nanoQ 0903

Any ideas on when this or any new MINI model will be actually available for sale?
we just got the plastic housings today. will start pre-production and find out any problems for mass production.
The mold shop took us a long time to revise the modifications.
Hold your breath, bro
and the Parking Guard Kit is under test now.
Rayman.Chan thank you for the info.
When Ambarella version will be available? Xmas 2016? :)
People, patience is virtue :p
Haha, you should be patient but you shouldn't hold your breath in this case, otherwise you will really be going to the Holy Land :p
People, patience is virtue :p
Yep, this one will not be a Christmas present, it will be a 2016 camera and by Christmas 2016 will be well tested, proven and widely available in good supply, maybe.

Development of new products takes time and will always run into unexpected problems, you need patience. If you don't have patience, stick to old products that the shops already have piled up on their shelves.

The best products are normally those that take longest to develop and run into the most problems, they are the ones that the other developers gave up on and either released something sub-standard before it was ready, or didn't release at all. So when/if this arrives, it should be very good :D
Yep, this one will not be a Christmas present, it will be a 2016 camera and by Christmas 2016 will be well tested, proven and widely available in good supply, maybe.

Development of new products takes time and will always run into unexpected problems, you need patience. If you don't have patience, stick to old products that the shops already have piled up on their shelves.

The best products are normally those that take longest to develop and run into the most problems, they are the ones that the other developers gave up on and either released something sub-standard before it was ready, or didn't release at all. So when/if this arrives, it should be very good :D

Thank you for an informative & intelligent reply
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Haha, you should be patient but you shouldn't hold your breath in this case, otherwise you will really be going to the Holy Land :p
What is this Holy Land of which you speak?
I am told there are many among your peoples.
Each proclaimed to be the "one & only";
And for time immemorial the cause of unending disputes & bloodshed.

Every moment of which has been documented in the annals of history, & recently transferred to 128gb micro SD cards
It's where I live :p

Curious about why all the women have really knobbly knees in your area !

you probably never noticed but take a look and once noticed you cant stop looking and wondering !!!!
Curious about why all the women have really knobbly knees in your area !

you probably never noticed but take a look and once noticed you cant stop looking and wondering !!!!
To be honest I never get down that far ;)
The NanoQ is a very interesting camera with a lot of great potential, yet my understanding is that as little as a week ago it still had as yet unresolved hardware and firmware challenges. How could it possibly be ready to sell?
This feels all too familiar and it's not a good feeling. So much energy and effort went into the mini 0806 yet the launch was a disaster. Hope we are not about to witness a replay.
product itself is ready with completed firmware.
New products should be perfected gradually, thanks.