Mobius Super Capacitor.

I'm sorry to jump in here, but I don't think this question has been answered before: should USB charging be set to on or off for use with the Supercap? :confused:
On the basis of the earlier comments from Isoprop that must be ON otherwise how else would the Supercap keep any charge at all?

If I am wrong on this I am sure one of the other members will soon correct me! I am still awaiting my Supercap....
On the basis of the earlier comments from Isoprop that must be ON otherwise how else would the Supercap keep any charge at all?

If I am wrong on this I am sure one of the other members will soon correct me! I am still awaiting my Supercap....
That's what I figured and have it set to, but I honestly wasn't sure. I mean, why would there actually be a need to disable USB charging?
I don't think it matters if it's on or off as the capacitor doesn't officially charge. (I think :D)
I don't think it matters if it's on or off as the capacitor doesn't officially charge. (I think :D)
I recall a supercap FAQ saying it takes a couple of minutes to charge. The reason I asked was to ensure that I was giving the Supercap enough power to power itself and hold the clock, but wasn't somehow cooking it by charging something that didn't much like it.
It won't cook, that's what it's designed not to do. The capacitor will hold the clock for around 10 days without use.
I don't think it matters if it's on or off as the capacitor doesn't officially charge. (I think :D)

Supercaps does charge "non-officialy". Its all depends how long they have been left without external power. If you leave for short period ( 20-30min ) then recording time is almost instant after booting. But if left overnight or longer, then it takes 3-5, 8? sec to charge capacitors before it starts recording after booting.
I think the supercap needs a little more documentation in the manual for the Mobius. I understood the supercap should be able to hold the clock for some time, but now I'm not too sure. I would like the RTC to work reliably in my Mobius, if possible.
Just an update, updated my Mobius this evening. Before doing so checked my videos and my time stamp was reset??

The longest I have left it since the super cap has been in is 2 days? What could of caused this?
Just an update, updated my Mobius this evening. Before doing so checked my videos and my time stamp was reset??

The longest I have left it since the super cap has been in is 2 days? What could of caused this?
Is your USB charging set to ON?
I'm awaiting my Supercap from Banggood. It should arrive in the next few days. I'll let you know if I notice anything similar happening.
I'm assuming you've got Power Off set to Immediate....
You have to use immediate shutdown with an installed supercap. The supercap doesn't have enough power to keep the camera recording for more than a second or two. If you use a higher setting the capacitor will drain before the firmware has had time to close the last video clip so you will lose the last recording.
I'm awaiting my Supercap from Banggood. It should arrive in the next few days. I'll let you know if I notice anything similar happening.
I'm assuming you've got Power Off set to Immediate....

Yes, using all correct settings. It did hold date ok when I first got it. Bit annoying if after two days non use the date resets
Just an update, updated my Mobius this evening. Before doing so checked my videos and my time stamp was reset??

The longest I have left it since the super cap has been in is 2 days? What could of caused this?

My capacitor's been in use for 6 weeks, with no problems. The longest the car's been parked-up in the past 6 weeks is also 2 days, but no problem with the date/time stamp.
Just an update, updated my Mobius this evening. Before doing so checked my videos and my time stamp was reset??

The longest I have left it since the super cap has been in is 2 days? What could of caused this?
My date stamp was reset, last time I checked too. I might just give up and disable it and rely on my G1W for the date & time info.
Seems there is definitely a problem. I updated the mobius last night and updated the time and date.

Put it back in car last night and turned it on for 10 mins this morning. Checked recording and date and time was reset to 2013 again? Seems it's not doing it job

Worse case scenario switch the time stamp off, but seems a little disappointing.

Question, could the plug connector of came loose for the super cap? or would the device not turn on at all without a battery/cap connected to the circuit board?

...or could this recent cold spell affect the duration of a super cap?
...would the device not turn on at all without a battery/cap connected to the circuit board?

Mobius will work under external power without internal battery or capacitor, however, when power is cut the last file being recorded won't be saved (bad news if the last file is accident evidence), & the date/time stamp will be incorrect.
Mobius will work under external power without internal battery or capacitor, however, when power is cut the last file being recorded won't be saved (bad news if the last file is accident evidence), & the date/time stamp will be incorrect.

Hmm ok, the connection can't of come loose then because all my last videos files are fine.

Don't get it? Looks like I will have to live with it I guess. I'll turn the time stamp off as leaving it on with incorrect date will look more dodgey then not having date should I need to show video for evidence