New Beta Firmware V2.2 for A129 Duo

No necessary to upload the loader, as this version does not support exFat.

There are still some bugs for exFat, after we fixed, we will release a new version.
What about people that already updated the loader for the beta? Do you have the regular loader that we can use?
2 days after upgrading to v 2.0 the camera beeps constant;ly when entering parking mode. Also, the camera is extremely sluggish in menus and on a few occasions it froze and I had to unplug and replug the power. I'll try the low level format thing....
2 days after upgrading to v 2.0 the camera beeps constant;ly when entering parking mode. Also, the camera is extremely sluggish in menus and on a few occasions it froze and I had to unplug and replug the power. I'll try the low level format thing....
Pathetic. Viofo as a company is absolutely incompetent.
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2 days after upgrading to v 2.0 the camera beeps constant;ly when entering parking mode. Also, the camera is extremely sluggish in menus and on a few occasions it froze and I had to unplug and replug the power. I'll try the low level format thing....
I have also noticed this. I received my camera around 1 month ago and installed it perfectly - I am very fussy with this sort of stuff. Firmware 1.9 was shipped with this thing.
I had opted for low-bitrate parking mode, as I liked the idea of audio being part of parking mode videos. I had noticed that, on occasion, the parking mode would be lucky to last for a few minutes. Sometimes an hour or two. I had altered the cut-off voltage on the HK3. Results were not consistent.
I switched to a time-lapse recording for parking mode, 3fps. Was working quite well with this.
Upgraded to firmware v2.0 the other day, when it became available on Viofo site. Did the reset and default settings. Formatted card a couple of times in camera and put it back in the car.
I now find I am, more often than not, getting in to my car after work / grocery shopping to a camera with the consistent beeping (obviously indicating a failure to record). On reviewing the recordings for the past couple of days, the parking mode may be working approx 10% of the time. Not impressed.
I don't understand... Is Viofo not testing these damn firmwares? How can you publish a firmware as stable when it's clearly more unstable than the betas?
We are doing the testing for them for free. I wouldn't mind that if they would actually CARE about users' feedback....
I don't understand... Is Viofo not testing these damn firmwares? Can can you publish a firmware as stable when it's clearly more unstable than the betas.
We are doing the testing for them for free. I wouldn't mind that if they would actually CARE about users' feedback....
Seems they aren't. With all the people testing etc it seems pretty average they would release this firmware to the public with a parking mode that doesn't work and, like you had also noticed, a menu system that often becomes that laggy that it's unusable.
Hardware-wise they did a good job. However, they seem to have incompetent programmers.

Part of the problem is that the SOC chip-maker's SDK doesn't give them full control of what's going on- all dashcam companies are limited with what they can do because of this, and some problems can't be resolved until the SDK gets updated or revised :cautious:

And yes, in the dashcam world we often get buggy firmware updates, so in effect we're all involuntary beta-testers to some degree :eek: Usually that gets sorted out quickly, but not always, which is why I always recommend letting others try first and see what happens before you jump in yourself. Not the way things should be, just the way things are.

Part of the problem is that the SOC chip-maker's SDK doesn't give them full control of what's going on- all dashcam companies are limited with what they can do because of this, and some problems can't be resolved until the SDK gets updated or revised :cautious:

And yes, in the dashcam world we often get buggy firmware updates, so in effect we're all involuntary beta-testers to some degree :eek: Usually that gets sorted out quickly, but not always, which is why I always recommend letting others try first and see what happens before you jump in yourself. Not the way things should be, just the way things are.


Not necessarily true. Street Guardian manages and controls their SDK. I believe this is probably a more costly route, which requires employing developers, but also allows for flaws to be corrected far more quickly.
To be honest the level of testing does leave a lot to be desired. If as people suspect that the SD cards might be adding to the problems then they should at least state what cards they have tested with.
To be honest the level of testing does leave a lot to be desired. If as people suspect that the SD cards might be adding to the problems then they should at least state what cards they have tested with.
Tested with Samsung PRO endurance 128GB UHS-I U1 (100R / 30W), bought one month ago, worked flawlessly with v 1.5. SD Carrd formatted immediately after installing v2.0, camera reset to factory defaults as well. Satisfied? We all know the drill already....
I believe the level of feedback from the company on user tests is even worse.
The new v2.0 optimized the loop recording for slow cards, this new change may need more testing, and will recheck this.

Most of dashcam company almost doesn't update the SDK after camera released.
The new v2.0 optimized the loop recording for slow cards, this new change may need more testing, and will recheck this.

We can help you on testing, but you need to establish a testing procedure and a way to centralize user's feedback.
Tested with Samsung PRO endurance 128GB UHS-I U1 (100R / 30W), bought one month ago, worked flawlessly with v 1.5. SD Carrd formatted immediately after installing v2.0, camera reset to factory defaults as well. Satisfied? We all know the drill already....
I believe the level of feedback from the company on user tests is even worse.

I meant Viofo not the the end users.
Well now I understand why there is no download link for the firmware on the firmware page. At least they had the sense to pull it.
The new v2.0 optimized the loop recording for slow cards, this new change may need more testing, and will recheck this.

Most of dashcam company almost doesn't update the SDK after camera released.
How many times are you going to check and recheck if every time you release an update It’s riddled with bus and gets pulled. I don’t think the words check, recheck and quality control mean what you think they mean.

so, here we are right back where we started no firmware, cameras with advertised features not working or not working properly, and customers continue to wait.
As I’ve said before they are not fit for PURPOSE ! We should get our money back !!!
v2.1 now on Viofo firmware page.

Are release versions the same as the Beta of the same number?