my SD card is stuffed, cant format it

Let us know when you find a good brand. Seems I've used them all. Just sent back two Samsung Evo cards that arrived DOA.

One of my older cards, a Lexar Professional SDXC, just died after 3 years of DSLR use. Lexar promptly issued a RMA and is going to replace it under its lifetime warranty.
That's one reason why I use sandisk exclusively. The warranty and top customer service.
just got email saying my sandisk warranty claim has been approved and they are sending a new one out today.
Just got mine back yesterday, after sales service is great. *****
this is one reason why i rock sandisk exclusively. their CS is top shelf should I ever need it. good follow up gents...
but if their cards cant stand up to continual rewrites looping all the time then is it worth whole having one??
Im wondering if these cards are more susceptible to the SRH (safely remove hardware) protocol than other cards are in dash cams as I have always had SanDisk cards in my phones and cameras which have a (safly dismount sd card function) and never had a failure yet, untill I started using them in my dash cams which Dont have that. "in my cams anyway".
ive not had a failure of any of the sandisk cards ive used to date in any of the dash cams i own. i swap them out daily and format in camera as i go. no issues, and this is 24/7.
just got my sandisk replacement card today, its a sandisk 64GB Pixtor, not the ultra I sent them. a bit of googling, very briefly tells me this is a slightly better card? any one know the difference?
that's just it, nothing there, had to google and nothing much on it either.
my replacement SD card has just crapped itself. computer wont recognise it now, the camera wont record to it, just says "check the SD card". sandisk are pieces of crap, I will never own another one. I used to think they were great brands but 2 failures in such a short time is not good enough.
How about you change SD adapters Have had trouble with them causing problems and when I use a different one the card is fine.

They get chucked in a drawer and get crap in them and dont work properly.

Best work logically before condemning the cards all the time.

I have several Sandisk cards of different types and havent had any troubles with them or my Samsung ones.

If any play up in PC I just change adapters and usually they then work ok
I have tried 2 different adaptor, 2 different pc's, tried also 2 different sd cards and one works fine in both and sandisk fails in both.
warranty claim on my warranty claim card was accepted, new card is being posted today.
just got my sandisk ultra plus warranty replacement today, I wont be opening the package I will be selling it.