Mother goes to check the curve her son had an accident in when another car repeats fate

Street Guardian USA

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2013
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Oakland Park, Florida (USA)
United States
Dash Cam
[Spain] Mother goes to check the curve her son had an accident in when another car follows the exact same fate right in front of her.

"N-607 (km 28), near Madrid. Nowadays, I believe it's already fixed, but some years ago it even got the nickname of *curva de la muerte* due to the great amount of accidents that took place there. You can even hear the mother swearing *sons of bitches* at the end."

"Crazy how looking at the guard rail you see where the first car went over and this one went over the exact same spot. "
Wow! That's a strange coincidence! Not sure WTF that driver was doing.
Around here, we have "the roundabout of death" - where many drivers have met their fate.
Thing is, for every driver that smashes into it, many thousands manage to negotiate it without problem.
Drive along many motorways & you often get the matrix signs displaying variable road speeds - and yet, despite slowing to the displayed limit, I often get many who believe they know best & come bundling past.

In this instance, the sign clearly indicates 80 - but I wonder just how fast those other cars were going?