Mobius or Mino 0803 ....... GPS or not


New Member
Sep 27, 2014
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United Kingdom
Hi all

Short listed these two but cannot decide if GPS is a definate for a car cam ? Really like the mounting options for the Mobius though. Can't really see myself taking it out of the car but guess this one gives me options.

So big question...... GPS or not

Of course it is not necessary, but it does:
  • Ensure the time on recorded video is very accurate, useful for accident reports.
  • Allow you to locate the correct bit of video very quickly, just click on the right bit instead of searching.
  • Provide evidence (although not proof) of speed of your vehicle.
  • Normally allows you to calculate a reasonably accurate speed for other vehicles, again useful for evidence even though not proof.
  • Allows you to analyse variations in speed over your journeys, which can help in understanding variations in fuel efficiency which can very quickly repay the extra cost of the GPS unit.
It's always better to have additional information to back up your claim. The Mini 0803 is a great little dash cam.

Go for GPS. if you decide you don't want/need it then just bypass the mount and plug straight into the camera or buy a standard mount without GPS. or visa-versa.
You are also able to turn the GPS off within the system menu.

And anyway if ppl really want to they can calculate your speed from the footage, distance travled / time, here we have markers along most roads with 50 M apart, allso i do belive our dotted lines in the mittle of the road are on predetermined size/distance.

Some rural roads allso have 2 T like markings on them at a set distance, the cops use them when they mesure ppl from helicopters, kinda old fasioned and expensive way to do it i guess, but never the less its still used here.

I have my GPS on, and i am not ashamed to admit i like all Danes do +10 km/h at most speeds, thats not the real problem, the problem is those who do + 30 - 40 - 50 and more km/h.
If the op has a newer vehicle, the speed, steering wheel angle, seat belt status, braking time, etc is all stored in the cars own black box. There are phone/tablet apps that connect to the obd port and reads the sensors located on the car. Torque is one such program that I have been using prior to my love of dashcams. There are others, so you don't need to purchase a cam with GPS if you don't want to.