Mini 0803 coming

Very doubtful both methods will create a difference when using wide angle lenses.
The car and the traffic sign are much closer than this image suggests.
I would really be able to read both, however this is not even close...
With this type of images there is obviously an advantage, you never get a problem with The Privacy Commission.

I really prefer the first footage from this 803, file size is bigger but image quality is so much better!
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Aren't these cameras used to record accidents? As long as the camera shoots footage clear enough to document number plates, traffic light colors and who was where and when, that's all that matters to me. I'm not going to go home each night, watch my commute and marvel at the lifelike, vibrant saturation, perfect sharpness levels and spot-on metering. We're shooting traffic, not a porno.

What should matter the most is reliability. Is the camera going to record without fail every time I hop in the car? Will there be gaps between the files that may obscure an incident?

But maybe that's just me.
Niko , when does a review with Mini 0803 appear from your point of view ? I am sure side by side comparison with others , too ...
@JooVuu - to clarify my earlier post, I wasn't asking Rayman.Chan to name only one supplier. It would be extremely helpful if they named their preferred suppliers by geographical regions, areas or countries. This way the end customers can decide who they want to purchase from, in today's global online marketplace. For example JooVuu in the UK, FoxOffer @billknow in Asia, etc.

In 'fairness' (?) he'd suggested @aabs buys from a UK reseller online, which is a little odd. I wonder who that might be!;) Not sure how 'fair' that is for any of their non-UK online resellers.:p

Whilst I was left slightly confused by Rayman.Chan's earlier post & now I am further confused your subsequent reply.:confused:

MEGtech claim to be the manufacturer and Patent holder (?) for the Mini 0803:-

If MEGtech own the Patent then resellers don't have another Mini 0803 manufacturer to turn to. If, however, they are making them under a Patent license then there may be other manufacturers out there...

As you are (presumably) supplied by MEGtech, then you'll probably know the answer.... I am not expecting you to answer that BTW.

Reading between-the-lines, perhaps the Mini 0803 is being manufactured by other companies under license too?!o_O
It would be nice to know (if MEGtech feel like confirming) whether they are the sole manufacturer though!;)

Just thinking there could be FW updating issues if multiple companies are making the Mini 0803 to slightly different specs, as happened with the Mini 0801.:rolleyes:
Time will tell if people starting 'bricking' their units with incompatible FW...:(

Your correct it is becoming more confusing with every post and I suspect your also correct in your suspicion that other manufacturers will be producing this device.
Think it could be time to sit this one out for a while before replacing.
Rather difficult to answer reliability questions at this time.
The readability of the license plates is perhaps slightly better with 803 (nearby), I could see this as positive but the effect has been eliminated by the use of a wider lens (the car in front seems to be further away than in reality, even more than with the 801). For me it's not convincing enough and it is outweighed by the overall deterioration of image quality.
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I just realized, that my last uploaded 1296p video is downsized to 1080p and compressed in your GDrive... :)
A big difference visible on the snapshots.
original (1296p):

on your dropbox (1080p):

I know, I know... It's not porn to watch... :)

However, when I download the file to my computer, it's 1296p again. Looks like GoogleDrive is not prepared to watch 1296p videos. :(
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Probably yes, if you are watching it online, but I uploaded it to GDrive for others, who can't download files from your FTP. Now they can. ;)

In my opinion, transfer from GDrive is faster. From I had only 50-70 kbps.

And there are all Your files in one folder.

But yes. Guys, you should download all files to feel the difference.
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Probably yes, if you watching it online, but I uploaded it to GDrive for others, who can't download files from your FTP. Now they can. ;)

In my opinion, transfer from GDrive is faster. From I had only 50-70 kbps.

And there are all Your files in one folder.

But yes. Guys, you should download all files to feel the difference.

Sorry, I'm not blaming you, just found interesting that Gdrive is not showing 1296p resolution and using similar compression as youtube on the player. Anyway, it still much better to collect the files there (for downloading), than using my server with 2Mb/s or less uploading capacity. :)
It wasn't my intention to get angry.
All i want to say is that I upload your files on GDrive for downloading, not for watching videos online. I even didn't know, that somebody can watch it without download... ;D
Hint: most of multimedia file formats (like jpg, png, mpg, avi, mp3...) are already compressed with algorithms that are either lossy
and/or strongly optimized for the specific data structure, so compressing them with general purpose lossless compression
algorithms, even most powerful ones, are likely to provide only marginal benefits in terms of size, compared with huge benefits
which can be obtained compressing other types of files (bmp, tiff, doc, xls, txt, html…).
Consequently, it is recommended to use fastest compression settings, or fast algorithms (i.e. gz and zip’s deflate), or even “Store”
option to don’t compress, to archive those types of files in a computationally efficient way; in this way it is possible to consolidate
and optionally encrypt files that are sent to the archive, without spending much time for compression.
Not sure what you're wanting to point out, the only reason I mention zipping the file is to stop it defaulting to want to playback instead of download, it's just convenience thing for users
Niko , when does a review with Mini 0803 appear from your point of view ? I am sure side by side comparison with others , too ...

I got 0803 and now will take some time to get to know it much better, after that to do extencive tests which takes a long time.
It would be not right to do ANY of review and comparison at this stage because 0803 FW is not yet fully polished. I will wait til FW-saga "cools down", when more polished FW is released, only then will start preparing a review and all kind of tests.
Otherwise at present stage I believe any review ( not only by me, but by any other reviewer or user ) is not fully valid. Hope you understand what I mean and agree on this point.
Can i find the Mini 0803 with GPS on Aliexpress?

Are those the original cameras?
is there a safe store on Aliexpress to buy it from?

Thank you all!
I agree with you,Niko,but inpatience is great...Thank you

Russian proverb about patience ;)

Ти́ше е́дешь - да́льше бу́дешь.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Literal: Ride slower - you'll get further.
I am a new member of this forum and I have read every posting on this thread. It is a wealth of information. Thank you guys.
I just rec'd my 0803 and have experienced some of the bugs. I wonder if I received a pre-production model. I have FW 20140416 V1.0 running on it. It does get slightly hot during use. It did lock up once making a terrible buzzing sound but I think it was my fault. I am using a 32 GB Class 10 card and I wonder if I should drop back to a class 6 card. I find the playback on my laptop very jerky but the video is fine when using the HDMI to the TV so it is not my 0803 at fault. I am trying different settings to minimize the heat build-up in the camera and increase it's performance. I purchased the 0803 through Black Boxed and I am completely pleased with Kevin and the fast shipment to me.