Mini 0803 coming

I recommended you Foxoffer. I bought my Mini0803 (with GPS and without internal memory) from them, and everything is ok.
This thread is too long, pardon for my laziness, Please share me the buying link for this mini 0803 (to be shipped in India),
Currently I see foxoffer is ready to ship in India, but the image of the Dashcam seems to be not of 0803 but of 0801.
From what I read at the starting of thread, Has the mass production started for this model?
What is the latest firmware required? Please tell, cant wait for this mini 0803

The 0803 employs the A7LA50, while the 0801 employs the A2S60. A newer version of the 0803 incorporates a heat sink supposedly. The 0801 supposedly has 5 megapixels, and the 0803 has 3.5 megapixels.
The 0803 employs the A7LA50, while the 0801 employs the A2S60. A newer version of the 0803 incorporates a heat sink supposedly. The 0801 supposedly has 5 megapixels, and the 0803 has 3.5 megapixels.
Hey Thanks @synoptic12 , but ebay does not ship to India & the indian ebay does not have this product.
Yes @arthuryankovski Foxoffer does ship to India. How about that loose GPS mount? Is the newer version fixing this problem?
@jokiin Is it manufactured by eprance, but I dont care as long as it is working good. Thanks all
Ohh is it, proves that I have not read the thread properly :p . Pardon me for one more silly query, which micro SD card goes best with it, class 6/10 , 16GB or 32 GB?
Will work with any of those, personally I would always choose a larger card to give a longer recording time before it starts recycling
Can you deliver this item to India? I am trying to place order but some error is coming up after clicking the payment option.
Hi typicalvishu,
At the payment option screen click Pay by PayPal Invoice that should work.

Kind regards,

Hi, I bought mine for e-prance by aliexpress and it's working well. I have the same issue with the mounting, but did the paper mode today. I have a G1W, ordered by e-prance too and the video quality is much better than mini 0803, although mini 0803 is two times more expensive than G1W.
If it means internal storage then you would want to go with the 32GB. If it means they will include a 32GB memory card you are more then likely better off buying a memory card on your own.

I am guessing they mean they will just ship it with the card because they have another Amazon listing that says

Inbuilt 8GB Memory with 32GB Memory Card
So i would say buy the DVR only and pick up your own Samsung or Transcend card.
Depends how you are going to use it, you will get about 1 hour per 8 GB before it overwrites, although it depends on the settings. If you only ever look at it after an accident then you will probably only ever need 10 minutes so 8GB is fine. If you make 6 hour journeys and then when you get back home like to review what happened at the start of the journey then 64GB may be more sensible. A larger card will get overwritten less often so is likely to last longer.

If you want a top brand card then buying it separately as suggested in the last post may be sensible, otherwise you are likely to get a cheapish one.
Since I have used my sd card in my mini 0803, I can no longer format the card or delete any files from the card on my computer. What gives, I am so baffled by this. I can delete the files, pull the card out of the reader then put it back in and the files are back on it. HELP.
No one else has had that problem so it is likely not to be caused by the 0803 and I don't think it is possible for the 0803 to do that anyway.

Have you tried ejecting the card properly by right clicking on the drive in My Computer and selecting Eject?

Can you try a different reader or a different computer?

Presumably you can delete the files from within the Mini 0803?
Since I have used my sd card in my mini 0803, I can no longer format the card or delete any files from the card on my computer. What gives, I am so baffled by this. I can delete the files, pull the card out of the reader then put it back in and the files are back on it. HELP.
I have almost the same problem. I can't format the card on pc, or copy or move files. The windows shows a message that there is a problem with card and if I want to repair. If I agree or not, so all files are missing on the card and is created a big file called USB+(symbols). When I plugs the SD card in USB TV, I can watch the videos, but the pc don't recognize the card and destroys the files. I use a "Patriot 32 GB class 10".
I am transfering my files by cell phone and after the cell phone for pc.
Since I have used my sd card in my mini 0803, I can no longer format the card or delete any files from the card on my computer. What gives, I am so baffled by this. I can delete the files, pull the card out of the reader then put it back in and the files are back on it. HELP.
Silly question but it has to be asked - You haven't accidentally slid the tag on the microSD card adaptor to 'lock' have you? Assuming you've used a microSD to SD adaptor that is.
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