Mobius Super Capacitor.

Update: Since my last post, my rear mounted Mobius B Lens with Supercapacitor started and recorded every single time I started the car engine. I checked the files recorded every 3-4 days and every time the last file, just before stopping the car engine, was saved and playable on PC. I also noticed that after 4 days of not driving the car the correct date&time were lost. A quick connection of Mobius to PC and use of msetup and the date&time were synchronized. Keep well and drive safe!
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... after 4 days of not driving the car the correct date&time were lost.

Both of my Mobius cams held date & time after 5 days of not being used, on one occasion last year.

One of them is out of the car at the moment. It hasn't been used since Monday. I'll let it rest for 10 days & see if it still retains the date & time. Update to follow on Thursday September 3...
Maybe we can replace the capacitors inside the supercapacitor in order to have more capacity, while keeping the charging mechanism circuit. Can we DIY it?

What is the guideline of choosing a capacitors for this "task"?
Any 2 units of 2.7V in series?
i saw this youtube clip:

this capacitor will work (6F instead of 5F)? maybe this (10F instead of 5F)
Or maybe we can join 2 (original) super capacitors in parallel so we will have in total 4 capacitors, 2 supercapacitors in parallel (2 capacitors in series in each supercapcitor).

larger capacitors can keep a charge longer, they do however take longer to charge which can also be a negative
Maybe we can replace the capacitors inside the supercapacitor in order to have more capacity, while keeping the charging mechanism circuit. Can we DIY it?

What is the guideline of choosing a capacitors for this "task"?
Any 2 units of 2.7V in series?
i saw this youtube clip:

this capacitor will work (6F instead of 5F)? maybe this (10F instead of 5F)
Or maybe we can join 2 (original) super capacitors in parallel so we will have in total 4 capacitors, 2 supercapacitors in parallel (2 capacitors in series in each supercapcitor).


Today i "played" with paint (i'm not so good in photoshop) in order to explain myself:
4 super capacitors (6F 2.7V each) -> each couple is in series (5.4v, 3F each couple?).
so in total 5.4v, 6F ?
is that possible?

maybe the measurment are 1-2mm wrong..
the same experiment with the original mobius capacitors will be around 28x35mm in size.
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Since the capacitors are just keeping enough power to save the last file. Why would there be a need for larger ones?
in order to be sure that the last file will be saved and the Real Time Clock (RTC) will be saved for longer than 4-7-9 days.
Since the capacitors are just keeping enough power to save the last file. Why would there be a need for larger ones?

they only reason people that modify battery powered cameras go to large capacitors is due to the firmware not being appropriate, as the Mobius has an instant shutdown option in the firmware then no, there's no real need to use larger caps, larger caps could stay charged longer and hold the clock longer, but larger caps can also be a negative as well as they don't get up to charge quick enough so there are some circumstances where that could be a problem, for example when capacitors are low and a you have a car that cuts power when cranking, the start, stop, start can be a problem that can trip the camera up
Jokin is right but as long as you remembered to stop for several seconds between "on" and "start" when the car has sat unused for several days the caps should charge up enough to carry on through the starting procedure. Caps charge very quickly since there is less electron capacity to be filled (or drawn from) compared to a battery. The 2S2P circuit you've drawn is the correct way to go with this- the voltage remains the same with the storage potential doubled. Are you finding supercaps which will fit into the case? Let us know where you got them and how well it works as I might give this a try myself.

I have 2 mobius cameras and both running capacitors, so i removed the other capacitor and tried to place both capacitors on the same camera.
So, the results: 4 units will fit only if i will place the 2.7V 5F mobius capacitors.
The 6F capacitors are too big, but 4 units of 2.7V 5F in the same 2s2p circuit configuration that i drew - will fit.
2 capacitors (2.7V 6F) will fit also.
i have another question: what is the difference between a capacitor and super-capacitor?
i can see the in the original mobius super-capacitor it says "hy-cap" and on ebay search i find "dynacap" marked capacitors.
they are the same or the supercapacitor is unique in some kind?
I have 2 mobius cameras and both running capacitors, so i removed the other capacitor and tried to place both capacitors on the same camera.
So, the results: 4 units will fit only if i will place the 2.7V 5F mobius capacitors.
The 6F capacitors are too big, but 4 units of 2.7V 5F in the same 2s2p circuit configuration that i drew - will fit.
2 capacitors (2.7V 6F) will fit also.
i have another question: what is the difference between a capacitor and super-capacitor?
i can see the in the original mobius super-capacitor it says "hy-cap" and on ebay search i find "dynacap" marked capacitors.
they are the same or the supercapacitor is unique in some kind?

A supercapacitor, (also known as ultracapacitor) or double-layer capacitor, differs from a regular capacitor in that it has very high capacitance. Capacitance is the ability of a body to store an electrical charge. Super-capacitors have very high energy density in comparison to common capacitors.

"Hy-cap and dynacap are simply brand names"
I'm checking how long one of my Mobius B cams will sit unused before losing the correct date / time stamp. It's just successfully gone 7 days. Suppose I should check it again in 8 days time...

Update. I installed capacitors in my two Mobius cams 19 months & 16 months ago, respectively. Both cams start recording when the engine is started. Both hold date & time correctly, & save the last file after the engine is switched off.

As per Post #593 above, one Mobius is currently out of the car to evaluate how long it retains the correct date & time stamp, when not in daily use.
my mobius (B) was not in use for 7 days and the date\time was not saved.
Further to Post #593 above, I forgot to check the Mobius yesterday. So I checked it today, Mobius having been unused for 9 days. The correct date / time stamp has been retained...

Welcome to the forum Tesla :)

:) thank you!

where can you see that they are fakes?

the date should be on the capacitors YYWW (year, week) or the other way around. In this case, 0714 means year 2007, week 14. In 2007 the DZ series was only 2 .5V and 6F cap was never produced in any year. Elna catalog 2007/2008:!5ooQAJYY!skmXSHTMDCQvuURTdkMPrNkAiiOxDorWBwYiiZupTYY

currently you should find only these