing issues......Hopefully things will start to move ...........HAPPY NEW YEAR to all members :)
lpol, thank you for doing this for us. It's most appreciated!! :)

it's often more frustrating when an issue is not acknowledged. Hopefully, Lukas will do something about the bugs in the firmware.

once again, thank you and all the best for 2015!
I have not seen or heard of anyone else having these issues that you are having. Have they been there since day one?

I am also not sure the uhs3 card is required or whether the box can even write to 3. I know it has to be sdxc 5 or above for 1080 hd. I have tried different sdxc cards from a cheap 20 dollar knockoff(64gb) to a higher end sands extreme pro and both worked flawlessly. I have a 256gb coming and I'll let you know if there is any hiccups with that card.(pny sdxc 256gb)

The rebooting is big concern. Could it possibly be wiring and is it rebooting in park mode? I'm lost there as to what to advise. If you format both original cards and install original firmware do you still have these problems?

Going to log out as I have company but I'll be back...happy new year
I tend to be notice things others don't...that's just me ;) Which issues are you referring to? I have many o_O

The memory cards are new but in my testing, like I wrote previous, the OEM cards too were affected (but the rebooting never started happening until 3.9 and got worse with 5.3)
The latest firmware just released yesterday (5.3.1) seems to take care of most of the issues I described above. The rain triggering is still an issue and I don't think there is a fix since the motion sensor would pick up the rain and trigger the recording. However, this all is quite premature as I just installed the update moments ago.

Ipol as I believe Lukas took action based on his intervention. I will continue to post my observations and experience as necessary.
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@Google I had an email from Lukas this morning problems with the 9700 duo models are still under investigation and they are working towards a solution They asked me to install firmware version 5.3.3 and see if that helps,but I am pretty sure I have already done so.....To be sure...... I downloaded it again about one hour ago and will test out this afternoon It may well be that another firmware update from Lukas may be required Will keep everyone informed Ipol
Thanks Ipol. Are the issues also affecting the 9500 as well?
@Google I had an email from Lukas this morning problems with the 9700 duo models are still under investigation and they are working towards a solution They asked me to install firmware version 5.3.3 and see if that helps,but I am pretty sure I have already done so.....To be sure...... I downloaded it again about one hour ago and will test out this afternoon It may well be that another firmware update from Lukas may be required Will keep everyone informed Ipol

Firmware upgrading takes time, sometime FW guys takes a lot of time to find the problems people experienced.
@ Google My apologises I am not familiar with the 9500 hopefully perhaps someone who is reads this post and is able to shed some light on the issues.......Unfortunately having re-installed firmware 5.3.3 the same problem still exists and I have sent a video sample once again to lukas Hopefully they will eventually come up with a solution.......Ipol
Latest update on lukas 9700 problems as you are aware I have been having problems with the LK9700 duo D type LK9700 Duo B type The latest dashcam is on its way back to Korea. Lukas and the Lukas Store have been very supportive throughout and are recompensing me with the LK9750 full hd front and rear and are footing the postage. Also as the dashcam has not yet been released for the european market they are formatting the SD card with the English details.Now thats what I call looking after your customer, nice one lukas I will look forward to using and reviewing the LK9750 and will post my findings once the camera arrives and is installed......One happy bunny....:) Ipol
9500 with latest 5.3.3 is having issues with OSD where speed and distance is not shown. It stays at 0 where I assume it randomly disengages the gps. Could be hardware issue too but hard to troubleshoot. It's getting very scary how one problem is fixed and others develop. Add this to the list. lol
@ Google have you reported the issue to Lukas ? Ipol
@Ipol. I gave up on that. They don't respond to email. Do you have another email address to share? If so, would you be so kind to send me a PM or post it here.
@ Google try I have had 38 emails to Lukas and the Lukas store over the last couple of months or so and each one has been responded to within a couple of days They are not there saturday or sunday and I have also bookmarked the Korean national holidays for 2015 so that I know if they are on holiday and wont reply to me over this period hope this is of help Ipol............ the last one is probably your best bet
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