My Mobius thread: initial contact, some questions and why I didn't keep it (read this before buying)

you can probably get it a bit better with some adjustment without it having too much impact on the day results
That's what I've been doing for the last half an hour. :)

Only played around with Sharpness, Exposure and Contrast. Ended up leaving the Contrast at Normal because any minor up or down setting makes the video too bright or too dark.
With the Sharpness and the Exposure set at -64 the video quality seemed better but the graininess doesn't disappear, and now I noticed another thing: it's still. It's like there's a colored net in front of the sensor.

Tomorrow I'll put it next to the At11DA and do some daytime testing with these settings to see how it works.
just to rule out any influence from the car
Oh, you mean the Advance Video Settings tweaking tests? Those were all done outside with the camera in my hand, just like all the other tests I ran on this unit. I haven't installed it in the car yet. :)
@Module 79L, which lens do you have on your Mobius? I'm not sure you've told us so far and a quick perusal of this thread doesn't seem to mention it anywhere.

There are differences to how each lens will perform at night and as you may know, you also need to make sure you select the correct lens version in mSetup for optimal results before you start tinkering with the other settings. Also, there was a period of time when some of the new FRP lens modules were prone to some issues that the original metal ones didn't have that have since been sorted out.
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did you have it on a tripod?
No, I was just holding it in my hand.

I think the video shows it better than the still pictures:

Watch it in 1080p in full screen and tell me what you think.
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@Module 79L, which lens do you have on your Mobius? I'm not sure you've told us so far and a quick perusal of this thread doesn't seem to mention it anywhere.

There are differences to how each lens will perform at night and as you may know, you also need to make sure you select the correct lens version in mSetup for optimal results before you start tinkering with the other settings. Also, there was a period of time when some of the new FRP lens modules were prone to some issues that the original metal ones didn't have that have since been sorted out.
It's a C2 and I've always set mSetup for this lens, in both cameras.

I just realized I don't have any screenshots from other Mobiuses to compare mine's with. :confused:
You must have a lot of night clips from your Mobiuses. Could you post some screenshots of one of your C2's, preferrably with the vehicle stopped in a lit place, such as a street, a car park or even at some traffic lights?

In fact, any Mobius owner who eventually read this thread is more than welcome to contribute with their screenshots as well. I'd appreciate it very much. :)
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Watch it in 1080p in full screen and tell me what you think.

Could you explain to everyone what specifically is your complaint about how this camera is performing?

Also, I notice all your footage seems to have the Mobius set to "narrow" which uses only the center 1920 x 1080 portion of the sensor. Have you tried using your Mobius at night using the "Wide" setting? The wide setting takes advantage of the entire 2304 x 1296 area of the CMOS and then reduces the image to 1920 x 1080 using pixel binning. You can expect somewhat different results if you do that.
Could you explain to everyone what specifically is your complaint about how this camera is performing?
This: 1-Recorte.jpg
This: 3-Recorte.jpg
or this: 8-Recorte.jpg
A lot of moving colored dots all over the picture. None of my other two cameras do that.

Also, I notice all your footage seems to have the Mobius set to "narrow" which uses only the center 1920 x 1080 portion of the sensor. Have you tried using your Mobius at night using the "Wide" setting? The wide setting takes advantage of the entire 2304 x 1296 area of the CMOS and then reduces the image to 1920 x 1080 using pixel binning. You can expect somewhat different results if you do that.
Yes, I have tried it (it's the last clip of the video, as its caption states) but it's too wide. I have to point the camera to the sky if I don't want the whole dashboard or me driving appearing in the footage. Plus the fisheye effect is also much bigger than in narrow mode.
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without being solidly mounted a bit of movement will give you some motion blur
It's not the motion blur I'm complaining about. I know all cameras do that at night. It's the moving colored dots or colored graininess or whatever you want to call it. Am I the only one who can see it?
Try the wide setting and do some comparisons and see how it looks
Did you watch the whole video? The last clip was shot in wide mode. Compare it with the others and see if there's any difference, apart from the wider FOV.
This morning I ran some tests with different exposure settings, keeping the rest of the settings unchanged. The (-) settings are from Normal to Dark and the (+) settings are from Normal to Light.

Test 1: Exposure set at -64 (this setting was the one that worked "better" at night)
1-Exposure -64.jpg
The sky's color is closer to reality but the rest is a bit too dark.
In close, unlit places it's even darker:

2-Exposure -64.jpg

Test 2: Exposure set at -32
3-Exp -32.jpgThe sky is a bit brighter than in reality but this one seems to have the best balance between dark and light.

Test 3: Exposure set at +32
4-Exp +32.jpg
The sky is overly bright and the white things start to get a bit washed out.

Test 4: Exposure set at +16
5-Exp +16.jpg
This one also has a good balance but on the brighter side.

I'm leaning more towards the -32 because I think the +16 will be overly bright in sunny conditions. I'll test both of them when it gets dark to see how they perform at night.

In your opinion, which one looks better?

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Night tests with the different exposure settings. These were done with the car parked and the cameras side by side on the windscreen. I put a screenshot of the AT11DA with each Mobius screenshot, because I have nothing else to compare it with.

Test 1: Exposure set at -32
3- Mobius exp -32.jpg

3- AT11DA.jpg

Test 2: Exposure set at -16
1- Mobius exp -16.jpg

1 - AT11DA.jpg

Test 2: Exposure set at +16
2- Mobius exp +16.jpg
2- AT11DA.jpg

So, there you have it. No matter what I do I can't get rid of the colored dots.
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what hardware does the AT11DA use?
A 96650 processor (checked it myself), the sensor, according to all the specs I found online, is a OV0330(?) but I guess what they wanted to say was AR0330 and, also according to the same specs, a 6-element glass lens. Some sellers say it's a 170º lens, some say it's 148º, all I know is that it has the same FOV as the Mobius's narrow setting.